
Gacha No Life (Fan-Fic)

~WARNING! USER ALREADY HAS A ACCOUNT THAT'S REGISTERED! WOULD YOU LIKE TO LINK DATA NOW? Y/N~ He just didn't know what to make of this. How was it even possible in the first place? It just didn't make any sense.... He literally just awakened.... Didn't he? Curiosity got the better of him and he couldn't help but click Y to see what happened.... He wasn't disappointed. The moment he clicked the button to accept, the screen returned to normal and the errors disappeared and were instead replaced with a loading screen and timer. ~TIME UNTIL DATA TRANSFER COMPLETION: 47 Hrs 59 Mins 59 Secs~ His jaw dropped at this. YOU CAN'T ACTUALLY BE FUCKING SERIOUS!!! He waited his entire life for this moment! And now he has to wait more?! What kinda bullshit was that?! And he didn't even know what he was waiting for nor what type of Gacha he has in the first place! Damn his curiosity!!!

PuckZCat · Anime et bandes dessinées
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43 Chs

Chapter 40 - The Truth Behind Ragnarok

Somewhere under the Awakener's Association - Meeting of the UN: 10 Minutes Prior to the Dungeon Breaks~

A lone man sat at the head of a large round table with multiple robed figures seated around it.

The only light illuminating the dark room were several braziers, glowing with a strange blue ethereal flame.

One of these said figures gathered around the table was a familiar feline shape.

Another was the same size of a child and had his feet kicked up on the table, his feet kicked up on the table.

"I assume Billy won't be joining us....?" A rather smooth, yet hissy voice, came from one of the taller robed figures.

"Of course not! That fool's too busy trying to stall for time! He's never been able to see the bigger picture! So he can die with the rest of those worthless pieces of shit!" Another figure snapped in a strangely feminine tone.

The man at the head of the table simply fixed the glasses at the edge of his nose so that they were now reflecting the dim light radiating off the braziers in the room, hiding his gaze from view.

This man in question had rather short black hair, slicked back and held in a high bun on his head. He had a stern, emotionless look on his and his attire reflected his "all business" attitude. He wore a light grey suit and black leather gloves, an x-shaped scar marked his left cheek.

With this simple movement alone, the entire round table fe silent once more.

The stillness and pent up energy in the room was palpable as the man's body radiated a feint blood red energy.

"We'll be having guests soon.... One of them is a important figure that we can't hope to offend. So all of you must be on your best behavior, understood?" The man said in an even time, yet it held an edge of authority that no one around the table even dared to disobey.

Having several nods of understanding, the man unfolded his hands from in front of his face and sat up fully in his chair, his eyes closed and a small friendly smile splitting his face.

"Good. Diablo. Leo. Please, lead our guests inside. I'll be meeting them shortly...." The supposed leader ordered the two smallest amongst those gathered.

The two robed figures simply nodded before disappearing in their respective waves of energy, one a golden brown and the other an ominous black.

The man's face slowly split open into a wide crazed grin, his usual clam black eyes now replaced with two unearthly blue orbs that glowed with fiery blood red energy.

"It's all finally falling into place! Lord Zeus.... Your marvelous Ragnarok is finally at hand! Soon, we'll finally have the remaining piece...."

The man stood and began to pace around the table, those gathered beginning to disappear one after another as he moved to a balcony overlooking an unholy alter surrounded by robed civilians, worshipping a state of a wolf/hyena like creature that was being suspended by chains, blood was freely running from the creature's maw and a black cloth was hiding its eyes from view.

"....Your son!"

The man threw his hands in the air in a dramatic flourish, the demonic statue beginning to glow in an ungodly energy that pulsed like a steady heart beat.

And just below the statue's feet, on a small plaque that was worn and unreadable even by the oldest of civilizations, read:

Heres Gier jacet, insana. Puer a deo benedictus et ab eodem deo dampnatus, quem ei uita dedit. O semideus natus ex carne et osse igne pro sanguine .... Quaeso, da nobis libertatem quae est Ragnarok.


Back with Puck and Odin~

~System Notification~

⚠️ Warning! ⚠️

The effect of Full Assimilation has been terminated due to the user's sudden disconnection to the system!

The unit: Madara Uchiha, will now return to the battlefield!

The system will now reboot in order to collect user data!

The system will be down for 30 minutes I'm order to reboot!

Only certain skills will be able to be used during this time!

~System Notification~

Puck held a broken and beaten Odin up by the front of his robes, his eyes wide and worried as he gave the bleeding leader of Norse mythology a horrified and unbelieving look.

It's the type of look you give someone whom you hate after they've told you something so unbelievable, that you couldn't help but have to believe it.

The black void lay in ruins around them, cracking and falling away like a broken mirror to reveal the slowly settling battlefield around them.

Puck's summons reigned victories over Odin's forces, but he wasn't worried about that for the moment.

"What the fuck did you just say....? WHAT IN THE FUCKING FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY?! SAY IT AGAIN YOU BASTARD!" Puck ordered, shaking the elderly God violently.

