
Giant Bloodline, Starting from Saving Cat-Eared Maiden

Wasteland Mercenary Reborn in a Nuclear Blast, with Giant Bloodline, Embarks Once Again on the Mercenary Journey! A tender cat-eared maiden, a gentle girl, a proud and romantic swordswoman, alongside a voluptuous mercenary tavern landlady, a sexy and intellectual mature woman mentor, and the domineering supporters of the Iron-blooded Empress, all stand before Field, the legendary mercenary. The pirate queen, braving the winds and waves, raises her sails for him... Field, the legendary mercenary, gazes at his girlfriends, each with contrasting personalities, with a troubled expression. Aren't the strong in this parallel world supposed to have multiple wives? How did it turn into a battlefield for him?

Lovetodrinklemo · Fantasy
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126 Chs

Chapter 16:field personnel

"Hades Academy is a top-tier magic academy, so its enrollment process is different from other institutions," Hollan explained.

"The academy uses a special advancement system, and all students are high-achieving graduates from one of the thirteen affiliated magic academies of Hades. I believe you're from Hai Du, and Hai Du Magic Academy is one of them."

"Every year, the top one hundred students from the affiliated magic academies qualify for direct admission to Hades Magic Academy."

"So, if you want to enter Hades, this is one way to do it."

"But as you mentioned, you don't want to be just a student, and considering you're a mercenary, you probably won't be spending most of your time obediently attending classes in the academy..."

Field snapped his fingers. "Exactly. So, what should I do?"

Hollan leisurely picked up a cookie and, in no time, the plate of pastries was mostly devoured by the cat girl who had come with Field.

With a graceful sip of tea, she continued, "Therefore, you have two other ways to enter Hades Magic Academy."

"One, through internal recruitment."

"If any instructor or someone with internal recruitment quotas sees potential in you, they can directly admit you to the academy, and your status can vary depending on the situation."

"You could be a student, a research assistant, or an assistant instructor, depending on how the instructor arranges it."

"But the instructors at Hades Magic Academy have high standards. Without talent, no matter how you present yourself, you're unlikely to be noticed."

At this, Field's eyes lit up, eagerly looking at Hollan.

Raising an eyebrow, Hollan smiled, "Don't try to manipulate me. I won't recruit you internally."

"Why?" Field asked.

"Each instructor only has one internal recruitment quota per year, and mine is already reserved. She's a member of my research team and needs it more than you do."

"If you're willing to wait another year..." Hollan teased, her eyes playful, "maybe I'll consider you first."

Field chuckled and waved his hand. "Let's move on to the second option."

Hearing this, Hollan rolled her eyes, finished her cookie, wiped the crumbs off her fingers, and then continued.

"The second option, which I believe is most suitable for you, is to become an externally dispatched personnel."

"In addition to students, the academy also has some staff positions. Every year, there are quotas for externally dispatched personnel."

"What are these externally dispatched personnel mainly responsible for?" Field asked.

"You can think of them as mercenaries prioritized to work for the academy," Hollan explained.

"The academy has many tasks, some of which students cannot complete. These include long-distance, high-risk escort missions, dangerous monster hunting or capturing tasks, and so on. In short, they are high-risk or relatively complicated tasks."

"As you know, the academy ensures the safety of its students. However, when the academy needs assistance and students are not suitable for the job, the role of externally dispatched personnel becomes evident."

"Moreover, it's beneficial for you because you're already a mercenary, so the role doesn't conflict with your profession. Secondly, the rewards for academy tasks are generally more generous than tasks of similar levels elsewhere."

"And you'll have more freedom. Apart from a few mandatory tasks every month or two, the rest of the time, task acceptance is entirely voluntary."

"You can say that this is like a guaranteed job for mercenaries. You don't have to worry about not getting tasks, and you won't be constrained by the academy like students."

"You'll also have free access to various areas of the academy, won't be treated as outsiders, and will receive benefits for being externally dispatched personnel, including a fixed monthly salary, and..."

