
Power Of A Necromancer

[Emily, Human]

Attribute point: Str T1 (1/10) Dex T1 (2/10) Vit T1 (1/10) Energy T1 (3/10) Sense T1 (1/10)

Special Attribute point: Sanity (574/600) if sanity decrease under 50 point user become a lich. if sanity decrease to 0 the user soul will be crushed.

Trait _Necromancer_

User can summon an army of skeleton and use dark and soul magic. User can absorb the soul of the dead to increase his power. No one shall oppose the ruler of darkness!

Ruler of the darkness (Level 1):

User is a great dark mage and necromancer. can be upgraded by using 300 soul energy

Summoning magic: Skeleton

Dark magic: Cursed arrow

Soul magic: Soul vision

Trait skill 1: Soul absorb

User can absorb the soul of the dead and gain soul energy. The amount of energy depend on the absorbed soul. Soul energy can be exchanged against attribute points.

Trait skill 2: Energy increased by 120% when using dark or soul magic at a 5% chance.

Trait skill 3: Servant summoning (Level 1)

User can summon one servant of darkness that can become stronger. Can be upgraded by using 30 soul energy

Soul energy: 0

Attribute point exchange: 3 soul energy = One T1 attribute point

Meyren was speechless and wanted to shout to the world that this was way too owerpowered, but when he remembered his own new trait he didn't think too much about it or else he would just be cursing himself.

He was more worried about the sanity stat and what it implied. He tought that it should be better if he took his sister with him to the mastery trial monastery to let her gain more strength sooner and for her to have more willpower. In addition her servants were known for their strength in the past. If she trained them this soon she would be at least two time stronger than the great necromancer in Meyren past life maybe even becoming the leader of the strong and overwhelmingly rich magic association. And this was something he wanted to see, she was his sister after all so he could gain a lot of benefits from a cooperation with her.

The only problem was the safety of his parents. Even if the monsters created by existence and the shops would appear only one week after the Change, the other races were already here and in his past life it was well known that the underground and yeriel were home to all type of savage and cunning monsters.

He then smiled and told his sister that was still looking at him nervously "Emily, how about becoming stronger with brother? It would be better to be able to protect ourselves and our parents from the unknown don't you think?" His sister was surprised by the sudden declaration and said "What about our parents?" Meyren smiled wryly, he looked at the traits of his parents before coming to see the tra... comfort Emily, and they were so useless that he felt like he was not so unlucky in his past life. "It would be dangerous for them since their traits aren't good Emi. They will have to go with the others for now and wait for us to become stronger to protect them." He tried to look as gentle as possible while saying this. Actually he was not really worried about his parents because he knew that they would remain alive since his town was safe even after 2 years because of the remote location. Surprisingly Emily nodded without another word 'It's so good that she's still immature and respect me so much...' Then he spoke with his parents that in the end, accepted to let them go on their own when Meyren showed them the power oh his OP main bloodline.

'I can finally go to the monastery! I will definitely clear all of the trials...' Even if he didn't want to admit it, he actually valued a handful of T1 Attribute points more than his own family, his desire to become a real expert and not some random assassin was this strong.

Meyren was walking with Emily who was calmly humming a song. He knew Fiern like the back of his hand since he never settled in just one place before, so it was totally obvious that he wouldn't get lost and knew the exact location of the mastery trial monastery and the safest road.

'I hope that the purple vine dungeon is already there. If i can have the bloodline of the purple vine wyvern maybe i could even try my luck with the magic trial...' the dungeon Meyren was hoping to find was one of the special zones called "Dark instance" it was like a dungeon in a game with rare monsters, loot and rewards. Existence seemed to really love games since the structure of Fiern was basically that of a game set on hardcore difficulty.

Even after five days the two siblings didn't meet any complication in their road, but Emily was still tired, she was just a 16 years old girl that lived in a world where a travel took some hours and not weeks or months so it wasn't that weird for her to be exhausted. Meyren shook his head and changed their direction to a town where one of the crystal shops was located. It was told before but Fiern was basically a game where you had only one life and the so-called shops were an absolute necessity in this game.

