
Gaara IN MHA(Version 2)

A man suddenly finds himself reincarnated in a new world, with the powers of his favorite character, what changes will he cause in this world? If the creator of the image asks, I will remove the image I do not own the rights to the characters or the world other than OG Update: 1 Chapter/Week English is not my first language

IsekaiFan · Anime et bandes dessinées
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11 Chs

Gaara's Awakening

(PoV Naomasa Tsukauchi)

Seeing the amount of bodies on the ground, I couldn't stop walking towards the child, I looked around absorbing all that vision of fallen corpses, I took a long drink of my own saliva when I recognized a good part of them, many were villains, but not just any villains , were villains who made names for themselves and disappeared a few years ago, who would have thought they would be here now, dead.

Seeing them all dead made me even more anxious for the child. 'Let's go kid, tou must be alive!'. Suddenly, with that thought, thousands of possibilities flashed through my mind, I froze, many times well-trained and capable police officers end up giving up because of traumas in the work zone, I felt that if I didn't save the child, even having the ability, it would haunt me. for life.

I ran as fast as I could, reaching the child I fell to my knees on the ground without caring about the pain, I touched the child's arm, his body was still warm, it gave me a splash of hope in my heart, so I put my fingers close to his nose I felt his breath. 'It's Alive!' With that information my eyes seemed moist just with the possibility of the child being saved, when I turned it over I was in shock.

No apparent wounds on her body, it made me think 'whoever it is, this person decided to leave the boy alive', seeing her still unconscious I thought it must have been because of her shock to see all these people on the floor... but how did a child get here?

I started to think about that possibility but soon dismissed it, we have more important things than that now, I looked back and saw that Ingenium had already recovered quite a bit from his previous shock, as he was the first person to see the disaster among the heroes, he was also the first person to calm down, seeing that I soon made an order.

"Ingenium! Call an ambulance! The boy is alive!"

Hearing that, he didn't take long and already started calling the ambulance through a basic device that each hero carries in case of injuries to people, seeing that I started to do my part too, taking a special police communicator I started to report.

"Hello! Listening center? I'm Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi ID 78492840, are you listening?"

I waited a while but then I heard a response

[Roger, Listening Central, what happened Detective?]

I was thoughtful for a few seconds looking for what words could describe the scene

[Detective Naomasa?]

"...The situation is not important now! I request that an investigation team and two body removal teams come to Hosu City! On xxxxxxxxx street, at xxxxxx warehouse"

Upon hearing my words about removing bodies, the voice was changed and the head of the center began to speak

[What happened detective!]

Hearing that I replied in a few words

"... A massacre..."

After 30 minutes of waiting the teams arrived, of the heroes only the Idaten team remained, the others decided to leave because they couldn't stand the sight and the smell of blood that permeated the whole place, during that wait the ambulance arrived and took the boy to a hospital , and the chief of police who was alerted to the matter left me in charge of the case.

"Thanks to everyone who came… (looking around) As you can see there are a lot of corpses around us, so I decided… Investigation team!"


"Form 5 smaller teams and spread out around the area looking for any useful clues, each team will have a hero from Team Idaten accompanying them in case something unexpected happens"

"Yes!" Soon they did as ordered and scattered.

"Remaining teams collect the bodies and search them! Place them in a line to make it easier!"


With that, another half hour passed, everyone acted quickly and in those 30 minutes 40 bodies were found, 15 bodies had lab coats which indicates that they could be scientists, the rest were probably villains. The investigation team came back empty-handed as all clues about what had happened there had been erased, even the camera system had been removed, hearing that I asked them to look for information about the people who were lying here, even though some were almost unrecognizable. we still managed to find their information, as I predicted, they were all villains and illegal scientists.

"Sir, we found something!"

Hearing that, my face automatically turned towards the direction of the voice, one of the members of the team responsible for searching the bodies was next to a body in a lab coat, he was holding two things that I didn't recognize from afar.

"What did you find?"

"There are two pendrives sir"

Upon hearing that, I immediately sent the investigation team.

"Hey you, bring a notebook quickly! This could be the clues we need."

