
Gacha No Life (Fan-Fic)

~WARNING! USER ALREADY HAS A ACCOUNT THAT'S REGISTERED! WOULD YOU LIKE TO LINK DATA NOW? Y/N~ He just didn't know what to make of this. How was it even possible in the first place? It just didn't make any sense.... He literally just awakened.... Didn't he? Curiosity got the better of him and he couldn't help but click Y to see what happened.... He wasn't disappointed. The moment he clicked the button to accept, the screen returned to normal and the errors disappeared and were instead replaced with a loading screen and timer. ~TIME UNTIL DATA TRANSFER COMPLETION: 47 Hrs 59 Mins 59 Secs~ His jaw dropped at this. YOU CAN'T ACTUALLY BE FUCKING SERIOUS!!! He waited his entire life for this moment! And now he has to wait more?! What kinda bullshit was that?! And he didn't even know what he was waiting for nor what type of Gacha he has in the first place! Damn his curiosity!!!

PuckZCat · Anime et bandes dessinées
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43 Chs

Chapter 19 - SS Ranked Dungeon

Puck couldn't hold it in anymore.

He let out a loud breath that he didn't know he was holding as he sank to his knees in the middle of his living room, clutching his chest.

It felt like his heart was going to explode!

And all that was just from talking to one rich girl?!

Who would've thought that meeting a female Guild Master would be so much easier than meeting someone from a rich family?!

It was totally different!

Two entire worlds apart!

"I guess that just shows how different Rebecca is.... Huh?...." Puck couldn't help but think of Rebecca in this situation and how she would've handled it....

He quickly shook his head of those thoughts and instead focus on thinking about what to do with his mewl acquired wealth.

A big toothy grin split his face as he opened the suitcase full of magic stones once more.


Mana stones.

Magic stones.

Two things that sound similar, but were unbelievably different.

Mana stones were man made and could be used to power different pieces of equipment. They could also be used to upgrade gear if a high ranking one was made. But that's few and far in between.

And even then the chances of success were little to none!

While magic stones only dropped from monsters and had entirely different effects upon use.

From a higher chance of upgrading equipment. To enchanting equipment with different stat boosts and entirely new options altogether!

Hell, they could potentially even boost a awakener's stats depending on the rank!

So you could see why they're worth 100x their weight in gold!


Puck's shit eating grin practically lit up the room before he swiftly snapped the suitcase closed once more.

He looked around wildly as if to make sure someone wasn't watching before silently sliding the suitcase under his couch.

Standing up and stretching for a moment, he let out a small content sigh. "I'm glad I used Assimilation to learn the Body Flicker Technique from Kakashi-sensei so I could get out of their quickly. I don't think I could've kept my composure in a prolonged conversation." He mumbled to himself before moving to his bedroom to get changed.

He'll have to return the Suit he borrowed from Leo later.

Hopefully he didn't mind the fact that there were a few tears in it....

It did hold up well though.

But what do you expect from a master merchant?

Even his clothes were high end and made to change their size and shape for the wearer!

But why would a cat need clothes....?

Puck pondered on this as he entered his shower.


One Shower and A Rage Inducing Session of DBZ Dokkan Later~__________________________

Puck didn't know what he was thinking when he decided to head to Alaska as soon as possible.

He did his research on the dungeon beforehand of course!

But he didn't expect Alaska to be....you know....


He was shaking like a leaf even with over 3 layers of clothes!

Who knew that a temperature regulation skill would be so useful?!

"N-Note to self.... Invest in more special status resistances.... F-Fucking hell! I thought things like heat and cold resistance came naturally for awakeners?!" He screamed as he stood on top of a hill overlooking a large clearing with a glowing red portal in the center.

His voice carried and echoed along the trees, alerting the gathered people below of his presence.

Not that he minded honestly.

He grit his teeth as he slide down the hill and marched his way through the knee high snow towards what could only be described as a military unit guarding the dungeon.

A rough looking man with buzz cut blonde hair, hard navy blue eyes, a scar going over his left eye, and a cigar hanging out of his mouth stopped Puck before he could come any closer.

He gave Puck a look over before holding his hands out expectantly.

"Papers?" He asked simply.

Puck blinked at this, a look of confusion appearing on his face for a moment before it's immediately replaced with a look of realization.

He digs in his jacket for a moment before pulling out the contract for the dungeon that Olivia had given him.

The man looked surprised at the fact that Puck actually had official papers.

"Well I'll be damned...." The man mumbled something under his breath before letting out out a loud whistle and waving his hand behind him.

Two men in military uniform jumped to attention at this before moving to open a large barb wired gate.

The man gave Puck a apologetic look. "Sorry about that, sir! Mrs. Olivia told us of your arrival so we made sure to set up this outpost to stop others from interfering in your dungeon raid!" He said with a small nervous chuckle.

Puck could tell that the man was forcing himself to be friendly with him.

But he honestly could care less, all he cared about was entering the dungeon and leaving this cold air behind.

