
Giant Bloodline, Starting from Saving Cat-Eared Maiden

Wasteland Mercenary Reborn in a Nuclear Blast, with Giant Bloodline, Embarks Once Again on the Mercenary Journey! A tender cat-eared maiden, a gentle girl, a proud and romantic swordswoman, alongside a voluptuous mercenary tavern landlady, a sexy and intellectual mature woman mentor, and the domineering supporters of the Iron-blooded Empress, all stand before Field, the legendary mercenary. The pirate queen, braving the winds and waves, raises her sails for him... Field, the legendary mercenary, gazes at his girlfriends, each with contrasting personalities, with a troubled expression. Aren't the strong in this parallel world supposed to have multiple wives? How did it turn into a battlefield for him?

Lovetodrinklemo · Fantasy
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126 Chs

Chapter 14: Deal with the Mentor

Hollan's sudden voice made Geof and the others tremble slightly, all turning their heads to look at him.

Hollan then strode over to Field with long strides, pointing at the bloodstained sack and asking, "Is this really a Warg Demon?"

"The Warg Demon of the Bloody Land?"

"Uh-huh," Field nodded, then his eyes lit up, revealing a hearty smile. "Are you interested?"

"Interested, very interested!" Hollan immediately exclaimed, excitement written all over his face.

This research project was aimed at the Bloody Land and its creatures.

She needed samples of Bloody creatures to experiment and produce highly targeted magic potions.

Hunting Bloody creatures wasn't difficult, but the problem was that they were rare in this area. The nearest Blood Zone to Grilla City was over a thousand kilometers away, making it nearly impossible for Bloody creatures to appear nearby.

There simply wasn't enough time to hunt Bloody creatures in remote areas. So she had to rely on inquiries and search the markets and black markets in nearby cities for the sale of Bloody creature corpses.

So far, she had only managed to get a few Bloody fish corpses, which was far from enough.

Because her competitor, another magical research team, somehow managed to get a Blood Eye.

The stronger the individual strength of Bloody creatures, the better the effect of the potions made.

If she couldn't win this competition, the academy's funding would ultimately end up in the hands of the other magical research team.

Then, her days ahead would be difficult.

Many projects would be forced to stop due to lack of funds, and she and the rest of the team would have to endure the taunts of the other team.

The path of magical research was already difficult, and with this situation, whether her magical research team could continue was still unknown.

It was very likely that the team would be disbanded because of lack of progress.

Because magical research teams were costly, the academy wouldn't keep extra teams without progress.

She was fine herself, but some of the kids in the team relied on magical research funds to get by. If the team disbanded, they would be in trouble.

But now, a big bag of fresh Warg Demon chunks was right in front of her, like a lifesaver!

With Warg Demon samples, she was confident she could develop even more effective Bloody potions!

Then it would be that old guy, Kalem, who would cry in the end, hahaha!

"Now that you're interested, how much gold coins are you willing to pay?" Field smiled and asked, this being his most concerned question.

Field's question brought Hollan back to reality from her fantasies, and she was about to speak.

But then she thought of the team's dwindling activity funds, and she hesitated.

Of course, she could add her own money, but the problem was... she didn't have any money.

The additional funds applied for from the family hadn't been approved yet, and her mentor's salary hadn't arrived either. Buying a batch of potions would be her own investment, and she didn't have much money left now.

Looking at Field's expectant expression, Hollan finally bit the bullet and said, "I'll offer... two thousand gold coins!"

With her remaining money and the team's research funds, she only had a little over three thousand coins in total.

Before winning the competition and the academy funds being approved, the team still needed to maintain normal operations, and the kids in the team needed to eat. So... this was all she could afford.

Normally, the corpse of a Warg Demon, which could only be handled by experts in high gold tiers, could fetch at least five thousand gold coins.

In normal circumstances, she could easily come up with this amount of money, but now, she just hoped that Field didn't know the market price and would give her a good deal.

The hope was quite high because the trade in Bloody creatures had not yet become popular, and many people hadn't even seen Bloody creatures before.

However, although Field didn't understand the market, he understood trading very well.Seeing Hollan struggle to call out this price, and looking at her with hope, he knew that the bag of rotten meat in his hand was worth more than this price. It was just that the beautiful mentor in front of him might not have so much money.

So he fell into silence, not giving an immediate response.

This also made Hollan's heart skip a beat.

Field's prolonged delay made her increasingly nervous, especially since they were in the academy. If her competitor, that old guy Kalem, saw this, he would definitely bid against her. Kalem was old, but he had much more money than her.

The silence lasted for about three minutes, and Hollan began to feel restless. If necessary, she would borrow money; she was determined to get hold of this Warg Demon corpse. However, just as she was about to speak up, Field suddenly raised a finger.

"One thousand five hundred," he said.

Hollan: "???"

She had anticipated Field might ask for a high price, but she hadn't expected him to voluntarily lower it. Was he not interested in making money?

But then she saw Field's hearty smile. Though it seemed sincere, it gave Hollan the impression of cunning.

"However, I have a request," Field added.

Hollan was taken aback and took a cautious step back. "You first," she said. "I can't agree to any unreasonable demands."

"Don't worry," Field waved his hand. "I just want to know some information."

What is most valuable?

According to Field, intelligence was one of them!

There were specialized intelligence dealers in the wasteland, and some information was incredibly expensive. But good intelligence could bring him greater profits and avoid unnecessary losses and casualties.

While a Warg Demon might fetch a higher price, Field wasn't looking for a one-time transaction.

"What information?" Hollan remained vigilant, but the next moment, Field asked, "What's your favorite color?"

Hollan: "???"

That's it?

Although surprised, Hollan still answered, "Purple... I like purple."

Field nodded knowingly. "Got it."

Hollan: "..."

What does that mean?

Was she being flirted with?

But Field didn't give her time to think and continued, "There are three things I want to know."

"First, what kinds of monsters are there in the Bloody Land, along with their specific values and ways of cashing in. Including the Warg Demon chunks I have."

"Second, besides being a student, are there any other legal and reasonable ways to enter the Heidies Academy? Here, 'entering' means joining, not being considered an outsider and being able to come and go freely."

At these words, Hollan's mouth fell open. "You... want to enter Heidies?"

"Yes," Field nodded, unabashedly. "I want to experience it."

"Experience? This isn't a place to experience life," Hollan said, her expression serious. "This is a place to cultivate elite magicians, a sacred hall for aspiring wizards."

"I hope you can give Heidies enough respect."

"I know, that's why I'm asking you. If I didn't respect Heidies, would I need to emphasize legality and reasonableness?" Field lifted his chin slightly.

Hollan: "..."

"Alright..." Hollan nodded. "I'll tell you what you want to know. What's the third thing?"

Field: "Where's the restroom?"

Hollan: "What... what?"

She thought she misheard.

Field shrugged.

"I've looked around and can't find it. I'm starting to feel uncomfortable."

"I'm really urgent. Hurry up."

Hollan: "..."

She was sure now.

This big guy wasn't simple and honest at all!