

Blank555 · Sci-fi
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4 Chs

Until We Meet Again

To the person who managed to luckily find my letter. I, who had lived a painful, yet fulfilling life. A life with many regrets and among those regrets was dying as a virgin.

Ahem! Don't look at me with those eyes full of ridicule and contempt, because I'm sure that you, yes you! The one who was reading this letter right now was the same as me a Virgin.

What? You're not a Virgin? In that case, go F*ck yourself! How dare you read this letter, Just dropped dead already pretty boy so that I can beat you up hear, but if you are a pretty girl just live already if you don't want to be hunted by a handsome ghost like me.

What? My face is thick as a dictionary book? Yeah, I know so thanks for your praise. Swine you said? you're right on the mark, when I was still alive I was known as swine among swine, the most handsome swine that ever walk to the face of the earth. Even the most handsome man in mythology can not compare to my handsome and piggy face.

Even the goddess of beauty was begging a swine like me to marry her the moment she saw my handsome face and the single-pack abs that I'm proud of, so yeah life of a swine is very hard.

Joke aside, Yeah I died a virgin, however, before I died, I got my first and the last kiss from a beautiful lady who was known as the most beautiful lady in the entire Academy and the entire world.

Man her lips were soft and sweet.

If the men in school could see this moment, I bet that they will cry a river of blood in envy, I'm sure that all of her admirers around the world will join hands to hunt me down to kill me.

Unfortunately, by the time they will find this letter, I will be long dead.

I will leave this world with many regrets, but there is one thing that I don't regret, and that is saving her while risking my life in the prosses.

I travel throughout the darkness of the night, I climbed the thorny fence to infiltrate the abandoned building full of criminals that were guarding it. Inside this abandoned building my beloved was tied up in a chair while guarded by the criminals.

Yeah, your guess was right folks, I save her from your typical kidnapping scene in the movies.

I managed to save her by making her escape first. She manages to escape, but I didn't manage to.

I was caught and beaten by the kidnappers out of anger, I lost consciousness during that beating, and when the time I open my eyes again I was in the hospital while guarded by the beautiful girl that I save and also my beloved.

2 days after my stay at the hospital, the doctor finally informed me about the bad news, The doctor said that all my organs were severely injured and there is no hope of survival. My world crumble that day.

When my beloved manage to hear this news she cried, My heart felt pain seeing my beloved crying for me. After that, she always accompanies me in the hospital until my last moment.

My stay in that hospital was the happiest and most memorable memory of my life and I will remember it even in the afterlife. During those times I realize that she has feelings for me, but even tho I know that I can't bring myself to confess to her because I'm still afraid of her rejection, my damaged guts were lacking courage.

In the end, I confess my feelings to her before I breathe my last breath, how pathetic I wish that I confess to her sooner.


In a small chance that you are the one who managed to find this letter, Just ignore the first part of this letter I'm just joking.

If fate wills it then our paths will cross again, when that times come I promise you that I will never let you go again.

Well, then I will go first, you are not allowed to follow me right away, if you do, I will be sad. So take care.

I hate saying goodbye so until we meet again Amanda.


A single tear fell, followed by another. Soon, the handwritten letter was drenched in tears,

Amanda's vision blurred as her tears fell like rain.

"I'm sorry Roy", Amanda held the letter close to her chest and cried for the boy that sacrifice all for her sake.

The moonlight shines through her window, and the stars twinkle like gems in the sky. Amanda cried under this beautiful night sky until she can't shed any tears anymore.