
Good intentions of James Diwans

My name is Leila Cally Davidson love can hurt makes you happy be challenging and complicated But with James Diwans love is safe caring protective affection it comes with good intentions But when family comes in between with millions at risk can love wins money in this free world with a cost on everything Love only is never enough sometimes you have to fight for what you want This is Leila and James ‘s story fighting against the world

Azahizi · Urbain
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30 Chs

Chapter ten

 I woke up early going to the airport to pick up my grandparents since I didn't know them I hold a big card with their names on Palma was with me

" hey my grand babies" an old woman who looked exactly like my mom greeted us I knew she was my grandmother Palma hugs her and hug me too " you are all looks like Becky" she adds 

" come give some hug grandpa it's good to meet you " he greets us they were so welcoming I don't why they had to disown my mother after getting pregnant under age with me but again who can blame them it's that easy having your little girl getting pregnant in high school as I think that I touch my still flat stomach I will protect you baby no matter what your father thinks I think to myself we took a tax but my grandparents wanted to first see mom so we went to the hospital directly 

" mom " Palma calls her she was still awake every time we come to visit her she tries to put a brave face but I can see that it's getting hard 

" mom " she turns to her father " Dad" she said with tears in her eyes my grand parents were also about to cry so I called Palma and outside to give them some time to talk we got to the cafeteria downstairs 

" so tell me how are things with Jack " I asked Palma i feel like we haven't talked for ages we all been trying to be strong with mom being sick 

" we got back together Kelly and Sarah forever me we are really good they are visiting mom tonight I told them that she is sick since on next week I won't be going to school for a few days" she said lighting up 

" that's good to hear you know Jack is a good boy " she smiles at me 

" so tell me what's going between you and James and don't bother lying to me I know you are not good " she ask me giving me a look not to dare lie about it 

" nothing big we are just trying to figure things out with this baby coming we are not on the same page about it" i concluded I am not going on telling my sister about my relationship not that I don't trust her I do but I just don't want her to hate James in case he changes his mind about this baby 

After visiting we went all home my grandparents stayed in my mother's room Palma went out with her boyfriend and I went for my afternoon shift at the laboratory at the hospital after I was done there wasn't a lot of work today I was going home when I pumped into someone I just mummers a sorry kept going 

"Leila" a voice I know very well like I know my name called me I turn around come face to face with my boyfriend whom I feel like it's been years since I last saw him he looked perfect as always in a navy blue suit he looked great and handsome as always I was lost in his ocean blue eyes which I loved so much i really with my baby get his eyes he touch my arm and I feel goosebumps all over my body 

" am sorry i really didn't look where I was going " I apologize again 

" it's okay........ can we talk " he asked me he is really tall he knew I hated when he stands to close in front of me it makes me feel small and short for my own good 

I looked around nodded my head he holds my hand and pulls me to his car opened the door for me turn around get inside the car and drives off

" I want a silence place for us to talk is it okay if we go to my apartment " he ask me but i really don't care where we go as long as am with him 

" I don't care " i said turn leaning my head to the window am mad at him but i really miss him that it is overwhelming i could feel ties forming in my eyes but I fight them back what a hell why am I even crying 

We got to his apartment he loved in the penthouse on the last floor of the building I liked his view it's like he could see the whole city from there when we got inside I used to feel like home being here but now I don't know what to do so I just stand there 

" you can sit down you know" he said after he saw that I was just standing there" do you want anything to eat " he adds I just shake my head no 

"Anything I could cook for you or order something for us " he went to his fridge got a beer from there 

" James am not here to eat please just say what you want to say " i said getting annoyed he is acting as if we are okay he take a sip on his beer taking steps he sits on the table in front of me 

" am really sorry Leila I know I made a mistake I just flicked out and....... Look i know you would never cheat on me I trust you and I love you please I know I made a mistake a big one give me a chance to make things right " he said slowly touching my knees 

" why now "