Finally we found something, the person I ordered soon brought what was requested, we connected one of the pendrives and soon we saw what was written in the file... Alive Nomu Project, clicking to open a lot of information appeared, soon I started to read, while reading Ingenium stood behind me along with his team, as if he wanted to know something, after a few minutes of reading my complexion turned black, Ingenium was squeezing his hand very tightly which even resulted in blood coming out of his hand, but BigShot(Member from the Idaten team) couldn't stand what he saw and punched the wall so hard that it broke.

"These bastards! Running tests like these, creating a living weapon?! Bullshit!"

"calm down BigShot... let's find out more about them"

It was Ingenium who spoke, even though he tried to appear calm, and his helmet didn't show his expression his hands conveyed everything we needed to know, he was irritated, but there was nothing he could do at the moment. One hundred children were sacrificed for this project but only 3 survived?! That was pretty brutal.

Even irritated, I continued to read the content, apparently two other children died because of it, leaving only one. Everyone looked at the screen wanting to know who was the child who had survived all these inhuman tests, and with that, an identification was presented, next to it there was a photo of the child, I widened my eyes, the Idaten team did the same, after all , they could not forget the child they saw in the middle of the bodies.

[Name: Project Alpha

Age: 5

Blood Type: AB

Quirk: Sand Control

About: Project Alpha, a child who survived all the serums and tests done with his body, has red hair and light green eyes, his genetically modified body has greater strength than most humans, his general aspects are all superhuman, his Quirk allows him to control the sands, which he has perfect control over, an extremely obedient and calm child, he speaks little but only speaks what is necessary]

When I saw the information, my eyes were in even deeper shock, the Idaten team also seemed like this, because now we understand why there was so much sand scattered around the place, with that my mind went through great shocks and several possibilities emerged. ' what if...', I didn't dare complete that thought, but looking at the faces of the heroes it was more than clear that they thought the same, so I immediately ordered.

"Investigation team! See if any of the bodies have sand inside, as deep as possible!"

Upon hearing that, they nodded and began to open a body that was more damaged at the moment, even though I didn't want to do it here, it was still necessary to prove my possibility, when they opened the person's belly, we saw large amounts of sand (the person in which Alpha used the sand coffin).</font>

That scared everyone around, especially those who had read what was in the notebook with me, which I didn't want to think about if it was fulfilled, especially remembering when the boy was totally intact in the middle of so many bodies. '... what if he was the one who killed everyone?' Thinking about it, I felt that the situation was already beyond my control, so I gave a direct order.</font>

"Attention all teams! Try to contact the hospital where the boy was transferred! We must transfer it to another location! Before he wakes up! Quickly!"</font>

With my order everyone jumped into action, amidst this chaos I contacted the chief of police.</font>


[What happened Detective Naomasa? Any results on the investigation?]</font>

"Sir, I ask for your help immediately! The situation has already lost control, we find out who is behind the massacre! We need you to contact All Might and Nezu as soon as possible, this is a very serious matter and they will definitely agree!"</font>

The boss suddenly got serious at the mention of All Might and Nezu, for the two of them to be contacted means there's a great deal of urgency going on.</font>

[Tell me in more detail detective! Who caused all this slaughter? All For One?]</font>

"Worst sir! All For One is someone capable of anything but he wasn't responsible this time!"</font>

[Worse than All For One?! Who is this person?]

At that moment I found it kind of impossible to answer, how could I say that it was all done by a child? A massacre of 40 people made by a child?! I wouldn't believe it in my wildest dreams if I didn't see it in person today.</font>

[Detective answer me!]</font>

With no escape I had to say what is most believed to be the unreal.</font>

"It was a child sir..."</font>

[A child?]</font>

"Yes Sir, a 5 year old"</font>

[Detective Naomasa are you kidding me? Is it a prank? Know that it wasn't funny at all]</font>

"No sir, this was all caused by a child! She was an experiment... Created by All For One..."</font>


After my words the call was ended.

