
From fiction to reality

Lamine lives on a normal modern world, while he was playing on his old PlayStation four, something happened and from there his world view changed drastically. He gained the ability to bring fiction into reality! What will he do? Conquering his home world obviously. .... I'm writing this for myself but i decided to post it here since I don't lose anything and I'm sure there are readers that wants a fic about a guy who can bring things or beings on the real world but without the overly horny bullshit this sites always offer, so here. Like a said I'm writing this for myself since i didn't find something i liked, so if you have suggestions for world or technologies you would like to suggest, feel free to do so but keep in mind that I might not accept them. and if i find some hate comments I'mma remove them without esitation, so if you don't like the novel you're free to comment it but without insulting me or other readers, you can say why you don't like it or what i wrote wrong. Just like my other stories, this will have irregular updates since i have other things to do. The mc is not the dark or evil type, he smiles and enjoys life but on the serious moments he will be serious, he likes Katanas just like me and even more technology. The story will have super powered people, and battles, the mc is not the only person with an op power or something. He is an antihero but he will be extremely kind to children and tolerant to women (Not a simp) but don't mistake, he doesn't have problems killing anyone if it benefits him or he is in danger. Mc is intelligent and a genius. He will become extremely overpowered really fast, i mean it, since this is what happens when an mc receives an op power and doesn't get nerfed by the author. he will visit the omniverse so he will obviously find other op characters like him, so he isn't invincible. And i will already say it, i will bullshit no jutsu many things since this is fiction, and some things might change since this is my novel. If there will be romance it won't be of focus. Tags: No: LGBT packet, Ntr or horny packet, (Magic probably) No nerf bullshit. Yes: Technology, really fast growth to overpowered , fictional items into the real world, Extremely talented Mc, super powers. well i might add some tags in future. Good read.

Kqro · Video Games
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24 Chs

Chapter 10: Djinn


"Ugh-" A man got thrown from a building at high speeds towards the ground, breaking several bones of his body while also destroying the surroundings, his colleagues shouted his name in concern.

"Musa!" A middle aged woman shouted with a pained voice, from her red and moisty eyes you can understand the feelings she had for Musa, who was the only person here barely capable of holding down the monster in front of them thus giving the others time to contact the headquarters and send some high tiers.

"Chough! Kawtar! Don't come closer, please escape!" He raised his bloodied hand to stop his wife from coming closer and endangering herself, he could not bring himself to put her in danger.

"But-" Kawtar wanted to insist but a man came in front of her and said with urgency: "N-No, sister, d-don't go, Musa is gaining time for us and if you go, everything will be in vain, we can't lose this opportunity, the others are close to open a way on the curtain, we need to hurry." He said with a pained face: 'If only i was stronger..' he looked at his brother in law who opposite from him, was fighting without fear sacrificing himself for his family.

"He is my husband! I can't let him die!" Kawtar begun to break down, he was the man she always loved and took care of, what will she say to her son? She tried to run towards Musa but she found herself tightly restrained by her brother who had red eyes from pain.

He deeply respected his brother in law and didn't want to escape with his sister but with the situation they were in, this was the most optimal solution, so he grabbed Kawtar and dragged her away.

"Noo! " Kawtar screamed while pointing her hand to her husband who was looking at them with a weak smile, he moved his mouth and said weakly: "Take care of our son, and Omar, protect my sister.." he said with less strength with each word.

Meanwhile the monster who did all of this continued to walk leisurely with a smile like the joker, but the difference was that this smile was thousands of times more vicious and evil, the aura of this being was of pure malice and evil, the plants near the being withered at the simple contact with it's malevolent energy.

This being has been called with different names through history, but it's most correct one is Djinn.

Musa looked in front of him, his eyes calm after he saw his family escape and the being not paying attention to them, he took a deep breath and slowly got up while grabbing the broken sword on the ground, it was a family heirloom from many generations but this Djinn broke it with a single swipe, all because Musa's energy coating was not strong enough.

The smiling Djinn stopped and decided to let this pitiful prey do his thing, anyway he had all the time he wanted.

Musa staggered a little but then took a firm step and took a stance, his sword close to his head while his eyes burning with immense conviction until they Begun to glow where a mark appeared on his pupils, the mark was bright green like the glow on his eyes and his energy.

He gritted his teeth and then exhaled, and with a new sense of clarity he declared: "I will kill you, or i will die trying!"


"Krrrkrkkerkekk" The Djinn laughed loudly causing his aura to flare and corrode the nearby environment, while Musa disappeared and his sword sharp edge came dangerously close to the Djinn's neck who just dodged by sidestepping and unleashing a powerful punch on Musa rib cage.

The impact made the man fly away with his inner injuries depening even more, but his eyes didn't lose an ounce of clarity, on the contrary, the mark glow became more intense as if it was awakening even more.


The Djinn found his right hand separating from his arm and slowly sliding down, the demon eyes widened in shock as the cut was so clean that he didn't even realize it until he could not move his fingers.

"KrrrKeK?" He said while looking at the hand curiously after the small moment of shock, his sharp eyes locked into Musa who had already landed with precision and was walking slowly towards him.

The Djinn grinned and veins appeared on his arm and like Piccolo from Dragon Ball, a new hand grew from the cleanly cut forearm, mucus and purple blood splatter around from the freshly created hand, a portion of the Djinn energy got consumed showing that this incredible regeneration came with a cost.

Musa not surprised by the Djinn ability continued to walk towards his opponent who did the same, the two beings came close to each other and when their distance was around ten meters the two disappeared again and loud fighting noises and clashes could be heard from hundreds of meters.

While an individual came near.

The Djinn extremely sharp and pointy claws were harder than steel but the newfound mastery of energy thanks to Musa's eye mark allowed him to go hammer and nail against the demon in front of him with his swordmanship forged after countless battles and near death experiences through his life.


The two clashed again with matching strength, Musa immediately used his left foot as a support and unleashed a vicious right kick on the Djinn leg making him raise a brow and knel after getting his knee broken wich regenerated soon after consuming more energy.

But that window of time was enough for the swordman to appear behind the kneeling Demon with his sword ready to decapitate the Djinn, his eyes glowing with even more intensity until reaching the peak.

He didn't announce his presence like some fools, he directly unleashed his strongest attack to this day, the energy around the sword begun to become even more refined, compact and strong, and then he slashed.


The Djinn head got separated from the neck and floated upwards slowly, the demon eyes were wide open at the absurdity and his surprise, he didn't expect that today he would die. A huge slashing mark appeared on the building remains in front of the Djin.


The Djinn body fell, producing a loud noise showing it's weight, along with the head, Musa breathed weakly with difficulty, he stared at the slowly disintegrating Djinn body, he turned around towards were his wife and brother in law escaped and took a step.

But after the adrenaline and all of his energy got consumed his body couldn't hold anymore and collapsed along with all the injuries he held up with his energy, his eyes loosing focus along with the mark fading.