
Foretell Of Ascension

"Did you hear, what happened with the velorum family's kid?" "Who, Alnair?" "Yes, It seems they were finally fed up with that trash and finally banished him from the family" "Ohh, I heard about that, They say he will be sent to the Arhalm kingdom" "He will die there for sure, haha" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Alnair Velorum, This 18 year teen has been bullied, banished and betrayed by his close one's. He didn't have any expectations from them in the first place, As he was bastard of the previous patriarch. But this time they crossed the line. Will he be able to take his revenge or drown in his own sorrows? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tags - fast paced, ruthless mc, gore, face slapping, Harem, R18, netori, teacher-student relationship, Kingdom Building, weaktostrong, milf, mystery, rare bloodline, genius. _ _ _ _ _ _ Add the instgram handle for novel updates- @asrel_writes321 **** [A/N: The art is not mine, For removal or credits contact me. Read My other work, Joe Travels Infinitus.]

Asrel · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Sara Loves Welding Spear - 1 [R-18]

Before any of them could converse they heard a thud. They turned around only to see Arnold on the ground, who also had a red burning face, But it was out of sheer anger.

He already predicted how things will turn out after seeing Alnair took out two Rank 2 beast like flies. He regretted his decision coming here and to bring this two, only to deliver them to Alnair.

Alnair saw his face and couldn't help but chuckle. His eyes flashed a cold light as he moved towards him and *Thud* Arnold's head landed on the ground.

Tara who watched this had horrified expression. To kill two Rank 2 bears required guts. But to kill a human without even bating an eye was something incomprehensible for her. She was trembling with fear but anger was still evident on her face. Because she liked Arnold.

It wasn't like she was head over heels for him but she still cared about him enough to feel anger towards Alnair, who just ruthlessly killed him.

She was about to voice out her displeasure but Sara beat her to it, she said calmly as Arnold's death didn't matter to her "Thank you for showing him mercy. And also thank you for saving our lives. My name is Sara and this is my sister Tara, May I know your name?"

Alnair was internally surprised seeing her calm expression, he killed him knowing they were close because, one they needed closure. What better closure then a flying head, Right? Second he just wanted to kill Arnold before that intestine-less man could say something to incite the twins against him.

Alnair just nodded and said "Alnair" to her and looked towards Tara who was surprised. Sara just smiled and said "Tara, you should thank him, if it wouldn't for Alnair, we would have died long ago and as for Arnold it was better for him to die then suffer"

Alnair was now fascinated by Sara, She was a berserker, Unlike him or Tara she used her physical strength and spear Arts as primary attack tactic. They on other hand used spells. Alnair was little different who also used Sword arts.

Tara just ignored both of them and got close to Arnold's body. They decided to buried Arnold near a tree. Tara cried for a while. Sara only had a sad expression and got over it quickly. On the other hand Alnair was contemplating if he should write on the tree, 'Here lies a man who delivered two beauties, at the price of his own life and sacrificing his gooey intestines' but he decided against it. He was not worth his time, rather he wanted to spend time with Sara.

It was already dusk, It was dangerous to travel at night, therefore they set up a camp. They only had two tents, after all. the third one was destroyed with Arnold.

_ _ _ _ _

Right now they were sitting around fire, Thankfully Arnold liked to carry food in bulk. Alnair had beef for dinner. He was feeling happy and little sleepy but he started rotating mana in his body to woke up his body.

He was planning to ask Sara about Arhalm kingdom and all the basics he needed to know. But before he could ask, Sara said "Alnair, Why don't you give me some tips about battle and Spear Arts, I mean you seem to be experienced in fighting" She said all this while looking at him intently.

Alnair thought a while and chuckled, He said "Sure why not, But I am little sleepy. I will take a little nap then, we could talk" he said while glancing at Tara, who was looking at him with hidden anger, which was not so hidden.

Sara smiled and said "Haha, Then why not I also sleep in your tent. When you wake up, we can converse comfortably"

Tara was shocked hearing this from her sister, But before she could voice out her disagreement, they both left. As to be already expecting this from her.

