

A lone figure could be seen lying down in a peak that was glowing with a gloomy red glimmer. Blood was dripping from a hole in his chest and his eyes were lifeless. The scene was natural, nothing looked out of place. The man smiled before closing his eyes. The last thing he heard was the cold voice of Existence saying "User have met the requirements. Again will be activated"

"Wake up little brat!" Meyren opened his eyes and saw the angry face of an old man that must have been his math teacher in high school. Strangely he felt warm when scolded, he really longed for those old days where he could live without worries and could be filled with dreams and hopes. Even if it was just for 2 more years he at least knew that he was safe. The only downside was that he still couldn't know what his trait was. He grinned and apologised to the teacher. When the bell rang he felt the urge to talk with some friends of his but... well he had always been a loner. He smiled wryly 'such a cliché lifestyle...'

He ate lunch in his classroom while trying to remember all he could about his old life as a high schooler. His family was pretty average, his parents were normal employees that could barely afford his and his sister's tuition fees. After all this time living in a chaotic world his feelings were not as strong as before but he could feel that he still loved his family. He was 16 years old after his rebirth and was still as plain looking as always. He then began to recall some basic knowledge About the Grand Change. The Grand Change was a calamity that struck the plane 0 in 2023, where three demi-world: yeriel, earth and underground were merged into one complete world called Fiern by Existence.

In this new world the natives of the three demi-worlds had to fight for territories and against monsters created by Existence called dark manifestation. To survive and become the lead figure of this chaotic world he had to train and get used to his now weak body the fastest he could. If he wanted to be ahead of everyone, hard work was a must! Maybe he could even help his family by leaving school and focusing entirely on his training, but how could he convince his parents to accept? He had no idea. He packed his lunch when the break ended and awaited the end of the lectures. The sound of the bell announcing the end of the dau was the most satisfying thing he heard since his rebirth, he got up from his seat happily and then went to his house. When he arrived he hugged his confused parents before going to his room to train. He didn't study at all since after two years all this knowledge will become useless anyway. He then went to sleep dreaming about those OP traits.

Two years passed as fast as lightning but Meyren didn't feel any grief or regret. He really enjoyed those 2 years of calm but he didn't forget his inital goal: being the strongest!

Only three minute more and he could know what his trait was! His heart was beating as fast as a lamborghini 'Please give me invincibility, elemental emperor, dragonborn or nirvana cycle! I beg you!'. The earth shook and the sky began to crack like glass. In fact those fissure were spatial distortion caused by the merging of the three small demi-world into a way bigger complete world. The cold and indifferent sound of Existence rang inside his head "Imparting unified language Origin... Creating trait... Completed. Open your status."

Even if it was actually the second time that he was living this event, he still felt amazed by this feeling of gaining new knowledge out of nowhere. He then shouted anxiously "Open status!"

The chapter will be longer afterward i just didn't want to talk about his trait so soon. I can at least say that his trait is quite godly and is related to blood hehe.

OnyxDreamcreators' thoughts