
Foretell Of Ascension

"Did you hear, what happened with the velorum family's kid?" "Who, Alnair?" "Yes, It seems they were finally fed up with that trash and finally banished him from the family" "Ohh, I heard about that, They say he will be sent to the Arhalm kingdom" "He will die there for sure, haha" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Alnair Velorum, This 18 year teen has been bullied, banished and betrayed by his close one's. He didn't have any expectations from them in the first place, As he was bastard of the previous patriarch. But this time they crossed the line. Will he be able to take his revenge or drown in his own sorrows? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tags - fast paced, ruthless mc, gore, face slapping, Harem, R18, netori, teacher-student relationship, Kingdom Building, weaktostrong, milf, mystery, rare bloodline, genius. _ _ _ _ _ _ Add the instgram handle for novel updates- @asrel_writes321 **** [A/N: The art is not mine, For removal or credits contact me. Read My other work, Joe Travels Infinitus.]

Asrel · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

Damsel In Distress.

"Phew.." Alnair let out the foul air from his body.

"Amazing... To think technique like this existed. It is too profound for it to be just any technique. Hey are you listening?"

The voice was pleased with this reaction and said in a sulking manner "Hah, Anyway nothing can be done if you still don't want me as your master. Fine I will just leave your body to find another host" It was nearly impossible with his energy to find someone else. But Alnair didn't need to know this.

Alnair caught it's intent and said hastily "Fine fine, I understand. I will acknowledge you as my master. May I know your name?"

The voice said "Good, You can just call me master from now on. Also don't use that technique recklessly. I am going to sleep for now"

Alnair didn't know what to say, As he was having mixed feelings. First his lover and best friend betrayed him. Then his childhood friend pushed him off the cliff. But all this lead to him meeting this master of his.

'Noo, I shouldn't think like this. I will get revenge on them. Now I just need to focus on growing my strength' His blood boiled when he thought all those events but calmed down thinking about present matters.

'Right.. those guys must have completed there battle, let's see who won, haha' he flew from there.

_ _ _ _

"Arnold, keep breathing.. breath. we will save you. don't worry and just calm down" A women was calming down the man in her lap. She was the mage, who's intestines were out. He was stopping it from his own hands from coming out. he knew, he'd no chance of survival.

He was selfish guy and had formed this party of three with only one intent and that was to hold this two ladies by their waist at night and enjoy them after the mission completion, but who knew his fate was to just hold his own intestines?

However, he was still happy knowing that this two useless bi*chs would join him to afterlife soon.

_ _ _ _ _

Alnair again reached to the tree where he was previously while observing the battle. When he saw the battlefield, he smiled. One bear was dead and there were two more. The twins were at extreme disadvantage. It was only matter of time before they lost the battle.

He still didn't engaged in the fight, only observing from above. He was impressed by the women using the spear, she seemed to be a berserker and had numerous blood marks on her clothes. The mage was fighting the black bears with fearful expression and from little distance.

They knew that their end was at hand but still fought hard. They couldn't just give up and offer their bodies to this beasts. They regretted their decision to form a party with this muscle head.

The berserker yelled "Leave him be Tara, He has no hope of survival. Get up and cast a trapping spell on the right one" She was planning to kill the weak one first.

Alnair was intrigued and thought 'Damn, I should have roasted the snake. I could eat it while watching them' He was regretting his decision to use his most powerful spell. Now he was quite hungry. He was waiting for them to plunge in utter despair. If he saves them now they will thank him, But if he saves their life from jaws of the bear by a hair. Then there will surely more rewards.

While Alnair was daydreaming on a tree, the two ladies were fighting with their life on the line. The man called Arnold was also happy if they died.

Finally, The mage used her spell "Sapier's Abyss, Vines of death" Dark vines started manifesting around a bear and trapped him.

The berserker took this opportunity and readied her spear for attack as she channeled the mana through the spear and her legs.

She jumped with all her might and almost pierced the bear. But at the last moment the other one came in to save the day and got stabbed at his right hand. He roared mightily and slapped away the women with his left hand. It was Sara the sister of mage Tara. She was out of stamina and had got minor injuries all over her body.

Tara was no better, with that trapping spell, She had exhausted almost all the mana she had. And who were they kidding, It was Rank 2 beast, and two at that. There chances of survival was miniscule.

Right at that moment, Alnair jumped down from the tree. And sped towards Sara and caught her in his arms. He thought 'Wow, Is this some kind of novel plot. I get to save a beauty at a perfect time. And here are two at the same time, haha'

Sara had prepared herself to crash in a tree but when she felt the strong arms of Alnair, she felt safe and was relieved when he put her at the side and smiled. Tara was also surprised seeing someone so young at the outer part of this forest.

They were F rankers and couldn't see his rank. Even if they were to be higher rank then him. He now has some tricks up his sleeve to fight them, with his new technique.

He ignored the two women and looked towards the incoming bear after freeing itself from the black gooey vines. It was enraged seeing it's kin injured.

It threw a punch towards Alnair first, Alnair didn't move but activated his mana eyes. his already dazzling golden eyes glowed again as he dodged the bear's attack. Everything around him was moving slowly then usual.

Yes, It was the ability of Eye of algol 'The God Impulse'

In truth everything was happening at it's original speed but Alnair's brain was on hyperdrive. His thoughts, reaction time and attack formation was happening at high speed.

This form was the first phase of mana eyes known as 'Eye of algol, The God Impulse' it's another name was instant death. Yes, because it was technique where even your brain could get fried. But his master gave him knowing this. The techniques of Mana eyes required super physic and strong bloodline to counter the side-effects.

It was like the mana eyes was tailor made for Alnair. Anyway he didn't dilly dally with the fight, he had already wasted enough time watching them fight. He casted the best spell in his arsenal right now "Fire magic, Arcain's cage"

Two scorching fire cages erupted around the bear's. This time he did it moderately and with concentration to not injure there body and directly kill them. There heads flew as he casted "Reis wind magic, Dual sword slash"

The two girls watched this scene in dazed manner. Who knew this young boy who they thought weak and unfortunate to encounter them was this ferocious and cut the bears in seconds. For them it was in even more short time.

As he got close to them they noticed his silver hair, Golden eyes, Lean body but well defined muscles and that imposing Aura around him was just too attractive for their own good.

Alnair was filling his mana, which was depleted more than 70%, he smiled wryly and thought the reason his master told him to use the technique carefully. if he was in much more serious fight, the mana loss could be considered critical for him.

Unknown to him, because his smile the two ladies were blushing hard. Alnair saw this and felt funny, He always had his silver hair but his prior black eyes had now turned golden after bloodline awakening for some reason.

* * *

[A/N: If you have any ideas related to the novel then comment down. I will gladly look into it.

If you liked the story so far, add it to your library.

Thank you for reading :) ]

I wish I had some of that golden eyes


Guys send power stones to know the secret of that eye XD...

Happy Reading ;)

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