
Eroge Dragon Monarch: Harem In A Game World

A misunderstanding allowed Orion to be summoned before the goddess of war instead of his best friend, who had initially annoyed the goddess. Luckily for Orion, the misunderstanding was cleared by the goddess’s sister, who also allowed Orion to understand the true reason behind his summoning. With his mind made up to not only live as he pleases but also prevent the two goddesses from fading into obscurity, Orion’s soul safely transmigrated into the game world. Upon waking up in this new world, Orion discovered he had woken up in the body of a prince who also happened to be a villain in the game. In the game, Prince Orion Azvameth was fated to not only lose his half-sister and her mother but was also destined to lose his personal maid, who sacrificed herself for him. As if the cruelty he was meant to suffer wasn’t enough, his kingdom was destined to be plagued with both internal and external problems while he was destined to die at the hands of the protagonist after being used as a puppet by a Greater Demon. With all this weighing on his mind, Orion vowed to not only change his fate but also that of those he cared about. However, his actions were bound to create a butterfly effect, and what better way to defy the odds than by ruling the world.

Megabyte · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
45 Chs

16. Lilith 3.

"What?! You fought against twenty 2-star beasts on your own?!! Lilith, you should know more than anyone else how dangerous it is to ...." Orion was about to explain how dangerous it was to go against such a high number of beasts but Lilith interrupted him mid-sentence.

"I am sorry, young master, but as your personal maid and knight, it's expected of me to work harder than everyone else, and your safety will always be my number one priority," Lilith explained, her voice filled with determination and loyalty as she looked straight into Orion's eyes.

Lilith knew it was dangerous to fight against those beasts on her own but she didn't regret her decision to head into the woods to fight them.

She wanted to become someone useful to her master. She didn't want to be like everyone else.

If no one could handle ten 2-star beasts on their own, then she wanted to be the first to do so.

She wanted to improve her strength to protect her beloved young master and to be worthy of being called his personal maid and knight.

It was her job as his knight to protect him and she would do whatever it took to protect her beloved master.

'Even if it means laying down my life for him,' Lilith uttered those words in her mind while she kept her gaze on his.

Listening to her determined words, the corner of Orion's lips stretched into a smile. He held her gaze and grabbed her second hand, slowly stroking the back of her hands with his thumbs.

He could feel how determined she was to be his personal maid and knight and he wondered why the previous prince never noticed how hard she had been training to ensure his safety.

It was a shame she had to die while confessing her feelings to the prince.

According to the game plot, Lilith did not only offer her demonic heart core to the prince but she also confessed her feelings to him, knowing full well it would be her final moment with him and that her love which had always been one-sided would never change as well.

However, Orion vowed in his heart to prevent that future from happening a second time.

In his previous life, he had never had a girl fall in love with him before, let alone one who would willingly give up her life for someone like him. But with the memories he had obtained, he knew how hard and dedicated Lilith was in carrying out her duties as his personal maid.

He could also see how she kept training and working hard to ensure his safety while harboring a deep affection towards him even though she knew he never reciprocated her feelings.

'The prince had never even thanked her once for the things she had been doing for him.'

'Most times, he would turn a blind eye to all of her selfless actions, thinking that she was simply carrying out her duties as a maid.'

'Moreover, his mind had always been filled with how everyone in the kingdom (excluding his family) viewed him as a disappointment, which made him blind to the things Lilith always did for him.'

'This will have to change,' Orion made his mind up.

He was eager to improve their relationship and it was the least he could do after all she had done for him.

While replaying her words in his mind and recalling the determined look she had on her face, Orion lifted his hand to caress her cheek with a smile on his face. "Thank you."

Lilith's eyes widened in surprise. She couldn't believe what she just heard.

She had been longing to hear those magical words from him for as long as she could remember but she never thought too much about it, believing that one day he would appreciate all that she had been doing for him.

And now, that day had finally come.

Orion was clearly standing in front of her with his hand on her cheek and his eyes locked on to hers while he thanked her for her loyalty.

It felt too good to be true.

'Wait a minute,' Lilith blinked twice as she suddenly realized something.

If Orion had awakened his bloodline, then it meant his senses were now heightened and that would also mean he could perceive the scent of the blood and sweat that lingered on her clothes, hair, and skin.

How could a maid stand before her master looking so dirty and unladylike?

With these sudden thoughts dawning on her, Lilith's cheeks reddened instantly and her heart began to beat rapidly.

"I'm sorry, young master," She instantly curtsied before him and excused herself from the library with the hope of returning after she had her bath and a proper change of clothes.

Watching his shy maid quickly scurry from the library, Orion couldn't hold back the smile on his face.

He was pleased with what he had seen so far concerning Lilith.

At first, he'd had his doubts about whether he could trust her, but after using his skill 'Appraisal' to view her details, he was a bit relieved. But he still had many questions about his succubus maid which needed answering.



Name: Lilith Hellfire.

Age: 19

Race:- Succubus (Demon)

Number Of Evolution: Zero

Magical Affinity:- Body Enhancement Magic, Illusion Magic.

Knight Rank:- Mid stage Second Order

Mage Rank:- Mid Stage Second Order

Favourability:- Respect, Loyalty, Affection, Admiration (25%)

Status:- Lilith feels a bit sore after battling against twenty 2-star beasts on her own but she's eager to return to you after having her bath.


Looking at her details, Orion was surprised to see that she had a huge favorability towards him even with the way he had treated her before and this made Orion even more eager to know more about Lilith.

Also, there was no doubt to how strong she was.

For as long as Orion could remember, his father had always been the strongest in the Southern kingdom, but after he passed away, Lucretia became the strongest, followed by Captain Jarvis and Lilith.

But ever since Lilith started working in the palace, Queen Aurora, Orion's mother, had noticed her impeccable talent and allowed her to train with the rest of the knights with the hope of making Lilith Orion's personal knight and mage in the future.

Everyone else, including the king, acknowledged Lilith's talent and strength as well after noticing how strong she was compared to knights her age or even knights ranked above her.

'However, no one could have suspected that the reason why she grew so fast in strength compared to others was because she was actually a demon.'


A/N:- This might be a bit late but I just wanted you to know.

" " This signifies dialogue between characters

' ' This signifies inner monologue.