As Hollan continued to speak, Field's eyes sparkled more and more.

Indeed, he had bargained well!

The value of these benefits alone was worth more than a Warg Demon!

With this qualification as an externally dispatched personnel, all his financial and academy problems would be solved!

So, Field immediately agreed, "This is it!"

Hollan chuckled. "But, there's quite a competition for these externally dispatched personnel positions."

"The number of externally dispatched personnel slots is fixed, and they're only replenished when there's turnover, either by leaving or by death."

"This year, there are 185 slots to be filled."

"But just in the city of Grilla alone, there are at least three thousand people competing for these slots, and including surrounding areas, it's probably over ten thousand."

Field's eyes widened.

Was this the charm of a guaranteed job?

"So, the competition is really fierce..." Field nodded. "So, what's the competition format like?"

"It's simple. The academy assigns quotas to various guilds or other third parties, and they conduct small-scale assessments. The specific format varies from place to place, but the academy is only responsible for allocating the quotas."

"Therefore, some of the slots are given directly through internal arrangements, others can be bought, some require bidding, and some may involve completing certain special tasks or even engaging in a contest where the winner takes the slot, and so on."

"The year before last, there were only about thirty slots, and one of them was auctioned off for one hundred and twenty thousand gold coins."

Phil heard this and twitched at the corner of his mouth. It seemed that the competition for slots was even tougher than he had imagined.

"The most important thing is, you're currently not eligible to participate in the competition for slots," suddenly said Hollan.

"What do you mean?" Phil asked.

"Although the way the academy distributes the slots is not restricted, there are requirements," Hollan explained.

"You need to be at least a Gold-tier or Gold-ranked mercenary."

With that, Hollan's eyes suddenly lit up. "Oh right, I remembered. Each mentor also has a recommendation slot. The method of distributing these slots is up to the mentors themselves."

"I was actually thinking of putting my recommendation slot up for auction, although I won't fetch the price of the slot from two years ago, I think I can still get thirty to forty thousand gold coins for it."

Having said that, Hollan looked at Phil with a meaningful smile, making her intentions clear.

Phil was slightly surprised.

It had to be her!

So Phil remained silent for a moment, then said earnestly, "Can I use my handsome face as advance payment?"

Hollan was taken aback for a moment, then burst out laughing.

"You really have a thick skin!" she said.

Phil modestly replied, "Oh, you flatter me."

Hollan said, "I was complimenting you."

Phil responded, "Of course, beautiful words come from a beautiful mentor."

Hollan rolled her eyes at him. "Smooth talker."

Then she finished the last of her tea and said, "The recommendation slot is yours, but I have three conditions."

Phil asked, "Please tell me."

"First, as I mentioned, you need to be at least Gold-tier or a Gold-ranked mercenary. The slots will be distributed next month, so you need to reach this level before then. Otherwise, even if I want to give you the slot, I won't be able to."

Phil nodded. "No problem!"

"Good, the second condition," Hollan continued.

"After becoming a field operative, you must prioritize the tasks I assign you, and there may be some tasks you cannot refuse."

Phil raised an eyebrow. "How are these 'some tasks' determined?"

Hollan replied, "I haven't decided yet, but they will definitely be tasks that are very important to me."

Phil asked, "What if one of these tasks is suicidal?"

Hollan said, "Of course, I won't assign you a task that leads to certain death... but considering the uncertainty of tasks, this condition can be modified."

"How about... for these 'some tasks,' you cannot refuse them voluntarily. You can only flip a coin to make the decision."

"If it's heads, you must accept."

"If it's tails, you can choose whether or not to accept. What do you think?"

Phil laughed, "That's still full of uncertainty and challenge, I like it, count me in!"

Hollan smirked. "The third condition."

"Go make me a cup of tea. The tea leaves are in the second cabinet from the top, it's High Mountain White Peach Blossom tea. Remember to add one and a half sugar cubes, and don't forget to preheat the cup for the best taste."

Phil replied, "..."
