
Enjoying life in douluo dalu/Soul land...

A young man name lu tien fill an online form regarding Soul land and find himself reincarnated in it. Find out how he will live his second life.. English is not my first language so there can be some errors which I will try to solve as we move on..

Aayush_Aggarwal_0084 · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

chapter 4 shoking information

While all this was happening Huo Tien was emerged into his mind scape checking the difference in his body after some inspection he came to know few things firstly he awaken the 3 martial soul that was put into the form but unexpectedly the golden dragon King martial soul was not complete but was in a state similar to Tang Wulin( protagonist of douluo dalu 3) the only difference is his doesn't possess the chaotic thought of golden dragon King and is completely stable.

But he also realised that he can't use his golden dragon King until he became soul saint i.e level 70+.

This revolution doesn't let him down as he know that even with only 1 of his martial soul anyone can be unbeatable.

A plesent thing also happen as his body martial soul is special compare to others as his martial soul include everything including his brain, eye, even his soul is also included in it.

Huo Tien also noticed a black light in the corner of mind space silently floting there.

Seeing this confirms everything that he wrote in the form come true he even got the soul fragment of Electrolux the holy God of death, that was originally supposed to happen more than 10000 years later.

Confirming everything and having a satisfied expression Huo Tien open his eyes and see that everyone was staring at him in confusion, upon closer inspection he can see that even the soul master was confused about his martial spirit, so he was about to tell him the name of his martial spirit but suddenly a magestic person come on the plateform seeing him everyone kneel even Qian Xunji was no exception waving his hand the figure focuses on Huo Tien's spirit.

After a few seconds the figure nodded and take Huo Tien to the sky with him, before leaving he turn towards Qian Xunji and said meet me at the hall now.

Saying that he left along with Tien, just after the figure leave Qian Xunji made a quick move saying that today's awakening ceremony is over and then took Bibi dong with him to the enshrinement hall at his top speed just after reaching there.

Bibi dong upon seeing Tien rushed to him hugging him and saying in happiness that Tien I am an innate 10 level talent and in the future they don't need to worry about anything.

At this time a cough was heard and the voice of Qian Daoliu was heard young lady discusse these things later right now I have something to say to this young man.

Bibi dong pouted but still agrees and move behind her teacher.

Then Qian Daoliu tell Tien to measure his soul power and unsurprisingly it was level 10 this shocked Qian Xunji and thought of taking another talented disciple came to his mind but before he can say anything a loud voice of Qian Daoliu was heard saying from this day onwards this young man should get every resource he need for his growth along with this whenever it's time to get a soul ring for him I personally will be informed.

These words shock everyone present and Qian Xunji was about to protest but keeps quite seeing the serious face of his father.

Huo Tien was plesently surprised by this revolution after few talk and a storage guide of his own he and Bibi dong were ordered to come at the palace tomorrow morning.

After both children leave Qian Xunji questioned Qian Daoliu.

Father why does it seems like you are favouring that boy more than my disciple.

I know he is innate level 10 but so does my disciple and on top of that she has twin martial souls thus she is sure to became a super douluo with little work.

Hearing this Qian Daoliu scoff and say in a mocking tone that kid will easily became ultimate douluo in the future and even after then he has the chance to reach the legendary God rank.

Qian Xunji was so shocked he didn't even believe what his father said, seeing his son not believing in his words Qian Daoliu sigh and decided to told his son.

As if remembering something Qian Daoliu say it was a long time ago when I was a kid my grandfather who was that time's great worship told me something and said to only pass it to the next generation if you feel that you don't have much time left.

He told me 10000 years ago when Angel God created the soul palace, a man who was considered the only rival for the Angel God and her closest friend, who at the time of soul palace creation done many things and plays a crucial role in it's creation.

He was the person who was expected to ascend to the upper realm even before the Angel God, he has that much talent but due to the limitation of his martial soul he was stuck at level 99 for his life.

Similar to seven glaze tile pagoda have the restriction on level 79 his martial soul has the restriction of level 99.

By giving his all in finding a way to evolve his martial soul he was able to finnally found a way but at that point of time it was to late he was on the death bed but even still considering his contribution soul palace try every possible way to get a immortal herb named Second Destiny.

This immortal herb is considered as one of the greatest immortal herb as it can redu a persons destiny it can allow any soul master to break the restriction placed by there martial soul.

Saying that he brings the help outside showing it's brilliance to Qian Xunji. After showing it he immediately store it back inside of his storage tool guide.

By continue his story he said soul palace was able to find this herb a thousand years later to his death from that point onwards as a sign of gratitude towards that man the ancestors of our Qian family decided to give this helb to someone who has the same martial spirit as that man, hearing this much Qian Xunji can somewhat guess but still deciding to stay quiet.

Not much is known about the man, we don't even know his name the only thing we know is that his martial spirit was very unique it seen as a whirlpool of purple energy.

Saying that much Qian Daoliu's deminer change just like that boy's martial spirit.

Hearing till now Qian Xunji refuted and said how can we be absolutely sure that they both have the same martial soul.

Seeing his son learning to him attentively Qian Daoliu nodding and said you don't have to worry about that that person created his inheritance whose first part is inside of this book.

But the catch to open this book is only his martial soul can open it,if someone forcefully try to open it the book will just self destruct and that destruction will not be small it will be the equivalent to a ultimate douluo's self explosion.

Hearing that shocked Qian Xunji he ask how can it be that strong, which made Qian Daoliu giggle a little after caming down just said one thing he was called a god not accepted by the upper realm when he was alive.

This sentence as if awoke Qian Xunji. After nodding he bit his farewell to Qian Daoliu.

While leaving if someone focus on Qian Xunji they can see a greed surface on his face. Qian Xunji greatly beleive in himself as such from the moment the twin destiny herb was shown he has decided to take that herb for his own, his thoughts were simple even if by taking this herb he was not able to ascend to upper realm but he can atleast attain the title attained by that man.

The title of God even in this douluo plane will greatly satisfy his desires.