
Falling for my Step son ( Moved to a New Link )

Alyssa is a young superstar in her early twenties who decides to marry a billionaire twice her age hoping to pay off her mother's debts. Her husband's son Calcel is extremely handsome that Alyssa doesn't resist falling in love with him. " I love you even though you are my step mother ! " Calcel declared looking straight into Alyssa's eyes. Alyssa couldn't believe her ears. Didn't Calcel hate her earlier for breaking his father's marriage ? How did he end up falling in love with her ? Alyssa wondered. For the full story please read and support this novel only available at Web Novel. Love You ...

Ruth_arn · Urban
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202 Chs

Chapter 190: Revealing the truth.

He nodded and left.

Alyssa gave a sigh of relief after talking to Thomas and she wore her veil and mask again before leaving.

She was glad when she reached her apartment again without anyone recognizing her.


That evening, Thomas came to his house he sat down in the sofa and said.

' I don't know who you are but as an experienced doctor i can tell that you are not Marvis, If you had the accident with Alyssa. Then it means that you are Alyssa. '

Thomas concluded. Of course there's no way he could not tell. He knew Marvis very well and besides that he was a very experienced doctor who was also very fresh from his further studies.


That night, After having a warm shower, Alyssa got the courage and went to make a live on her phone.

' To everyone who wants to interview me, Let's meet tomorrow morning at Hopkinsville media. '

She declared and ended the live immediately.

The short clip went viral in just that night and by morning, Different reporters and other people had gathered around the media building.


It was a Tuesday Morning when Alyssa drove to Hopkinsville media herself. She had put on a red short dress and black shiny stilettos with her hair in a long ponytail.

When her red car was seen they all swamed around her and today they were very many than all the other days.

" Marvis finally came ! " Mr Hopkinsville's secretary reported and they all went down to see what she was going to say.

Today she stood still until they all found themselves spots to stand in. She looked very confident and courageous unlike the other days.

" Will you now tell us what happened ? ...Why have you been hiding for three days..? " They begun asking their questions in noise.

",Everyone silence ! " She roared and they shut their mouths to listen.

" If you want to know what really happened, You all keep silent and listen to what i have to say. " She spoke loud enough and they begun recording.

Calcel was in his Office when Ronnie bumped in with a laptop that he immediately put on Calcel's desk saying. " Sir, Marvis is live ! "

He said as he stationed it to face Calcel.

"I am here to prove you all that what Derrick said was all lies. " She started.

" Prove us ! " One of the reporters yelled.

" As you all know, I lost my memory last year after I had an accident. So...Derrick used this weakness to frame me for the things that I didn't do because he knows that I lost my memory. But I am here to tell you that my memory is back.and therefore, I will explain everything that happened. "

They were all surprised to here that her memory is now back.

" Before the accident, I was truly in love with Derrick. But after he got me pregnant, His parents refused us to get married and forced my father to take a bribe.It's true my father took the bribe,But that was because my step moth3r forced him because of her greed for money. And besides that , My father didn't want me to get married to a family that didn't like me. " One could hear low murmurs from the people.

" Father , Will you come and prove them ? " When she asked they looked around only to see Robert coming from Marvis' car that was just behind her.

" This is really her father ? " They asked and shifted the cameras to him.

" My name is Robert Thompson. And Marvis is my daughter. " He begun.

" As everything has been said.Its true that I took the money from Derrick's parents to end the relationship between Derrick and Marvis. But my intentions were all pure. Here's the last conversation I had with my ex wife.." He said and brought out his phone from where he played an audio.

It was a phone call between Robert and Matt and it was begun by Robert who called Matt the previous day.

" Matt, How dare you do that to me and my daughter.." Robert started after Matt had picked the call.

" Did I lie any where ? " She asked.

" Everything you said were lies. Marvis never abandoned us for the money. She left because you used to torture her and kicked her out. " Robert said.

" So what ? You think that anyone will accept you are saying ? " Matt asked

" If you have some sense of shame go and tell the media the truth. That Derrick you have joined hands wuthwith will not do you any good. " Robert advised which made Matt to laugh.

" Wow, You are very wise. But you know what Robert, There's no use of wisdom when you are poor. Derrick gave me alot of money that you couldn't give for the short time we spent we spend together. " Matt babbled.

" Matt, Listen to me. Clear Marvis' name. " Robert was saying when she cut him off.

" Don't expect me to do anything for you. I know we lied about you asking Derrick's family money and Marvis' run away from home. But sorry for you, There's no way you can prove us wrong, Your Marvis lost her memory. And one more thing, I enjoyed torturing your ulgy daughter.."

She added. " Never call me again. I don't want to talk to filthy people like you. " She ended the call with those words.

Now people who were watching begun understanding the real thing.

Matt who was watching the video chuckled not believing that Robert had recorded their call.

" Hope you have all heard. And more thing, I have another person to prove that I never ran away from home out of my intentions. "

When she said this Thomas came from the crowd and they made away for him. He stood besides Alyssa and smiled.

" Hello everyone. I am Doctor Thomas. " He started.

" It's unfortunate that all this scam begun in my absence otherwise i would have ended it long time ago. " He spoke proudly.

" Marvis came to my hospital a year ago when she was pregnant with Derrick. "