
God of Tricksters

"God of Mischief is interested in you and wants you to be his emissary. Do you accept?" With blood and wounds covered his entire body, the voice echoing inside his mind was like that of a hope shining upon him. In the glorious future era, mankind had discovered the bottom of the sea and conquered the sky, but they also accidentally opened the Pandora box that shouldn't be opened. They found a place where lived numerous unknown creatures. Here, humans will wrest their lives to step upon their greatest evolution and create their own myths, including Theodore. Faced with betrayals, surrounded by beasts, and faced with imminent death, he answered with resolve and tenacity. "Yes!" ------- Other works: 1. I Can Read People's Comment 2. Oil Tycoon: Let's Find Oil in a Martial World 3. Gacha Sovereign (Completed) 4. The Magician of Sound (Completed) 5. Reincarnated to Bonk in Another World (Completed) ------- Discord Server: https://discord.gg/yFvfjxRQag

Fixten · Fantaisie
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2135 Chs


"First of all, I would like to thank you for coming to this small place," said Theo politely

"No problem. I can finally see my grandson with my own eyes, so I already win no matter the result." Leonardo laughed nonchalantly while resting his hand on Bernard's shoulder, looking at him with a smug smile.

Bernard looked away while hitting Leonardo's hand, pushing it away. He then turned to Theo with a serious expression. "Anyway, I have presented you with my offers. I believe this is a suitable offer for you, so yeah, choose wisely."

"I will. Let me think about it first before choosing it." Theo smiled.

"Of course."

"By the way, I have a question." Theo asked, "What is your country's take in having a monster as a pet?"

"A monster as a pet?" Bernard widened his eyes and thought for a moment. Theo seemed to be planning an even more ridiculous idea than he originally thought. "You mean something like a Monster Trainer?"