
Giant Bloodline, Starting from Saving Cat-Eared Maiden

Wasteland Mercenary Reborn in a Nuclear Blast, with Giant Bloodline, Embarks Once Again on the Mercenary Journey! A tender cat-eared maiden, a gentle girl, a proud and romantic swordswoman, alongside a voluptuous mercenary tavern landlady, a sexy and intellectual mature woman mentor, and the domineering supporters of the Iron-blooded Empress, all stand before Field, the legendary mercenary. The pirate queen, braving the winds and waves, raises her sails for him... Field, the legendary mercenary, gazes at his girlfriends, each with contrasting personalities, with a troubled expression. Aren't the strong in this parallel world supposed to have multiple wives? How did it turn into a battlefield for him?

Lovetodrinklemo · Fantaisie
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126 Chs

Chapter 15: The Unreliable Big Guy

The restroom is inside the teaching building, and there's one in the library as well. Basically, any place off-limits to "outsiders" usually has a restroom, so it's no wonder he couldn't find it earlier.

With Hollan's permission, Field was now free to come and go. After using the restroom and exiting the library, Field looked relaxed. While he was in the restroom, he took a look around the library and came to a conclusion. No wonder it's called the ocean of knowledge; there are so many books. Field felt that perhaps he could find a way to study magic here and explore the ocean of knowledge when he had the chance.

Hollan watched him helplessly. She couldn't help but feel that this big guy was a bit out of place. Despite his honest and sincere appearance, his behavior and way of speaking seemed roguish and slick, giving off the vibe of an old scoundrel, even though he looked so young...

"Shall we make the trade now?" Field asked Hollan.

"Of course!" Hollan was a bit impatient. With a flash of light from the ring on her hand, a bag filled with gold coins appeared.

It's a storage ring, Field knew. The old man had one too, but it was bigger and heavier, more like a wrench, and he was wearing it on his thumb like a ring.

Field liked using it as a knuckle-duster.

As for why he didn't use the ring for storage—well, it was full, filled with various metal materials from the old man's blacksmith shop.

"Here are 1,500 gold coins. You can count them," Hollan said.

"No need. I trust the integrity of a mentor," Field said, taking the coins and hanging them from his waist.

Field's words pleased Hollan, and her fondness for this big guy increased a bit.

"So, when are you going to tell me what I want to know?" Field smiled and asked.

"Wait a moment. I need to take the corpse chunks to the laboratory first," Hollan said, looking at the still blood-stained sack.

A lot of Warg Demon blood had been wasted, which made her feel a bit sorry. Before the experiments succeeded, she wanted to make use of every part of the Warg Demon corpse, even if it was just a strand of meat or a drop of blood.

Field nodded, letting Hollan get busy first.

First, she took out a large bag with magical runes on it, obviously a magical device. After putting the Warg Demon chunks inside, not a drop of blood leaked out. Then she picked up the bag, tapped her foot, and flew into the academy.

Field watched her figure and sighed, "Flying must be nice."

Clearly, Hollan was also a magician, and she was probably of a high rank.

From start to finish, Geof and the others didn't ask much, because Field wasn't one of them.

Even Qiqi, curious as ever, approached Field and said, "Big guy, I think you might have gotten the Warg Demon chunks for a cheap price."

Even Qiqi could see it.

Field smiled, "I know, but it's okay. I'll have plenty of chances to make a profit from her in the future."

Qiqi nodded, seeming to understand.

Soon, Hollan returned.

"Can we talk now?" Field asked.

"This isn't the place for talking. Follow me," Hollan said, heading towards the depths of the library.

Field turned to Geof and the others. Geof, insightful as ever, said, "Go ahead, we'll wait for you at the school gate."

"Okay," Field nodded and followed along.

And Qiqi naturally followed behind Field like a little tail, and Field didn't stop her.

Seeing the library door close, Geof shook his head. "Let's go."

"What about Qiqi..." Martina asked.

"She's not one of us anymore," Geof said.


Following Hollan to the depths of the library, they found private rooms, presumably for quiet reading and studying by certain nobles. And there were snacks here too.

Bringing over a plate of snacks, Hollan asked, "Coffee, tea, or milk?"

"Milk, meow~" Qiqi immediately raised her hand.

Field, on the other hand, asked, "Do you have any alcohol?"

Hollan rolled her eyes. "What do you think?"

Field: "I think you do, so please bring me a glass of rum with some ice and cherry juice."

Hollan: "..."

What an out-of-place guy.

Ignoring his request, Hollan poured him a cup of tea, poured Qiqi a glass of milk, and then asked, "Which topic would you like to know about first?"

"Let's start with the Bloody Land," Field said.

Hollan nodded and proceeded to explain to Field in detail about the Bloody Land. Her description was similar to what Geof had mentioned, but more thorough. However, Hollan admitted that her knowledge about the interior of the Bloody Land was limited since very few people ventured there, and even fewer returned alive. Thus, the world's understanding of the Bloody Land was mainly restricted to the disasters it brought and the monsters it spawned.

Through Hollan, Field learned about more types of bloody monsters, such as Blood Demons, Plague Demons, Lionhead Demons, and Bloodthirsty Vampires. These monsters held considerable value, like the Warg Demon, which currently had a market price between four to five thousand gold coins. Selling it for one thousand five hundred gold coins meant Field was at a loss.

"How about it? Do you feel like you made a bad deal?" Hollan asked with a sly smile, hoping to see regret on Field's face. Clearly, this beautiful instructor had a mischievous side.

Disappointingly for her, Field showed no signs of regret. Instead, he chuckled, "No way. Making a deal with a beauty is never a loss. After all, they've already paid in advance with their captivating beauty."

Hmm... Besides, there were those potions he accidentally ruined.

Hollan was taken aback. She was certain she was being flirted with. However, she didn't feel repulsed; instead, she smiled and quipped, "Oh? So my beauty is worth three thousand five hundred gold coins?"

That was the price difference of the Warg Demon corpse.

Field chuckled. "Of course not. That's just the value at first glance. Haven't you noticed? I haven't even dared to blink until now." He pointed to his eyes.

Hollan was initially puzzled, but then she realized what he meant and couldn't help but laugh.

Meanwhile, Keke, who was munching on a cookie nearby, watched the playful exchange between the two with innocent curiosity, not quite understanding what was going on.

But never mind that; the milk here was really delicious.

She loved drinking milk the most, meow~

The humorous banter lightened Hollan's mood, and she found Field more agreeable.

"Besides these, I don't know much about the Bloody Land. It's not something a mere instructor like me can access," Hollan said, taking a sip of tea.

Field nodded. "Okay, onto the second matter, which is what I'm most concerned about: how to enter Hades."

"Why? Aren't you a mercenary? Why do you want to enter a magic academy?" Hollan asked. During the break, she had already confirmed Field's identity with the guards. After all, someone who had a Warg Demon corpse needed to be investigated.

"Because I love learning," Field said earnestly.

Hollan looked at him skeptically.

Less than three seconds later, Field shrugged and amended, "Okay, I admit it."

"Because the instructors at this academy are too beautiful."

"You know, nobody can resist beautiful instructors, and I'm no exception."

Hollan was amused once again.

Although he was a rough giant, he had a sweet tongue.

Conversing with him was quite pleasant.

However, Hollan also knew that Field was throwing up smoke screens. While he praised her, he didn't reveal any useful information.

He was indeed an unreliable big guy.