The humans didn't fight with their claws and fang so those that didn't have magic related trait needed a weapon, a real one not a kitchen knife. If even a bullet couldn't do any damage to a creature, only a person with an IQ inferior to zero would try to harm it with a knife after all. The role of the shops was to give everybody that could hold a normal conversation, a free weapon that could be used to kill the dark manifestations that dropped a thing called "quartz tears" that could be used to buy stronger weapons and other things at the shop. Initially Meyren would have relied on his sister when the dark manifestations began to appear since he still couldn't kill them easily without a weapon, but since she wanted to rest he didn't mind having one for himself even if it meant wasting two more days.

Seen from afar the town looked like it just experienced a gruesome war, but the roads were still crowded with the people who didn't really have a house anymore or that didn't want to remain with peoples that they didn't know when they didn't need to rest.Their expression were gloomy and some of them were still confused about what was happening. Now that he was thinking about it his sister was the weird one, what worried her more was the "evil" content of her trait instead of the change the world just experienced.

When they entered the town a few people looked at his sister with eyes filled with something that Meyren knew way too well. Lust. The governement wasn't giving any sign of being alive so the people were already beggining to become lawless. Humans were truly a weird race, they adapted to changes very fast and were ready to quit their original peaceful and normal life when the need arose. A little group of teens came in their direction while chuckling arrogantly, their eyes focusing on Emily. One of them that seemed to be the leader said with a voice that made Meyren want to cut his tongue "Hey little girl how about coming with brother? We have a house that's still intact and we can even have quite a bit of fun kekeke" he then turned to Meyren and said with a disdainful expression "Get lost loser." the guys behind him chuckled while repeating his words like a bunch of retards "Yeah get lost b*st*rd", "Hey lil' sis don't worry we're not as bad as this guy... when we're having night activities at least kekeke" Initially Meyren wanted to take care of things peacefully because he didn't want Emily to hate him, but when he saw how obedient Emily was right now he could just make her see how the world is.

"Don't wanna. Let's go Emi." He took the hand of his sister and put his other hand in his pocket. 'A knife won't be so useful against a dark manifestation but it's more than sufficient to behead some dogs.' He didn't even take two more step before the "leader" of this bunch of little hoodlums began to laugh madly while growing in size. 'Hoho, a shapeshifting trait? how unexpected' He didn't want to let the boy become dangerous so he attacked first.

Tyrannical slaughterer bloodline activation!

He gripped the handle of his knife firmly and his eyes and hair began to give a red glow. He appeared right in front of the man that was still transforming.

Blood target!

The man felt that something was wrong but it was too late. His hand fell to the ground and blood gushed forth from the injury, the man began to scream and cry like a child when he saw the blood oozing from his now handless arm while his friends took a step back with frightened faces.

They just wanted to make the boy in front of them afraid and would have at most broke his arm or something, but he just took a knife and cut the hand of their boss without them even seeing the process, how could they remain calm after this? They began to run without any sort of loyalty.

Emily was shocked when she saw what just happened "Brother you..." Meyren smiled and patted the head of his sister while smiling wryly "You have to protect yourself, no one can bully you without you making them regret." Emily nodded with a complicated expression while turning her eyes away from the bloody scene, but it satisfied Meyren for now.

The man was still screaming while begging for mercy, if he was a thug the man in front of him was his greatfather, he just wanted to beat himself for being such an impulsive person and letting his libido take the control. Meyren gave him a cold smile and whispered softly "Would you tell me where your so-called house is?" when he heard this the man face went white from fear.

The people that saw the scene were shocked and began to worry about their safety, they rushed to the houses that were still intact and hid themselves with their family and friends. Meyren smiled wryly when he saw that and tought 'It's good and all, but why the hell is Emily so obedient and accept all my words? Well it doesn't really matter...' Actually Emily trait made her into a ruthless dark magician so her mentality was also affected wich made her more cold, but Meyren still didn't know that. He decided to find a place where he could let his sister rest, before going to kill some thugs and absorbing their bloodlines to do some tests.

This night the usual refreshing cold breeze carried a strong scent of blood making the town feel eerie.

I have a lot of unexpected problems and very few inspiration so yeah...

My english is actually worst than i tought and i find myself unable to say a lot of things, so sorry for the late release and the few chapters... Fiern is the name of the complete world by the way.

OnyxDreamcreators' thoughts