

Blank555 · Sci-fi
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4 Chs


I was woken up by a comfortable warm wrapped around my body, I slowly opened my eyes, and the sight that greeted me made me smile gently.

Countless different points of view appear inside my mind like I was in a different location at the same time.

This point of view came from my infinite Avatars that accompany my infinite wives from different rooms. Each of my infinite bodies was accompanied by 5 of my wives so that I can spend time with them at the same time.

From the point of view of my main body.

I can't believe that I make love to an infinite number of extremely beautiful ladies and all of those beautiful ladies are my wives, I can't help myself to scream that inside my mind, I don't even know if I am the luckiest man or the most pitiful man.

During my lovemaking with my wives, I realized that they were all Yandere. All of them shows very possessive and loving eyes when they finally saw me again after a very very very long time, they display the same reaction to Adela when they saw me again, they hug me and gave me a passionate kiss.

( Note: by the way, so that you won't be confused, infinite Avatar and infinite body were referring to the same meaning).

I turn my head to my right and saw the figure of a naked beautiful female elf hugging my right hand, her straight 120-meter silver hair was freely flowing down around the bed and floor, and her perfect voluptuous body was fully displayed for me to see.

I look at her breast and thought, that is C cup alright, this beautiful silver hair elf was Adela Kaza, my wife. After appreciating my wife's body I move my gaze next to Adela. There, I saw a beauty that can bring down the downfall of a nation, this beautiful woman was a 9-tail fox beast's man.

Like a 9-tail fox beast's man, she has a fluffy fox ear and 9 fluffy fox tails. She has waist-length golden hair that matches her golden ear and tails and golden eye.

Her naked figure was fully displayed in my eyes, she has a beautiful and busty figure. Her bust size is on the level of an H cup, her butt is firm and big, and her thighs are thick.

This beautiful lady that has a body of a succubus is one of my wives, Ayako Kaza.

(note: Kaza is Roy's last name).

After ogling, Aham! I mean after appreciating my wife's naked figure, I move my gaze next to her. There, I saw another figure of a beautiful naked woman, Yeah, you guessed it, she is one of my wives, Her name was Ayla Kaza She is the Twin Sister of Ayako.

Ayla has the same appearance, height, and figure as her twin sister both of them were perfect copies of one another, the only difference between the two sisters was their Hair color. Ayako has golden hair, on the other hand, Ayla has orange hair.

Next, I turn my head to the left and see the same sight. My left hand was hugged by a beautiful naked woman, this woman was a human and also one of my wives, her name is Ninim Kaza.

She has straight dirty blonde hair that reaches her shoulder, her hair was styled in a bob cut with bangs, and red eyes. Her perfect and voluptuous body was fully displayed, I look at her naked body and thought, they are very beautiful all of my wives are very beautiful.

After that I move my gaze next to Ninim, There I saw another beautiful woman, this beautiful woman is one of my wives her name is Melody Rose Kaza.

Melody is a beautiful human girl that has a beauty that can cause the downfall of all existence, she has purple hair that reaches her waist, Emerald green eyes, and long silver eyelashes.

Her naked body was fully displayed, she has a voluptuous body, her bust size is D cup, plump butt, and thick thighs.

Seeing this sight again, I shake my head and thought, all my wives were beautiful with very attractive bodies that can awaken all the lust of all beings, on top of all that they were all immortal and had an appearance in their primed. In the simplest term, all my wives are beautiful immortal girls in their twenties.

After looking at my wives with gentle eyes, I waited for them to wake up, I don't want to disturb their beautiful sleep. Soon my waves woke up and then greeted me with a kiss.

We didn't immediately get out the bed, we are just staring at the starry ceiling while talking to each other. This room where I and my wives slept is similar to the throne room where I woke up.

"So Roy what is your plan now", Adela asks.

Ayla, Ayako, Ninim, and Melody, perk up their ears and waited for Roy's reply.

"What makes you ask that".

"Well after our S*x last night I can tell that there is something bordering inside you".

Roy did not lie or hide anything, he immediately answers honestly.

"I was thinking about the countless women that fall in love and marry me when I was still in the cycle of reincarnation. I was planning to meet them again and then marry them".

Adela, Ayako, Ayla, Melody, and Ninim, look at each other and exchange a knowing look, they know that their husband was a very territorial man, especially toward his women, so they already know was going to happen, the only words appear inside their mind, Womanizer.

Roy continues to speak without knowing what his wives think and tells them about his plan, He also tells this to all of his infinite wives using his infinite body.

"Of course, I won't force them to marry me again, I will Just remove the crest that I left on their body if they rejected me to marry them again".

This crest was called the crest of love that only Roy can use, once Roy marries or have an s*x with that woman no man other than him can touch them, this crest will be with them for eternity even if they die, this crest will be only removed by Roy. All of Roy's wives have this crest and this crest is located on their wombs.

"You never change, Roy". Ayako said that with a teasing smile.

"Yes you are right about that Sis, she is still a womanizer". Ayla backed it up Ayako teasing.

Roy comb his hair back with his hands and said with confidence. "Is not my fault for being born handsome, really being handsome is a sin". After he said that he shows his signature smile.

Adela, Ayla, Ayako, and Ninim rolled their eyes, they already adopted Roy's narcissistic tendency, on the other hand, Melody just watch with her usual expressionless face, but if you look closely you will see that her lips were slightly curled upward and her eyes were showing unnoticeable gentleness.

Melody Crawls on the bed towards Roy and then rides on top of Roy. Melody grabs Roy Dragon and put on the opening of her forbidden cave.

Melody said with lust and crazy gaze, "I want more, f*ck me". Roy smiled and thought, I'm a really lucky man the luckiest man, on the other hand, Adela, Ayako, Ayla, and Ninim shake their head while smiling and then they join Melody. Soon the beautiful and pleasurable voices of five women can be heard around the room.

After 2 hours of lovemaking, they went to the dining room and eat their breakfast. after that, they prepare for their departure. 2 days later.

Roy along with his infinite body and his infinite wives are inside the place where the infinite number of portals of reincarnation are located, this portal led to the place called Nature, this place called nature was controlled by Roy's creations the race of Primordial Of All.

This place called Nature was a place governed by level 1 laws. The strength of the laws was separated into levels, 0 levels were the middle level, negative infinite was the lower part levels, and the positive infinite was the higher part levels.

Soon they all enter the portals, and each of his infinite wives was grouped into five, and all the group will be accompanied by Roy using his infinite Avatars.

One after another they all entered the infinite portals, Later only his main body along with Adela, Ayla, Ayako, Ninim, and Melody left.

"So let's go then", Roy said.

Adela, Ayla, Ayako, Ninim, and Melody nodded their head in reply, and soon they walk through the portal led by Roy.