Odin simply coughed up a bit of blood, his one eyes glowing with a dim golden light as he stared up at the young dragon, a wide sneer splitting his face as he let out a small chuckle in response, his breathing was already becoming more ragged and labored as time went on.

Puck's eyes glowed with an unimaginable fury and he went to throw a punch at the god who dared to laugh in his face, only for it to be intercepted by a man in a blue body suit, white/gold chest armor, gloves, and boots with spiky black hair that went up into the air in a point and a sharp notable widow's peak on his forehead.

The man simply shook his head at Puck, as if to say that it wasn't worth it.

Puck immediately understood and let out a small growl as he swallowed his rage and looked back down at the beaten and battered god.

"You better be fucking lying....or so help me I'll....!"

"You'll what? Don't you see, kid? I'm already beaten. What reason do I have to lie? What I say is the truth.... Why else would that lazy God of Insanity take interest in you....? You think we gifted you with your beloved Gacha system?" Odin scoffed, which turned into a violent coughing fit before he finally grinned up at Puck, his one eye glowing with a newfound insanity as he slowly reached the end of his life, like a dying star, of course his ending would glow the most vibrantly. "Well newsflash, junior! You were born with it! That bitch of a mother of yours tried to use her gift to hide your abilities as much as possible! She tried to hide you, shunned you, all for the sake of trying to keep you from us! Hell, even your so-called 'father' tried to forcefully hide you from the eyes of our system! It worked for a while, but the moment they died.... We were finally able to find you! The moment when your true heritage took effect! Oh child of Olympus! Son of Zeus! Just accept it! You've taken your first step into the domain into the gods! Shake off your humanity and.... AHHHHHH!!!!"

Before Odin could finish his sentence, he released a loud horrified scream as his entire body was engulfed in a vibrant purple energy.

And as soon as the light disappeared, Odin, the God of the Aesir, the All Father....

Was no longer amongst the realm of the living.

The only thing left within Puck's grip was an empty robe.

Puck's eyes widened in horror and a loud boisterous yawn finally caught his attention as he turned to look at a rather lazy looking, hairless, bipedal, purple feline.

"I think we've heard enough of that. My apologies, but listening to the ramblings of a dying old man probably would've done more harm than good. I mean, just look at yourself...." The feline's yellow eyes slowly drifted over to look at Puck, who looked a little bit worse for wear.

Black and red cracks began to appear over Puck's golden scale armor as he began to hyperventilate, his right eye, which was glowing a maddening red began to bleed profusely while his left eye was darting around violently as red and black lines began to shoot out across his skin, starting from his red dragonic pupil as the focal point.

"Umm.... Boss? You okay? You aren't looking too good...." Naruto spoke up as he landed down beside a slightly battered looking Ichigo.

"Yeah, maybe you should get one of those weird beans from that bald headed guy? They usually do the trick!" Dante spoke up as he walked over, jabbing a thumb in Krillin's direction, who was busy running around throwing senzu beans at some of Puck's more injured summons.

Now, despite their best attempts at making the situation seem more humorous than it was, it didn't help.

Not in the slightest.

Puck watched as more and more of his childhood heroes began to gather around him as he fell to his knees gasping for air.

He grabbed at his throat as some of the more healer oriented summons maid their way through the crowd to apply emergency treatment to their master, including several Pokemon, a blue haired goddess, a pink haired oni, a woman in a Japanese school girl uniform, a pink haired oni, and several other characters.

But it was futile.

Puck didn't know why, but he could feel it.

Something was trying to get out, and there wasn't anything any of them could do to stop it.

The golden scale armor began to fall off Puck's body at a rapid pace, and along with it went his stats.

He could feel his body becoming weaker at a violent and frightening pace to the point where he felt sick and lethargic.

Just as Puck's eyes began to roll up into the back of his head, he managed to glance down at a red, distorted system window.

It was an error....

A warning.


⚠️ Warning! ⚠️

The system reboot has forcefully been terminated!

⚠️ Warning! ⚠️

The user will now be disconnected from the system due to outside interface!

⚠️ WARNING! ⚠️


⚠️ WARNING! ⚠️

⚠️ WARNING! ⚠️

⚠️ WARNING! ⚠️

🛑 ERROR! 🛑

⚠️ WARNING! ⚠️


⚠️ WARNING! ⚠️


⚠️ WARNING! ⚠️


🛑 E-ERROR! 🛑


🛑 E-ERROR! 🛑


Warning! Due to this being an undistributed and unreleased prototype of the "Insane God System" certain safety protocols will now be forcefully disabled!

Error code: Descendant of Ragnarok

A catastrophic error in the system's mainframe has been detected!

Now starting the descent of Ragnarok!


The last thing Puck saw and heard before his vision went black, was the sky cracking open and the beating of wings.


End Chapter 40~

Author's Note: Alright! So a lot of plot points and developments just happened in this chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed it! Don't be afraid to tell me what you think! And sorry for any spelling or grammatical errors! It's currently 1am and I can't really think straight at the moment! x3

Anyway, thanks for reading~! 💜