
From fiction to reality

Lamine lives on a normal modern world, while he was playing on his old PlayStation four, something happened and from there his world view changed drastically. He gained the ability to bring fiction into reality! What will he do? Conquering his home world obviously. .... I'm writing this for myself but i decided to post it here since I don't lose anything and I'm sure there are readers that wants a fic about a guy who can bring things or beings on the real world but without the overly horny bullshit this sites always offer, so here. Like a said I'm writing this for myself since i didn't find something i liked, so if you have suggestions for world or technologies you would like to suggest, feel free to do so but keep in mind that I might not accept them. and if i find some hate comments I'mma remove them without esitation, so if you don't like the novel you're free to comment it but without insulting me or other readers, you can say why you don't like it or what i wrote wrong. Just like my other stories, this will have irregular updates since i have other things to do. The mc is not the dark or evil type, he smiles and enjoys life but on the serious moments he will be serious, he likes Katanas just like me and even more technology. The story will have super powered people, and battles, the mc is not the only person with an op power or something. He is an antihero but he will be extremely kind to children and tolerant to women (Not a simp) but don't mistake, he doesn't have problems killing anyone if it benefits him or he is in danger. Mc is intelligent and a genius. He will become extremely overpowered really fast, i mean it, since this is what happens when an mc receives an op power and doesn't get nerfed by the author. he will visit the omniverse so he will obviously find other op characters like him, so he isn't invincible. And i will already say it, i will bullshit no jutsu many things since this is fiction, and some things might change since this is my novel. If there will be romance it won't be of focus. Tags: No: LGBT packet, Ntr or horny packet, (Magic probably) No nerf bullshit. Yes: Technology, really fast growth to overpowered , fictional items into the real world, Extremely talented Mc, super powers. well i might add some tags in future. Good read.

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Chapter 11: Psychology

But after the adrenaline and all of his energy got consumed his body couldn't hold anymore and collapsed along with all the injuries he held up with his energy, his eyes loosing focus along with the mark fading.


But at the last moment strong hands grabbed him and slowly laid Musa on the ground, the last thing the swordsman saw was a plain Goku mask where below the eyes sockets, two deep light blue eyes were glowing.

The misterious man wore an iconic outfit consisting of a closed orange gi secured by a blue knot-tied obi over his waist, blue wristbands, and blue kung fu shoes, with a kanji mark on the back and front-left side of his shirt. He also wore a blue short-sleeved undershirt.

"This world has become even more interesting now..." I spoke while looking at this brave man who was on the brink of death, my eyes were glowing while i used my perception at full power to see how grave his condition was.

Well, i used it to see how his body worked too, since it's the first time i come in front of another awakener like me, and I must say that his psychology is nearly identical to humans but also different.

Organs, bone structure, genes, everything is like a normal human, but the moment I see with my perception, new veins become visible, they are phantom like as if they are on the threshold of reality and imagination, they function just like normal veins but they pump this energy all over the body.

The veins are all connected to a second phantom heart on the left side of the chest, overlapped with the normal one, and comparing his body to mine I noticed that different from me, where i have every energy vein open, the majority of his veins are closed, irregular or not active, limiting majorly his energy quantity and efficiency.

And another big difference is that my energy veins are clearly visible, extremely compact and smooth.

Looking at how both of his hearts beats became slower the more seconds passed i decided to send a fraction of my energy on his system.

I placed my finger an his left chest and sent a drop of energy: 'This will be enough to not let him die.'

The moment the drop touched both of his hearts something i did not expect happened.


Both hearts gained a slightly Blue color thanks to my energy and begun to beat with new found vigor, the normal one begun to produce special blood with blue particles wich begun to flow all over his veins and of consequence, his body, the deep injuries begun to heat at a speed visible to the naked eye and the missing flesh and organs begun to regenerate.

Fuck, i might have underestimated the nature of my energy...

The process didn't even fishing as in front of my eyes, the energy heart gained more color and begun to produce energy, this energy was double as pure and dense as his previous one, the color didn't change but the speed at wich it was flowing increased causing the rough and uneven veins to get polished and become more smooth.

'Well, it was destiny if this happened so i will not put too much thought into it.' with my decision done i looked at the place where that monster disintegrated, i could still see some particles.


My head turned sharply towards the right where a portal opened, no, calling it a portal is an understatement, it's more like reality broke itself and a tear in reality opened, the tear borders were black with red particles while the inside was pitch black, like the abyss.

My eyes narrowed and i lightly tapped the man body causing a blue barrier to surround him and raise the swordman along with the sword feom the ground.

I waved my hand while getting up causing the barrier to flew away with the man inside while my eyes never left the tear where i felt two evil presences walk out.

From the tear, two hooded figures came out blocking every attempt to see their appearance even with energy, well, i could but i needed time to break their defences, the two beings looked around completely ignoring my presence until their gaze locked into the exact place where the monster of before died.

"Krekkerkk." The taller one said with indifference while the shorter one but still double my height shook his head and said: "Krrrkt!" His tone was full of spite and disgust, their red and black eyes below the dark hood locked on me, causing my guard to rise even more.

"Kkkr?" The taller one asked while looking at the shorter one who struggled and turned around, he walked inside the tear and disappeared, while the tall one looked at me and then my instincts moved my body to duck.

Thank God i did.


A fraction of a second after i ducked some of the buildings behind me got sliced in half cleanly, my eyes widened while I looked at the being who showed only a tentacle from his coat, that tentacle was razor sharp along with a dark coating around It's form.

This guy is no joke, so i decided to give my all as soon as possible, no test it's power bullshit, i want to dominate!

I got up and spread my legs while crouching a little, i clenched my fists and brought them close to my waist and then screamed while unleashing all of the energy I could use with my current strength enchanting my whole body and every sense to the peak.


My loud voice travelled hundreds of meters making the escaping Omar, Kawtar and the other humans, stop on their track, when they felt the two overwhelming malicious energies they speeded their movement but hearing my voice along with feeling the immense and pure energy from my charge up they stopped and turned towards me.

They couldn't see me from that distance but the feeling of my energy made them think that i was a higher up that came to rescue them, so the first to take a step and run towards my direction was none other than Kawtar, followed by Omar.

'I can't let my Musa die!' she thought with tears on her eyes.