
Friendly Neighborhood Youtuber Spider-man

Mc reincarnates into Peter parker from the MCU before iron man 1 and decides to be the best spiderman there ever will be, but the path he chose led him to be an internet celebrity. This is my 3rd first fic so please be gentle The first 6-8 chapters might be awful but i promise it gets better. You can read 5 chapters ahead for $3 on my P@TREN/kambrofam and 12 chapters ahead for $8

KamBroFam123ERT · Films
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115 Chs

How did we get here?

-Officer Jefferson Davis POV-

I didn't tell my son what actually happened because I felt that it would be insincere to spiderman if I didn't even try to prove his innocence so I got ready early and headed out for the precinct where the evidence is being stored, I opened the door and went for the locker which had the evidence.

As I was taking it out the door opened and George Stacy himself entered so I asked "didn't I say I'll handle it" he smiled and said "I felt that if I don't help the man who let me have another day with my daughter I would be a hylocrite" I laughed and said "nobody would call a good man like you a hypocrite George" George just grabbed the case files and said "I know I would".

As we were sifting through the files I said In way of small talk "I still can't believe we let the guy off without even a suspension" George looks up before going back to his work as he says "we can't do anything against him" I raise my eyebrows as I ask "aren't you the topdog?".

He chuckles as he says "I'm most definitely not, the judge, the mayor and the one above him are topdogs I'm not" I take the gun that fired the bullet and asked "who is the one above the mayor?" George stills for a second as he looks into my eyes "The kingpin".

I was confused as i asked "I though all the gangs spiderman was after were against kingpin, we even thought he was with kingpin for a while" George explains as he says "the kingpin doesn't like people planning his demise".

I asked him a question"are you sure kingpin is after spiderman?" george looked around before he said "as soon as the judge passed the sentence the public opinion turned 180, do you think that was natural" I nodded but felt conflicted.

I slammed the metal desk as I said "so we can do nothing to help spiderman" george looked surprised at my outburst but nodded as he said "no we can't unless you can prove he got hit somehow".

I sighed and continued looking through the evidence files and sorting them in order before putting them back. As I was about to leave the words rang in my head "unless you can prove he got hit somehow" my mind went through all I read about the case the cop, the place, the time, the gun and the bullet.

The bullet was deformed, why was it deformed when it was shot into the sky as spiderman was swinging by, the bullet should either hit spider or not even be found for evidence.

All the nearby buildings were glass and there was no report filed of property damage in the case files, I head back into the evidence room pushing past george as I retreive the evidence back and take the pendrive, I take it to the laptop nearby and connect it before watching the news footage of the shot fired at Spidey from multiple angles.

There were no sparks, so I couldn't find the needed evidence but george told me to play a certain video it was a far away shot so I couldn't even zoom into it but george pointed to a man on the screen and said "that man will have the right angle for it" we zoomed in and tried to make out who he was when we found that his ID card belonged to oh shit "Daily Bugle".

George looked at me with an oh shit look too and asked "how can we get the video then" I just looked at him and said "just make some calls" george sighed and nodded and my day continued like that with waiting for george to show me a positive response.

But right as my shift was about to end I saw Mr parker and his wife coming in so I approached them and asked "what happened Mr parker" he turned to me and said "oh officer Davis my nephew seemed to have done a little underaged shenanigans" I raised my brows as I asked "do I have a predator to hunt" but the man shook his head "thankfully not" I nodded and followed him to the cells where I heard "--it was only fruit beer" and underatood what happened.

I found Ben's nephew peter in a jail cell with another asian kid who was sleeping we approached them and Peter said "hellooo" in a slurred speech, I wanted to ask how much he drank but it wasn't appropriate for the moment so I let ben talk "come on son, I'll take you home" Peter got up and ben was about to wake up the other kid but Peter said "I got him" and lifted him up.

Now I can see that he was fit but the ease with which he lifted the slightly heavyset kid was impressive, would have given counceled him into police force if he didn't already have a good enough music career.

I stopped ben outside his car and asked him "are the russians giving you any trouble?" Ben looked around before he said "I heard someone dealt with them" I just looked him in the eyes and said "I hope you don't know that someone" he nodded and left in his car.

-Ned POV-

When I woke up, it was because of the water that hit my face. I found myself standing on a stage with a Mike in my hand, Peter just looked into my eyes and said "do you remember that song I taught you to hum whenever we used to watch couples walking by" I looked at him confused as I said "that was before Billie and you started dating"

Peter nodded and said "yes I want you to be the background vocals for that" I nodded confused as he wrapped a blindfold on me "remember buddy just like we practiced" his voice sounded slurred like he was half drunk.

I sang the song and once it was over I felt a pair of hands pulling me away as I heard screaming nd applause, I was pushed into a car and taken somewhere when I took off the blindfold I saw bars, the bars you find in a jail.

I look around to find Peter and find him sitting to my left so I tell him "I am never letting you take away my vision again" he just grimaces and looks away, I wait until aunt may and uncle ben come to pick us up because my grandma would not be waking up until 6:00 AM tomorrow eastern Pacific time.

Peter comes and sits beside me and says "so how do we get out of this?" But I just stared ahead as asked in a deadpan tone "how did we get into this?" He sighs and says "look I'm sorry man" but I ask him "is a sorry going to stop this from being put on my record" he exclaims "what--no this wouldn't be on anyone's record, we just got caught for drinking not murder the only people who will be prosecuted are the ones who provided the alcohol".

I wanted to cry as i said "so only I am getting prosecuted" Peter shaked his head as he said "no its going to be-"

"No sir you have to understand I was giving them fruit beer it wasn't even alcoholic" "yeah yeah move your ass" I just stared amusedly as I said "holy shit it worked" Peter just whispered "I told you it would work" I just sighed and asked "so what are you going to do next" Peter started with "actually I want to" but I cut him off "actually don't tell me I want to sleep after that hectic ass night" Peter said sure and as I slept I felt like I could feel myself getting lifted and put down a couple of times but I didn't care I needed the sleep.

The next time I woke up it was to the dissappointed face of aunt may.

-Meanwhile at billies house-

"What the fuck were they thinking, I am going to go and kick their asses right now" I was about to go out there and show them a piece of my mind when susan said "you broke up with him" and I collapsed on the bed again as I ponder what I should do next.

I decided to do something about it rather than wallow in my pity.

Billie "I am going to apologize to him"

Peter "I am going to apologize to her"

Which upload schedule would be better for you?

One chapter on Wednesday, Two chapters on Saturday


One chapter on Tuesday, One chapter on Thursday, One chapter on Saturday

Your boys exams are over so 3 chapters a week it is.

KamBroFam123ERTcreators' thoughts