
Chapter 189: An abortion ?

" What ? " Thomas asked.

Alyssa beamed and said.." I am very lucky that you came back the time i need you the most. God hasn't abandoned me as I thought. " She said with solemn excitement.

Thomas frowned. " Marvis, I am getting confused. What is it that you want to talk about ? " He questioned in confusion.

" Doctor Thomas, I just need to ask you a few questions. Will you please answer me..? " She begged.

" I haven't been put on duty since I just returned. So...we can surely talk." He said.

Alyssa smiled when he said this.

"...I am..let me change first then we go somewhere and talk. " He said.

Alyssa nodded.

After they found a private coffee shop to talk from.

" Marvis, You gave totally changed from the old one that came here. " Thomas said while they went to coffee shop.

" What do you mean ? " He asked.

" You have gainerd some weight. And if I am to remember very well, You voice has changed too. " When he said so she smiled.

" Most people say so.." as she said this they were sitting down.

" So, What did you want to talk about ? " He asked

" Well, Its about me. Someone told me that I was here before I met Alyssa. Which kind of person was I ? " She asked.

" I remember, When you came, you wanted to have an abortion.." he begun.

" An abortion ? " Alyssa asked.

" Yes..I guess you forgot everything since you lost your memory. But...You had come here to have an abortion. You told me that your parents and the father of your child didn't want the baby so you were scared to go back home. "

" So what happened ? " Alyssa paid more attention.

" I gave you an offer to stay here as long as you would not abort. So...you started staying with me. " Thomas said and then looked back at her with a serious look.

" But...why are you asking about your past ? " He suddenly asked.

Alyssa pulled out her phone and showed him.

" I guess you don't know much about me since you have been away. But, That is me. "

Thomas looked at the phone which had her social media handles. All of them had over 20million followers each.

" How did you become this popular ? " He asked.

" I participated in the Hopkinsville makeup show and came up with a song which trended so...I became famous. And after that, I am now an ambassador of Hopkinsville media and I do all the promotions and advertisements of big companies. " She said.

Thomas first gave her the phone and leaned against the seat.

" You said, You made a song ? " He asked.

" Yeah, Here it is.

" She said and gave it to him again. It had now reached 300million views and over 250million likes.

" ..This..is..wow ! " He muttered and looked at her again.

" Did you really make this song ? " He asked.

" Mmm.." sorry murmured.

" This is wierd..you couldn't sing before. How did you write this song ? " He asked.

" It just came.." he answered.

Thomas put his hands on his lips in confusion.

" Doctor, What is wrong ? " She asked.

" It's strange..." he said. " Which other things do you do ? " He asked.

" I do music of course. And I have been good in video and photo shooting. They say poses and the way i do my things are professional. " She said.

" Is that all you do ? " Thomas asked.

" Yes.."

" Then , What of sowing and neating ? Have you tried them ? " He asked.

" Really , I haven't. I don't even think that I can.." She said.

Doctor Thomas looked confused after this.

' How is this possible. She couldn't sing and write songs. And her hobbies were sowing and neating. How comes she remembers nothing ? '

He thought. " Doctor, Are you fine ? " Alyssa asked after noticing his long silence.

" ..I am...You used to like fried eggs. Do you still like them ? " He asked.

" You mean I used to like them ? How comes that right now I am allergic to them ? " She asked.

" You are really allergic to them ? " He asked yes.

" Yes..I remember i visited my Dad last week and he also made them for me but as soon as i had finished eating, the doctor said i am allergic.." She said.

" Oh..." He mumbled while he took a sip of his coffee.

" Doctor Thomas, I didn't know that you knew that much about me . " She muttered.

" Hmmm, You were with me for two weeks. And because i was always worried that you would do something stupid, I kept my eye on you. I used to ask about your favorite stuff and hobbies to help me keep you around.." He said.

" It's so shameless that I can't remember everything that you did for me. I would be very grateful. " She said sadly.

Thomas beamed and said. " Its fine....But I think you haven't told me the reason why you came to see me.." He said.

" I almost forgot...Doctor Thomas. My ex boyfriend and my ex Stepmother are trying to blackmail me. Will you help ? " She asked as she gave him the video to watch.

" So...this s what they are talked about you ? " Thomas asked after watching the video.

" Yeah, I want to clear my name.." she said.

" So...I heard him talk about Calcel. Are you and him having a relationship ? " He asked.

" Doctor Thomas, I know it's embrassing that I fell in love with him yet he was Alyssa's. But I really loved him. " She said Sadly and looked down at the table.

" So...you mean that you two broke up because of this video ? " Thomas asked.

" Yeah..." Alyssa looked at him and said.

" I will surely help you.." He answered her.

The two had chatted for over two hours and my the time Thomas checked on his wrist watch it was going to 1pm.

" Marvis , This is my number. Call me when you need anything. " He said getting up.

" Right now I am supposed to meet my workers. You know i have taken long without talking to them." he said.

" I will respect that Doctor Thomas. Thank you for sparing your time to talk to me. " Said Alyssa.

Thomas nodded and left.