
Fate Hunter

Adrian, wakes up in a strange and fantastical world, with no memory of how he got there or who he really is. As he begins to explore this new world, he discovers that he has a rare and powerful magic, the magic of fate, which is known as the fateweaver or fatehunter

Adenlia · Fantaisie
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18 Chs

Real or Fake, Continents - Chapter 12

Adrian and Alia sat outside on the bench, watching as the storm clouds rolled in. The wind started to pick up, and the snow began to fall. Adrian turned to Alia and asked, "Is there any human civilization nearby?" "And what exactly is this place called?"

Alia looked at Adrian with a sad expression on her face. "I'm afraid there is no human civilization nearby, Adrian. We are in a place called The Frozen Continent of Agreim. As I said to you before, this continent is governed by people like me, Frost Witches, and Frost Giants. As you can see, ordinary humans have no real way to live here. "We are far from any human settlements."

Adrian was shocked to hear this. "But, it is only to be expected," he thought. It also seemed like he was stuck here in this place unless he got real power in his hands. "Is there any way for me to leave this continent?" he asked.

Alia placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled. "I was not expecting for you to be bored with me this quick." Adrian simply smiled and made a face at Alia, saying, "Stop joking."

Alia chuckled as she kept talking. "The only way to leave the Frozen Continent of Agreim is to reach the Great Ocean and find some sort of vessel to leave the continent, but keep in mind that it is too much of a dangerous task for you to do." Besides, you have just begun to discover your own magical abilities. "You need to learn more about this world and hone your skills before you can even think about leaving."

Adrian nodded, realizing that Alia was right.

Adrian then inquired of Alia about other continents besides the Frozen Continent of Agrehim; Alia smiled and informed him of two continents, one of which is known as Antarctica.

The Continent of Elvandar, a forested continent, home to the ancient elven race and many other magical creatures.

The Desert Continent of Suna, A vast desert continent, home to nomadic tribes and powerful sorcerers

As Adrian listened to Alia's description of the other continents, he couldn't help but feel intrigued. He had never heard of such places before, and the thought of exploring them filled him with excitement.

"Are there any other continents that humans live on?" he asked Alia, curious about what other civilizations might exist in this magical world.

Alia hesitated for a moment before answering. "Yes, there are other continents where humans have established their presence. But they are not as welcoming to outsiders as the ones I mentioned. "They are powerful and often use their magic for their own selfish purposes."

Adrian nodded, understanding the implications of what Alia had said. He knew that if he ever encountered these humans, he would need to be cautious and prepared.

As the storm raged on, Adrian and Alia continued to talk about the different continents and their magical inhabitants. Despite the danger that lurked in some of these places, Adrian couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and excitement at the thought of exploring them one day.

Adrian took a deep breath in his mind, and then,

"It is better for me to stay childlike. It would be too shocking and suspicious for me to just behave with an unexpected maturity as she would try to find a reason for it."

The reason for Adrian to maintain his first behavior through the times he met with Alia is simple. The more he appears naive and childlike, the more information he will obtain from her, and the less she will regard him as an enemy.