She sighed and thought 'I must be overthinking, Sara is a valiant girl with talent in Spear Arts. There's no way she would be swayed by this brat'

They were both in their late twenties and beautiful in their own way. After cleaning the dishes of her and her sister she also went to her tent.

After a while, In the camp of Alnair and Sara.

Sara was in her sleeping bag and her heart was racing. At the campfire she made that decision little hastily. Now she was feeling nervous and doubtful of her decision.

It was almost an hour and Alnair opened his eyes. He glanced at Sara, an could feel from her irregular behaviour that she was awake and still quite nervous. Well Alnair was no different but acted calm. He was also a virgin and wanted his first time with Sara.

He sat up and said "Are you awake?" Sara winced at his sentence and after a while said "Yes, Wanna go out?"

Alnair narrowed his eyes, Going out at this time could be dangerous but decided to along with her decision and said "Okay but take your weapon, just in case"

They both left their campsite and started walking towards random direction under beautiful moonlight. It was peaceful atmosphere and they heard a splash, they both looked at each other and nodded.

When they reached the location where the voice originated from, they found a lake. Which was transparent, Many fish were in there and the splash had came from a deer drinking water from it.

After noticing the two, The deer took off at lightning speed. They both then sat near the lake. Alnair said "I am really sweaty from the battle earlier today. You must also want a bath no? What do you think, we take a bath" Alnair took the chance without overthinking things.

Sara was surprised from his boldness and said little sarcastically "So, Who will bath first?"

Alnair didn't find it funny and without saying a word, he swept her off from the ground and jumped in the lake together with Sara.

Sara didn't expect this and cried out loud "Kyaah, Alnair you shameless bastard, atleast tell me before doing something like that" Alnair didn't reply to her. He was dazed seeing her wet brown hair and reflection of him in those blue eyes. Right now under the moonlight, She was looking like a goddess descended from the heaven. Her nipples were visible from here wet dress.

Noticing his burning hot and lust filled gaze, she covered her boobs with her hands. She was embarassed to no end. But also saw his charming golden eyes and the handsome face with silver hair. Something in her invoke to lean forward.

As she did that, Alnair also closed in and kissed her. Only now did Sara came to herself, But feeling his tongue invading her mouth she just melted in his embrace.

Alnair tightly hugged her feeling her breasts and started kissing wildly. Their tongues collided again and again. He explored her mouth brazenly, wet sound came from their mouths as they continued the kissing wildly.

Only after a while did he let go of her mouth and she gasped for breath. Alnair didn't wait any longer and stripped her clothes. She didn't felt that embarassed this time instead she removed his upper clothes.

Alnair started kissing on her neck, She felt his hand on her boobs and her breathing increased. Alnair started to lick her neck, from their, he traced his tongue to her well rounded boobs, as he gave a lick to her erect nipple, a jolt course through Sara's body. She clutched his head and pulled him towards her chest as if asking to suck even harder. To that he obliged.

Their foreplay gone on for a while and they finally decided to wash themselves. They left from inside the lake and came beside a tree. Alnair carried her to the tree from the lake. She felt his big build and felt safe in it. she nestled in his embraced and pulled his head for another kiss.

After a while of kissing and licking all over each other's face they stopped to take a breather, Sara came prepared and thought about this beforehand. First she took out a tent and set it up while being completely naked, For some reason Alnair didn't helped her. Instead he watched her perky ass move around and felt the desire to slap it, before she could get in the tent Alnair spanked her ass hard. She looked towards him with moist eyes, It seemed he spanked little too hard. There was a mark of his hand on her ass. He just hugged her and said "Sorry, I got little carried away. Let's go inside" She didn't say anything and only nodded.

* * *

[A/N: If you liked the story so far, add this story to your library.

Also read my another work 'Joe Travels Infinitus'

Thank you for reading.]

I think Alnair was marking Sara's as* with his hands, No? XD

Happy Reading ;)

Asrelcreators' thoughts