------------------------Time Skip 2 Hours---------------------- ------

He was now in a room, along with 4 people: All Might, Nezu, Ingenium and Kenji Tsugarame (The Chief of Police)</font>

"so Naomasa, I hope the situation is as you told me"</font>

"Yes sir"</font>

Everyone had their eyes on me, the tension in the room was apparent to even the dumbest person, as everyone arrived they were given a briefing on the case.

Everyone was seated at an oval-shaped table, I pressed a button and soon images appeared.</font>

"in those two hours we were able to summarize a lot of the information that was on the pendrives. It basically talks about an experiment that lasted 5 years... and the owner of the project is All For One"</font>

When I said that, all eyes showed a bit of shock, after all, it was All For One we were talking about, so I continued

"From the notes of the scientist called Saijou, he said that the project was made to create a perfect and emotionless weapon, at the beginning of the project there were 100 human fetuses, but through the tests and serum they used, only 3 were left"</font>

When everyone heard it, Nezu and Kenji were silent, but I could see their irritation in their eyes, Ingenium, even though he already knew about it, still had his brows furrowed heavily, All Might was the one who showed the most irritation, thank you that he knows how to control himself, because if not , this building would already be destroyed, he was clenching his fists and his face showed a lot of different emotions

"In four years there was only one child left who was named Alpha, according to Saijou's words, Alpha only woke up for the first time at 4 years old, which we suspect must be due to his Quirk, so many experiments and tests carried out on his entire body, Alphaville acquired superhuman aspects, I believe that if we only consider his physical abilities, he would be able to defeat many heroes and villains, even so he does not reach the level of the Top 30 heroes, the boy's real danger is your Quirk"

When I said that, everyone was surprised, after all, a child without using his powers was stronger than professional heroes, but wasn't that even the real danger?</font>

How strong was the child? Hearing about the tests done on the child, All Might seemed shaken, I didn't say anything about it as it's something he must overcome alone, pressing a button, a camera image appeared showing the boy lying on a bed with an eraserhead on his side, the whole room was made of pure metal for safety.

"The boy's Quirk was given the name control of the sands, a self-explanatory name, again, from Doctor Saijou's notes, we consider that this boy has the ability to turn an entire city into a large desert, this is just a guess through what was documented in the file written by Saijou"</font>

Everyone in the room was shocked, they thought it was acceptable that the boy could be stronger than some professional heroes, but his Quirk being able to wipe out entire cities is something they never imagined, they thought it might be some kind of joke but my straight face took from these thoughts, right after that, I switched the image to when we found him</font>

"In the notes it was said that Alpha was a very obedient and quiet being, but when we found him he was in that condition, surrounded by bodies, this led us to think that the boy ended up going crazy at that moment and killing everyone in the place, so we isolated him in a special area along with EraserHead, because when he wakes up he may still be crazed"

Finishing talking, I went back to the real-time camera recording, I wasn't looking at the projection, but as I looked at the people in front of me, several faces were shocked, Ingenium's face and the boss's face were sweating profusely, All Might who was sitting got up quickly and said</font>

"where is he?"</font>

I didn't understand but I just replied</font>

"in special room number 47"</font>

So All Might ran out of the room, Ingenium seeing that decided to follow All Might, Nezu was sitting, drinking coffee while eating cheese calmly, the boss I saw my confusion pointed to my back and I soon understood, turning around quickly I saw that Alpha had awake, at that moment I immediately ran to get to the place.</font>

Alpha Awakens (Gaara's Awakening)


Hello everyone, IsekaiFan here, I had said that there would be 2 chapters this week, but unfortunately there were some unforeseen events in my personal life and I can only post 1 chapter this week, sorry, the next chapter will finally be a PoV of the protagonist, I will correct the errors later

This Chapter has 2,8k of Words, Enjoy!


Chapter 5: Traumas


"~Oh how good it is to be young~, Kenji let's go too"

"Sigh*... Of course"

"Oh and carry me"

"You are not a child!"

"Ah.. Let's go with my little legs I'm going to be a long time, and you wouldn't want to carry a cute mouse like me?~"

"Sigh*... Ok, let's follow them soon"
