
Fate Hunter

Adrian, wakes up in a strange and fantastical world, with no memory of how he got there or who he really is. As he begins to explore this new world, he discovers that he has a rare and powerful magic, the magic of fate, which is known as the fateweaver or fatehunter

Adenlia · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Power Levels - Chapter 13

Adrian had been practicing using his fate energy arrow for one week, and he was starting to feel more comfortable and confident with his abilities. He decided to try out his skills on some nearby trees, seeing how accurately he could hit a target from a distance.

With a focused mind and a steady hand, Adrian conjured two fate energy arrows in just three seconds, watching as they took shape in his palm.

He aimed his arm at a nearby tree and sent the arrows flying, watching as they whizzed through the air and hit their target with enough force to penetrate the thick bark.

Adrian couldn't help but smile in satisfaction at his success. He repeated the exercise, hitting multiple targets with precision and ease.

As he grew more confident in his abilities, he started to experiment with different techniques, trying out new ways to manipulate and control the energy.

Alia watched from a distance, impressed by Adrian's progress. She knew he still had much to learn, but she could see the potential in him.

"It has been only about three to four weeks since he learned what magic is, and he is already at the level of

She approached him, offering some tips and advice to help him improve even further.

Adrian listened intently, grateful for Alia's guidance.

He knew he still had a long way to go, but with practice and dedication, he was confident he could become a powerful wielder of fate energy.

After training ended, Adrian and Alia sat down to eat. Alia was careful about how Adrian was fed and how much he ate; she knew that he was in the growth stage and needed a surplus of food for the best improvement of his body and everything about him.

For these reasons, she was careful to give him enough food with different varieties.

as Adrian and Alia eat their food. Alia started talking.

"Adrian, there are five levels of power in our world," she said. "The first level is called Echo." This is the level where most people start when they first discover their magical abilities. It's the level where you can barely control your magical energy, and it's not very strong.

The second level is called Nexus. At this level, your control over your magical energy increases, and your spells become stronger. "You can create more complex shapes and use your magic for more practical purposes."

"Okay, what's the next level?" Adrian asked, intrigued.

"The third level is called radiance," Alia continued. "At this level, your magical energy becomes more refined, and you can use it to create more powerful spells."

You can even create magical shields and barriers to protect yourself. The fourth level is called Eclipse, and it's a level that only a few people can reach.

At this level, you can control the elements, and your magical energy is incredibly strong.

"You can create storms, control the weather, and even summon powerful creatures."

Adrian's eyes widened in amazement. "That sounds incredible. "What's the final level?"

"The final level is called ascension," Alia replied.

"This is the level that only a handful of people in history have ever reached." At this level, you become one with your magical energy.

"You can use it to manipulate time and space, and you become almost godlike in your abilities."

Adrian was speechless. The idea of becoming so powerful was both exhilarating and terrifying. "How do I reach these levels?" he asked.

"It takes years of practice and training," Alia replied. "But with dedication and hard work, anything is possible."