
Eroge Dragon Monarch: Harem In A Game World

A misunderstanding allowed Orion to be summoned before the goddess of war instead of his best friend, who had initially annoyed the goddess. Luckily for Orion, the misunderstanding was cleared by the goddess’s sister, who also allowed Orion to understand the true reason behind his summoning. With his mind made up to not only live as he pleases but also prevent the two goddesses from fading into obscurity, Orion’s soul safely transmigrated into the game world. Upon waking up in this new world, Orion discovered he had woken up in the body of a prince who also happened to be a villain in the game. In the game, Prince Orion Azvameth was fated to not only lose his half-sister and her mother but was also destined to lose his personal maid, who sacrificed herself for him. As if the cruelty he was meant to suffer wasn’t enough, his kingdom was destined to be plagued with both internal and external problems while he was destined to die at the hands of the protagonist after being used as a puppet by a Greater Demon. With all this weighing on his mind, Orion vowed to not only change his fate but also that of those he cared about. However, his actions were bound to create a butterfly effect, and what better way to defy the odds than by ruling the world.

Megabyte · Fantaisie
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45 Chs

17. Captain Jarvis.

This bothered Orion a bit, as many questions swirled around his mind, but out of all the questions in his head, there was one that bothered him the most.

'What could she have seen in me to have made her develop such a deep affection towards me?'

Everyone knew that female demons were generally attracted to strong male demons, so it felt strange for a strong female demon such as Lilith to be so interested in someone as weak as him.

From Orion's point of view, it felt so strange, but unless he asked her, he could never really know.

'There's no point in thinking about this now.'

Putting the thought aside, Orion simply sighed and decided to return to his seat to continue checking out the herbs in the books he picked out.

Several minutes later, Lilith returned but stood behind Orion, trying her best not to distract him from what he was doing, though she was curious to know what he was reading as well.

"Have a seat," Orion patted the seat beside him while he continued to check out the books in front of him.

At first, Lilith found it strange for him to ask her to sit beside him but she did so nonetheless, and when she sat beside him, she could clearly see the books he had in front of him.

They were mainly about herbs, alchemy, and the precautions that were to be taken when brewing potions. This allowed her to have a brief understanding of what Orion was trying to do.

"Young master?" She called.

"Are you trying to make a potion?"

"Yes, and I've found what I needed," Orion replied, standing up from his seat and closing the books in front of him before returning them to where he took them from.

"You have?" Lilith asked, not fully understanding what Orion was talking about, but she followed him while he returned the books.

"Yes, now all that is left is to find the ingredients to brew the potion."

All the books he wouldn't be needing were returned to the bookshelf while he held onto the only one he needed right now.

Once done, he stepped out of the library.

"What do you intend on making?" Lilith asked as she trailed behind him while they walked along the long corridor.

She could see the excited smile on her master's face but this only made her even more curious to know what type of potion her beloved master intended to make.

"You'll see," Orion replied with a smile. He could sense how curious she was to know what he planned to do, but he didn't have enough time to explain everything to her.

He wanted to make wise use of the time he had by first of all finding out if the person he was looking for was awake or asleep.

Meanwhile, Lilith wasn't satisfied with Orion's response. She really wanted to know what type of potion he intended to make but she could also see he had a place he wanted to go to.

"Y-young master? Where are you going?"

"To the royal guard quarters to see the captain."

"Captain Jarvis?"

"Yes," He replied and hastened his steps.

Lilith hastened her pace as well as she trailed behind Orion to find the captain of the royal guard's quarter.

The moment they arrived at Jarvis's bedroom door, Orion knocked on the door twice and Jarvis replied, indicating that he wasn't asleep.

"Come in," Jarvis said from the other side of the door and Orion entered the room with Lilith right behind him.

Upon entering, Orion noticed the captain sitting on a wooden chair with a basic wooden desk in front of him.

On his desk was a small oil lamp providing dim light to the room. There was also a map of the kingdom hanging on one of the walls with his large sword leaning against the wall as well.

A cool night breeze seeped into the room through a small window with tattered curtains and there was a rough woolen rug on the floor as well.

Jarvis continued to keep his head down, completely lost in deep thoughts before he heard the knock on his door.

He assumed that the people who had walked into his room were the last few royal guards that were left in the palace and they were there to inform him of their desire to leave the royal palace just like the rest of his men.

But when Jarvis didn't hear anything from his subordinates, he hurriedly lifted his head to look at the guards who had the audacity to remain silent in his presence.

However, the moment he lifted his head, his gaze met that of Orion's, and Jarvis expressed his surprise to see the prince standing before him in his room.

"Y-young master?" Jarvis hurried to his feet, still maintaining the look of surprise on his face. He was an extremely bulky and strong man with a large, muscular build, broad shoulders, and thick arms.

He had black hair and light blue eyes.

His height was around 1.9m and he stood tall with a commanding presence. He was still wearing his royal guard practice uniform which showed signs of wear and tear due to the rigorous training he had undertaken before returning to his bedroom a few minutes ago.

"Please young master, have a seat," Jarvis guided Orion to take a seat.

Orion nodded before taking a seat, with Lilith sitting right beside him while Jarvis sat opposite him.

As expected, before coming here, Orion knew Jarvis still had a bit of loyalty towards him and his family, hence why he knew he could trust him with the task he had in mind.

The reason why Orion could completely trust Jarvis was because he had used his appraisal skill to view a few things about Jarvis.



Name: Jarvis.

Age: 28

Race:- Human

Number Of Evolution: Zero

Magical Affinity:- Body Enhancement Magic, Weapon Enchantment Magic.

Knight Rank:- Mid-stage Second Order.

Favourability:- Loyalty (15%)

Status:- Jarvis is confused as to what could have possibly brought you to his room.


"Might I ask what brings the young master to my…" Jarvis was about to ask what could have brought Orion to his bedchambers but the moment his gaze took in Orion's crimson-red eyes, he became speechless once again.

Jarvis had never before ventured into Orion's room. He'd barely even caught a glimpse of Orion walking out of his chambers, but he vividly recalled how Orion's father used to boast about his son's resemblance to him, with the same piercing cerulean blue eyes, predicting that he would grow as strong as he was.

'But with the young master's eyes now being crimson instead of blue, could it be that he has awakened his dragon bloodline?'

"Young master, have you awakened your dragon bloodline?" asked Jarvis who was unable to contain his curiosity.

"Yes," Orion answered simply, then added, "And that's why I need your help."

Upon hearing this, Jarvis felt a surge of excitement over the prince's awakening. However, the serious expression in Orion's crimson-red eyes prompted Jarvis to furrow his brows before softly inquiring.

"Who would you like to have me kill?"