
Evolution core system

When gates open across the world leading beasts to invade the globe, humans awaken powers to battle them. As Gil turns 15 he embarks his journey to true power.

Artaxs · Fantaisie
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45 Chs

Chapter 39

Gil woke not like normal by his internal clock but by a knock on the door.

"One second" Gil grabbed a shirt to put on and opened the door, not sure who it was. When it opened he saw Lucy, before he could say anything she walked into his room and went to the desk.

"Good thing you dont have a roommate, otherwise that would be awkward" Lucy said

"Yeah... that would make this awkward" Gil yawned "What can i do for you this early"

"I was making something and thought you would be a good test subject" Lucy answered bringing something out her bag.

"Great..." Gil was more curious now

Lucy pulled out a simple looking glove and laid it gently down on the table, walking closer Gil turned the light on to have a better look at it. The glove looked like the same material as the cloak Gil had but along the knuckles and fingers there was something that looked like iron rods. The knuckles had some small indents in them with a slightly red stone in each of them. Flipping it over Gil looked at the palm side of the glove, it was cream coloured and had felt like rubber.

"What is this" Gil asked now fully awake and curious

"Fire glove" Lucy said triumphantly

"Okay, why am i the test subject" Gil asked

"Your powerful, seem to have affinity with the elements and.... your the only person that would attempt this here. Lets got the a training room" Lucy was already walking out before she finished talking. Gil grabbed his cloak and sword out of the subspace so Lucy wouldn't ask anything and quickly followed her.

Lucy walked past the training room closest to the dorms and instead went to a new part of the castle Gil hadnt been to. As he went he heard some people hammering and realised this was the blacksmithing section. Lucy walked down a hallway and suddenly turned left into a room, Gil entered and noticed it looked like a small training room but different. The walls where lined with metal rather then brick and there was several burn marks on them.

"We should be fine, ive booked this for the next few days. Now come put this on" Lucy grabbed Gils hand and shoved the glove on his right one. "Ohhh can i look at the cloak and check my sword after"

"Yeah, thats why i brought them" Gil replied, putting the glove on correctly Gil wiggled his fingers and found that it was fairly easy even with the iron rods. "What do i do" Gil asked

"Be very careful and only send your own mana through and no flame mana. If this works then it should activate the small flame crystals in it, paired with the enchanted steel rods that absorb the flame it should send it through to the tips of your finger" Lucy answered.

"Like this" Gil followed what Lucy said and the result was small flames dancing on the tips of Gils fingers.

"Two things, can you replicate it with your other hand so i can compare" Lucy asked. Gil replicated it with his other hand and formed some flames so Lucy could look at it and put her hands close to them. "Yours seem hotter and brighter almost more alive, are you supplying the same energy to each"


"Great, if we say that is 100% can you send 50% now" Gil complied dropping the amount he sent by half, the flame in Gils left hand still had more life to it.

"Now 50% if you can" Lucy asked, Gil now sent half the amount of energy to it,


"25....20...21....22...Perfect" Lucy suddenly called, "This seems to replicate around 22% of your power. Now moving onto the second test please come over here behind this" Lucy lead Gil to a thick glass wall with a small whole in it. "Please put your right hand in and send out a simple flame with around 25% of your normal energy please"

Gil compiled and sent out a small fall of fire. Looking at Lucy she seemed to be happier now then before.

"Okay now 50%" Gil repeated the same action and a larger ball of fire emerged.

"75%" Gil was about to compile when he felt the mana in his left hand meet a bit of resistance not wanting to break it he stopped.

"Seems these stones cant go above 50% of the power and cant replicate more then 22%, still good first attempt, right" Lucy turned to Gil with a large smile on her face.

"This is very impressive it gives anyone the change to use a bit if fire magic" Gil complimented

"Not only fire, there are many elemental stones out there and it can be swapped easily meaning you can be a fake elementalist if you wanted" Lucy said to Gil as he gave the gloves back.

"If you need any help building them then just come and look for me, however i want a pair when its done" Gil offered

"Why do you want to be a fake elementalist when your a real one" Lucy questioned

"I just want them as i would have helped make them" Gil answered honestly

"Fine, now show me the sword and cloak" Lucy said looking behind Gil.

Offering the sword first Lucy checked over it making sure everything was tight and sharp, moving on to the cloak she spent a longer time looking at it.

"This is made from the remains of a dark ghoul, like the back of the glove. It seems to be a better quality then mine but was waisted making this, i can see there is a power but its dormant. Its a shame its a nice bit of material and would have been better in the hands of my dad then a tailor making a cloak, how much was it" Lucy said handing it back.

"I paid 500 credit for it" Gil answered

"Id say thats right, if it was right from the corpse then it would be around 50,000-100,000 credits but made into this it lost nearly all its value" Lucy offered

"How come it lost so much from being made into a cloak" Gil asked

"If it was from the corpse then it could be made into different items of clothing that had the many effects of the dark ghoul, like being better hidden in the shadows. the material its self is resistant to a lot if products so hunters make small pouches out of if. the small pouches are used to store valuable items in as it can be left in a shadow and will be hard to find. It someone wanted a cloak that offered the ability of shadows then the pelt of a 'Shadow Claw' would be equally as good and they are a lot more common, they also dont take much to activate them unlike that" Lucy explained

"Whats a Shadow Claw" Gil asked not coming across this beast before

"Its a creature that lives in the darkness, it has a long body with no legs normally. IT has two large hands with equally large claws on them, they like to live on the roof of caves and fall on there pray. There a pack beast hence why there is a lot, if you find one you will most likely find 50 more." Lusy answered

"Oh, interesting. Is there anything else you would like me to do, or would you like to join me for breakfast" Gil asked

"Thank you for the offer but i have to make some notes and adjustments to the glove, see you soon" Lucy replied.

