
Friendly Neighborhood Youtuber Spider-man

Mc reincarnates into Peter parker from the MCU before iron man 1 and decides to be the best spiderman there ever will be, but the path he chose led him to be an internet celebrity. This is my 3rd first fic so please be gentle The first 6-8 chapters might be awful but i promise it gets better. You can read 5 chapters ahead for $3 on my P@TREN/kambrofam and 12 chapters ahead for $8

KamBroFam123ERT · Movies
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115 Chs

What the fuck did I do

P@treon shoutouts - Devor 👑👑(Thank you for being the first member king)

Chris chalich, Danny york, Hastien056

-Ned POV-

'I feel like my POV's are the least right now, like damn I'm the friend of the protagonist' wait what was that I was thinking, it probably wasn't important anyway.

Right now I need to meet Peter and ask him about what's going on with him and Billy, I knock on his door and wait for his gorgeous aunt to open the door no dirty feelings, I'm just an admirer of all things beautifull.

The door opens and I'm ready to greet aunt may but the words get stuck in my throat as I look at another gorgeous young lady. THE vinderella in the flesh, he told me about him getting her as an unofficial adopted sister type deal but I haven't met her in person yet so WOAAAHHH.

She looks me up and down and points at me as she says "you are ned right, I saw you in peter's video" I just nodded, she tilted her head and asked me "are you here for Peter?" I just nodded, she opened the door completely as she said "come on in he is in his room" I just nodded and as we reached her room she taps my shoulder and I turn around.

She looks into my eyes and says "he is really hurt and he needs his friend to put some sense into his mind" I just nodded she nods back and asks me "do you want something coffee or tea" and i--------just nodded she looked at me weird and said "okaaaay I'll get you some coffee then".

I entered the room without knocking and he is just there lying on his bed, he throws a sponge ball at me which I dodge as he says "you are supposed to knock" I approach his bed and kick him twice to make him move his ass to the other side so that I could sit "the only time I have to knock is when you are masturbating" Peter looks embarassed but confused as he asks "how would you know if I'm masturbating or not while you are outside the room?"

I just sigh as I say "didn't know breakups took away people's humor" Peter clapped back just as fast "didn't know sob stories were your favourite timepass" I just laughed at his angry tone and said "the only timepass I'll get when you are this mopey is after I lift up your mood" but Peter doesn't reply he just lies back in his bad looks at the wall "do you want me to paint that spot so that you can watch it dry" he chuckles as he asks me "you would hurt yourself if you try" I hit his shoulder as I said "you don't know me punk, I'm spiderman"

Peter once again sighs and looks at the same spot so I bring out the big guns "wanna go drink" Peter immediately gets up and looks at me with suspicion "how?" I just smirk and say "I know a guy" he gets up and changes clothes and just as we are about to leave vinderella comes back and says "where are you guys going?" Peter answers quickly "somewhere" V points to the tray in her hand and says "but I made coffee" peter looked at the time and said "we don't have time--"

But I stopped him with a hand on his chest and approached her before taking the cup and drinking it all in one chug I ignored her and peters outburst of "it's too hot" or "you'll burn yourself" and completed the whole thing.

She looked at me in shock and asked me "are you ok?" and I just nodded.

-Billie POV-

I was on my bed looking at the ceiling when bang and Susan entered they approached the bed and sat beside me and waited, they waited because they wait for me to talk, they wait for me to talk because they usually only listen and they'll sit there all day and wait for me to ta- "there must be a reason" I was shocked by their initiative but I asked quickly "for what" they both looked at each other before bang said "for dumping Peter" I frown at that and tell them "I didn't dump him per se"

Susan interrupts her "I am breaking up with you" Billie looks at them suspiciously "were you there when it happened" they both shake their heads as bang says "Susan says that is exactly how it would have happened"

Susan nods and I can't help but sigh as I say "if you guys are trying to cheer me up this is not how you do it" Susan nods and says "yeah we are bad at it but you have to tell us, what was the real reason?".