The man didn't seem to catch Puck's clearly annoyed expression since he was too busy sucking up to Olivia's quote on quote "acquaintance".

"Excuse my rudeness, sir! My name is Sargent Chris, and if you ever need anything, please feel free to call me! Alright? But I must ask you, sire.... Where are the rest of your party members? Even if this is a newly discovered dungeon, it's still dangerous to enter without accurately preparing beforehand! Not knowing the rank or type of dungeon is quite risky! How about I send some men-...."

Puck decided to stop his ramblings there....

And maybe give him a slight heart attack.

But that's a perfectly natural reaction to seeing a ginormous flaming blue, two tailed, cat suddenly being summoned a few feet away from you.

The entire area around them went from being as cold as the artic in the middle of winter, to being like the Sahara desert in the middle of summer.

The snow didn't even have the chance to turn into water with how fast the temperature changed and upon seeing this, Puck immediately knew that he fucked up.

So with a simple command, he had Matatabi scoop him up onto her head before rushing into the portal.


That was the last thing the military unit of the Weepingbell family heard before both Puck and the dungeon portal disappeared.

But rumors that Alaska had a sudden rise in temperature quickly swept the nation and made global warming theories blow up to the point of no longer being considered theories, but a undeniable "fact".

But the main topic on everyone's mind was....

What happened to the latest up and coming S Ranked rookie....

...and just where did he disappear to?


Currently Inside the Dungeon~

The first thing that Puck noticed was the difference in temperature.

Even without the Nibi, it felt light might and day compared to the outside.

The next thing he noticed was the absence of...well....anything.

It felt like he was floating in a void.

Puck was actually about to start questioning whether or not he was still alive, but the auddy appearance of a system notification  immediately threw that thought out the window.



You're the first being to enter the undiscovered dungeon: Tomb of the Mad Hero!

All rewards in this dungeon will increase by 200%!

Requirements for the hidden quest, "A Different Kind of Hero", have been met!

All time spent in this dungeon will be 1/3 of that of the outside world!

The quest will disappear once it has been completed!

You will not be able to exit the dungeon until said quest is completed! Or until death!

You cannot deny this quest!


If there was a floor, Puck's jaw more than likely would have hit it by now.

Finding a quest in a dungeon usually means that it's a dungeon on unbelievably high rank.

That also meant that it'd take several high ranking awakeners several weeks of preparation before they even think about raiding said dungeon.

Not to mention that the rewards from completing the quest could potentially make even a D Ranked awakener into a fairly high ranked in in one go!

We're talking D to A rank! Or even higher depending on the difficulty of said quest!

Plus the fact that he'll be trapped until he either completes the dungeon or dies?....

And the fact that he just went in....

Completely alone....

Puck may have just royally fucked himself.

"W-Well....I should be alright as long as long as it's only a A Ranked quest....right? H-Heh, even then I should be alright as long as I can summon Naruto or something to have my back...." He said to himself, giving himself a small sense of hope.

Too bad that the dungeon had other plans....


⚠️ WARNING! All skills and statuses will now be locked until the quest is completed! WARNING! ⚠️


This notification alone was enough to throw both his sense of security and hope out the window at once.

At first Puck just thought he was just seeing things.

That the void around him finally made him lose his mind....

But he knew that wasn't the case.

No matter how much he closed and opened his eyes....

The notification was still there along with the endless void behind it.

Puck let out a sigh of defeat. "Shit....fine, let's see what hell I'll be going through today...."


"A Different Kind of Hero"

A Demon King has risen and is terrorizing the world of Alfen with his army of demons!

You will be taking the place of this world's hero, Ray Wolfblade.

Save this world by any means necessary and be rewarded for your efforts!

Rewards: ???

Penalty for failure: Death

Difficulty Rank: SS


Puck couldn't help but scoff at the simplicity of the quest.

It almost made it seem too easy....

If that difficulty Rank wasn't there, he would've thought it was a simple question he'd heard of in a few other A-S rank dungeons.


Would you like to accept this quest? Y/N


"Why're you acting like I even have a choice? And here I was beginning to believe you liked me...." He mumbled to himself before begrudgingly accepting the quest.


Thank you for accepting the Quest.

The tutorial will start soon.

Please prepare yourself.



Unfortunately Puck's rant was cut short.

For he soon found himself falling through the sky towards a kingdom that resembled something you'd see in a anime.

Complete with a huge wall guarding the outer ring of said spiraling city and a huge castle in the center.

Puck's brain couldn't handle the sudden feeling of falling through the air.

Add the fact that his body was just getting adjusted to having his status stripped away....

It was no wonder why he blacked out.


30 Seconds and One Painful Landing Later~

A pained groan escaped Puck's lips as he slowly came to.

He reached up to hold his head to try and manage a growing headache.

To add to his now throbbing head, a loud booming voice suddenly broke the silence that Puck had just gotten used to.


To be continued~


End Chapter 19