
Fate Hunter

Adrian, wakes up in a strange and fantastical world, with no memory of how he got there or who he really is. As he begins to explore this new world, he discovers that he has a rare and powerful magic, the magic of fate, which is known as the fateweaver or fatehunter

Adenlia · Fantasy
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18 Chs

The Past - Chapter 11

"I'm going to call this arrow Fate Magical Arrow!"

Adrian was determined to learn how to use his fate magical arrow.He went to Alia and asked her for guidance on how to make his magical energy tangible and usable in a practical way.

Before he spotted her and went to ask the question, he made sure that she was not working on her things.

Alia smiled and said, "The key is to focus your mind and your imagination on the desired outcome." "You have to visualize what you want to achieve with your magical energy."

"First of all, how are you going to use your magical energy to create an arrow and use it as a projectile if you have never used a bow and arrow and cannot feel it or imagine what it would feel like to be using an arrow to hit a target?"

Adrian nodded, and some sort of realization hit him in the head.

"Without experience of a real thing, things become much harder to imagine in the first place."

"Imagination alone is not enough; I need to be able to feel that I can do it and like I already have."

"Which is hard for me to accomplish with just the use of my imagination."

Adrian gulped.

Adrian then asked another question.

"I start to feel tired and sleepy when I use my magical energy for too long and try to control my magical energy for too long in a short period of time."

Alia replied, "That's where the physical training comes in." You have to develop your physical abilities to match your magical abilities. With the right training, you can use your magical energy to enhance your physical attacks as well as increase your endurance. But I'm sure you already know that."

Adriam smiled but said nothing.

Adrian was excited to learn more and started to train even harder. He worked on developing his physical strength and agility as well as his ability to control and manipulate his magical energy. With time and practice, Adrian became more skilled and proficient in using his magical energy in a practical way. He was able to create powerful projectiles that could take down even the strongest of opponents.

Adrian closed his eyes and focused on his breathing, calming his mind to form the magical energy into a ball. The yellowish energy started to swirl in his palm and slowly took the shape of a small sphere. He opened his eyes and looked at it with amazement.

As he held the magical ball, memories from his past life on Earth came flooding back to him. He remembered his family, friends, and the world he used to live in.

"I'm remembering who I am and who I was before entering this universe, and it's all starting to make sense now."

"But I should hide this from Alia; even she, as a Frost Witch, should not be able to take on the reality that I am not from this universe!"

Adrian remembered the feeling of grass under his feet, the warmth of the sun on his skin, and the sound of the ocean waves crashing onto the shore.

But as he continued to focus on the magical ball, the memories slowly faded away, and he was back in the cold winter environment with Alia. He looked up at the snow-capped mountains in the distance and then back at the magical ball in his hand.

Adrian realized that he had to focus on the present moment and use the power he had to the fullest. He began to experiment with different ways of using the fate energy ball, shaping it into various shapes and sizes and controlling it with his mind.