

Blank555 · Romance
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4 Chs


What's with this feeling, I felt that I can do anything and know everything, it's like that I was the law that's structured and governs all existence.

I slowly opened my eyes while I subconsciously said something." My words are the law, My though are the law, and My will is the law. I am the True and Only Ruler Of all that stands above all, holds all and governs all".

The moment I fully opened my eyes, my blurry mind became clear, and the first thing I saw was the visage of an unworldly beauty that can be mistaken for a goddess of beauty, No that is even an understatement there are no words that can describe her beauty.

Seeing this beauty my mind went blank and my heart begin to beat fast, but I managed to calm myself down.

I Look at this indescribable beauty. She has long and straight Silver hair that reaches a length of 120 meters and she can extend it endlessly, deep blue eyes like an ocean, long ears like an elf, and long silver eyelashes.

She wears a beautiful white dress that emphasizes her perfect and voluptuous figure and silky white gloves.

Even tho this is my first time meeting her, for some reason I knew her very well.


She smiles sweetly at my words, and then she gave me a tender and loving gaze like she is looking at her long-awaited husband.

"You're finally returned, Roy".

Adela the unworldly beauty suddenly hug me tight while shedding tears of Joy.

"You're Finally here you idiotic and shellfish husband, do you know how long we waited for your return, we've been longing for your return for over eternity while watching your life on each of your reincarnations".

What did she mean about my reincarnation? The moment that thought entered my mind, something broke inside of me. Soon all of my memory of my past life returned to me like a tsunami that wash everything in its wake. The last memory that returned to me was the scene where I was saying goodbye to my infinite number of wives.

This scene happened before I use the law of rebirth and death under the law of Fate to enter the Cycle of reincarnation.

My purpose in doing this is so that I can feel and experience the life of the beings inside the Cycle Of Reincarnation, to execute my plan I persuaded all of my infinite wives to agree.

Through a lot of persuasion, they finally agreed, and before my departure. I use the law of existence so that I can create an infinite number of avatars that I can use so that I along with my infinite wives can spend a night together in bed to make babies. After that passionate night, my dragon's milk was squeeze-dried.

A cold sweat started to drop like rain on my body, Infinite wives how did I even make those absurd numbers of beautiful girls fall head over heels for me?

I'm beginning to doubt if this memory of mine is real or not, but I can tell these memories were real because I can feel like I experience this memory yesterday.

Hehe, it looks like I will die in bed in the future.

While I was thinking about those pointless things I realized that Adela is still hugging me tightly while crying.

This beautiful girl Adela and my other infinite wives stills love me even tho my personality already changed, the only thing that doesn't change is my love for them which still burns like the flame of the eternal fire inside of my heart.

I lifted her face so that I can see her beautiful face that can trample all existence, I look at her teary eyes and I saw that her eyes were full of love and affection for me. I smiled lovingly and said.

"I am back Adela".

I kiss her passionately and our tongue begins to intertwine with each other, we kiss and kiss until we become satisfied before we separate our lips from each other. A string of saliva that connected both of our mouths can be seen after we both separated from our passionate kiss.

"Did you miss me that much"?

Adela replied to my question with another passionate kiss, and after that, both of us sat on a luxurious black throne located behind me. I didn't notice earlier, but we are inside a breathtaking Hall. This hall was the throne room that I created before I entered the Cycle of reincarnation.

The size of this throne room was endless, it has large black pillars with golden lines and a black floor with a red carpet. This hall has no ceiling or walls there is even no door that leads outside the hall.

Rather than walls and ceilings, you can see a beautiful view of the endless outer space that you can only see in sci-fi movies back on earth. I use my eyes that have an eyesight that extends endlessly throughout everything.

Using my eyes I discovered that the beautiful view in front of me was real, it was not a projector nor a drawing that was only drawn on the ceiling and walls.

This hall has an Infinite Space acting as its walls and ceiling, also this space of the hall has no living beings who live in it. I gave a thumbs up of approval to my past self for the outstanding design that he used for building this place.

Adela was sitting on my lap and kissing my chicks, neck, and lips while saying my name repeatedly like she was a broken record, her eyes even has a crazy and possessive glint in them. I look at her with a warm gaze and thought.

Are all of my wives behaving like this toward me? I can't help to ask that question inside my mind because Adela's expression and behavior right now were similar to the yandere characters that you always see in anime, manga, and light novels.

This type of girl was my type, they are the girls that have 100% that they will never betray you because of their crazy love, and are very guaranteed that they will love you for eternity, their crazy love was never-ending.

Yandere was the greatest woman that you ever met if you know how to handle them. Hours later Adela was already satisfied with the time we spent, so she decided to drag me out of the throne room so that I can meet my other wives.

A golden door appeared where the door of the hall was supposed to be located, this golden door was called the teleportation door. You wondering why you need to use teleportation to go outside the hall. Well, the reason is if you wanted to go outside or beyond an infinite space, you need to use a teleportation technique or laws so that you can remove the distance or create a path that will lead outside the space.

Adela and I walk through the door and go to the location of my infinite wives. I use the law of existence to create infinite avatars to meet all of them at the same time.

I can feel and experience what the avatar does and feel, having an avatar was like having a second body. I met all my wives and spent time with them using my avatar.

Avatar was similar to the body double technique of a certain anime character with yellow hair and a fox monster inside of his stomach.

The difference between these two was the body double creates a copy of yourself using the energy of your body, while Avatars divided your soul and then create a copy of yourself from your flesh. You can see, feel and control the avatar like your own body.