I sigh and get up before hugging them both to me like warm teddy bears and crying in to their hair they both hug me back and I stay like that for an hour or 10 minutes I don't know how time works when people cry but once I unwound how bad I was feeling at them i felt normal.

The weight of my action still lays in my heart but it was now a managable weight so I told them both "I wish the reason was something else but the reason is simply that he doesn't understand what I felt when he stopped being himself and started being apathetic, I dumped him because---" suddenly bang gets up from my hug and says "is that peters voice"

2 hours earlier

-Peter POV-

"I told you ned all he had was fruit beer if we really wanted beer I have another way" ned face turns from dejected to motivated as he asks "really" I nod and say "yes and it involves you convincing that woman over there to buy us some beers" he nods and goes forward before he backtracks "how am I supposed to talk to her?" I just hand him a tablet and say "this is a nimisulide carbonium pill it lowers your receptors and allows you to be more confident, it basically drugs you into doing things you aren't supposed to do"

He nods through my explanation and takes it immediately before he goes upto the woman I get close enough to hear and hide behind a car "I didn't know angels were coming down from heaven this time of the year" the woman laughs and says "when are they supposed to come down then?"

Ned replies with "clearly whenever you were born" the woman chuckles some more so ned continues "so when will my wish come true?" She asks in a curious tone "what wish?" Ned smiled and said "my wish to go on a date with you"

I was cringing on the inside from the corny pick up lines but she somehow seems to like it so unspoken rizz but why the hell is he asking her for a date when all we needed was a bottle of beer.

"How old are you?" ned replies with a confident 16 and she laughs as she says "you are a cute kid but unfortunately too young for me" Ned sighed as he continued "Well can you complete another wish of mine then?" she smiles and says "sure ask away" ned sighs and asks "your number for when I'm 18 and a case of beers to forget this missed opportunity" she laughs outloud and says "sure let me get that for you"

I wait there with my mouth open as ned gets the beers, her number and a kiss on the cheek as he comes to me he says "where did you get those pills man? They worked wonders" I just hold his shoulders and tell him "my brother in Christ those were headache pills" ned just stood in shock before he lost consciousness.

Oh well I knew he could pour scalding hot coffee straight through his throat rather than talk to a beautiful woman but he could definitely get some if he keeps this up.

It took an hour for him to wake up so meanwhile I drank the case myself and after that it was all a little blurry and involved singing, a police station and other things before I fell asleep but when I woke up I was at home somehow and ned was right beside me, the radio was playing a song I know didn't exist in this universe before but it stopped and a radio host said

"Peter Parker singer, songwriter and youtuber has been found singing this beautifull breakup song for the world to hear dragging along his friend Ned leeds in a drunken stupor, officer Davis has taken him into custody until his gaurdians pick him up, is this another celebrities early fall of grace or just a sad young man trying to forget his first puppy love, we will have to find that in the next episode of --"

The radio was stopped by aunt may and I just gulped down the fear I felt as her face morphed into one of rage, I woke up ned so that I don't have to face her wrath alone.

Aunt May chose to ask just one question "Why Peter?" I just looked towards the window as I said "where is uncle ben?" She got more angry at that as she said "dealing with the cops after what you did" I sighed and decided to admit my fault "I wasn't thinking straight aun-" "was this before you drank a case of beer or after" I sighed again as I said "before".

She raised an eyebrow as she asked "and why is that?" I didn't want to tell her but ned said it before I could stop him "he got dumped" I chuckled as I said "what-no I didn't get dumped it was just a break-" ned interrupted me with the "I am breaking up with you is that what she said?" I almost screamed "what the f-" but stopped as I saw aunt may "how do you know?".

He looks at me weirdly as he said "maybe if your face didn't say I got dumped by my girlfriend it would have been harder to guess" "and that means it's time to drink while you are underage" Aunt May somehow always knows when to say something to make you feel the most guilty.

"No" I said in barely a whisper.

She asked me "why do you think she broke up with you" I sighed as I said what has been on my mind for a while now "because she doesn't understand what I felt when I refused to do something" she raised an eyebrow and asked "and what did you feel"

Peter: "I got dumped because I felt scared"

Billie: "I dumped him because i felt scared"