Gil went to the training area he would need to be at in the morning and spent 4 hours training, 2 hours like he did with Eve but with shocks monsters and the rest like he did with Tilly. After 4 hours Tash arrived and throw and apple at Gil who caught it last second.

"I thought we where going for a run" Tash called walking to Gil.

"We never decided after the 2 week training plan" Gil answered eating the apple. " and thank you"

"What where you doing" Tash said looking round,sometime the area Gil trained was destroyed other times it was fine.

"Growing flower" Gil said handing her a bunch.

"Why are you training that" Tash asked looking at the flowers.

"Tilly said when I can change the colour of the petals she'll teach me a new technique" Gil replied. "At the moment I can change it slightly but not enough for her to pass"

"What do you think about the Royalty challenge, you never said anything yesterday" Tash asked making a ice chair.

"I think it will be fun, I may have a good grade but I know others can beat me. I'm not the best in one area and others can beat me, I just have more options, so I think it will be a good learning experience" Gil answered making an earth seat.

The two discussed the upcoming event and how they want to play it, until students started to come in.

"Are they new" Gil asked seeing some people he hadn't seen before arrive in the training room.

"Yeah…" Tash said watching some new and old arrive all looking equally puzzled. Soon everyone had take seat and waited for a teacher.

"Now your all here we'll begin" a voice called out that Gil recognised as Sarah. "As you may have noticed there are new students in here then what your normal uses to. We have split the 4 attack groups in to 2, allowing people to train with more people. What we are asking os that you for groups of 4, if your already in a group of 4 then that will be fine." Sarah explained

Several people started walking to Gil and Tash before turning and walking away.

"Do you know anyone here" Gil asked Tash

"No,do you" she responded

"No" Gil looked around and started to inspect peoples skills before standing up and heading for a pair in the corner. There was a boy and a girl that where sat watching everyone like Gil and Tash

"Would you like to form a team?" Gil said to them extending an arm to them.

"Sure" The boy said accepting it.

The four of them made there way to a less crowded area to introduce themselves.

"I'm Natasha, and i have the power of Ice" Tash introduced herself first.

"I'm Gil, and i am an elementalist" Gil said looking at the new two.

"Im Jemma but please call me Jem, and i have enhanced strength" Jem said introducing herself. She was about 5 foot 5 and had brown hair. She was dressed in the same training uniform as Gil which was the basic one.

"Lastly im Tim and i have the power of the wind" Tim demonstrated this by sending a breeze into Jemma's face. Tim was around 5 foot 7 and had blond hair he had a muscular build. He was wearing an ordinary training uniform which he had cut the arms and legs of.

"How do you to know each other" Jem asked

"We met at school on the first day and have been teammates since" Gil answered "What about you two"

"We knew each other from when we where kids before the gates opened" Tim started saying "When they opened both our parents where sent to the front lines and we lived in a family centre for a year before Jem's mum came home"

"She was the only one of the 4 to make it back and she let me and Tim stay together" Jem continued "We then started training together"

"What type of weapons do you use" Tash asked not seeing any on ever of them.

"Bow for me and large sword for Jem" Tim answered "When Jem's mum came home she brought a small storage item for each of us, it was compensation from when our parents died" Tim showed a large silver bracelet that had a small yellow orb in it, where as Jem showed a ring on her left hands middle finger. Each of the orbs glowed a bit yellow, each of them stuck there hands forward like they where grabbing something and when they pulled back each of them had there weapon in there hand.

Tim's was a large bow that looked just like a normal bow but made of metal not wood. Jems was a sword that was nearly as tall as her, the blade was one Gil recognised as a moon blade, it came up a little but before dropping down and looping back up in a curve before coming parallel back to handle.

"Thats a huge sword, do you mind if i try lifting it" Gil said

"Sure, can i see yours" Jem asked seeing the handle of Gils on his back, drawing it and giving it to Jem Gil grabbed the handle of the large moon sword. Putting a lot of strength into one hand and attempting Gil could only move it slightly before it sank back into the ground, using two hands Gil could lift it better but the handle was clearly meant for one hand.

"Whats it made from" Gil said swinging the sword a few times before putting it back.

"Magnas stone, it is as strong as a normal sword but the magnas ore is a lot heavier so the end result is a super heavy sword, i also like the look of a large sword. Whats your made from" Jem answered

"Young dragon horn if i remember correctly, i can introduce you to the person who made it if you would like" Gil offered, before she could answer Sarah started talking again.

"Now everyone has teams, you will fight against your new team members or your old ones to experience new challenges" Sarah called out.

"Who wants for fight me" Tash asked Tim and Jem

"They both have swords, so i think it will be better for those two to fight first" Tim said

"Im fine with that if you are Jem" Gil asked turning back to her

"Yeah" Jem answered and the two walked a bit away from Tash and Tim

"Ready" Gil called out

"Ready" Jem called and both charged forward.