
Enjoying life in douluo dalu/Soul land...

A young man name lu tien fill an online form regarding Soul land and find himself reincarnated in it. Find out how he will live his second life.. English is not my first language so there can be some errors which I will try to solve as we move on..

Aayush_Aggarwal_0084 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 3 Awakening Shoking the world

Timeskip( 1 year later)

In this 1 year life was relatively normal with sometimes a little cute seen with Bibi dong saying she loves me and will marry me once we grew up.

Which I always agrees to, hearing my response Bibi dong keep pestering the orphanage mother to teach her how to be a good wife and do all the chores in the house.

After her repeated attempt even the orphanage mother has to give in since then for the entire year Bibi dong master how to cook good food, how to behave, what to do when as well as how to be obedient.

[Au: douluo continent during this time follow medieval settings]

Bibi dong starts to follow all the instructions of orphanage mother, this make Tien sometimes laugh very hard.

As the fate has it on the very day of there 6th birthday the soul master awakening ceremony of martial soul hall take place.

This time it seems like there are many more children to awaken there martial spirit compare to Tang Li's time.

Both Bibi dong and Huo Tien were at the very last to awaken there spirits.

The only noteworthy person in this time's ceremony was a tall man who awaken golden crocodile martial soul with innate soul power of level 9, but still he was not satisfied by his martial soul as his martial soul doesn't possess the king character that his grandfather's martial spirit possess.

After a few hours where many children celebrated as well as many crying for not having soul power or having waste martial souls.

Eventually now it was Bibi dong's turn to awaken her martial soul, before going on the stage Bibi dong ask Tien if I don't awaken a good martial soul will you still agrees to marry me, hearing this Huo Tien wanted to laugh but he manage to held it in and with a serious look on his face said yes.

Now, Bibi dong go to the spirit awakening platform to awaken her spirit.

The soul master smile looking at the cute girl and said Don't be afraid child, saying so he summon his martial spirit, a tiger appears behind the soul master and he threw 6 black stones in a pattern surrounding Bibi dong and started the awakening process.

After few seconds Bibi dong extended her right arm hand there was a spider there apon closer inspection the spirit was Death Spider Emperor which shocked everyone as it's known that Death spiders are the most dangerous one and Bibi dong's martial soul was an emperor even among death spiders.

But only Huo Tien knew that the more shocking thing is yet to shown as a trigger Bibi dong lift her left hand and there was another spider there which looks to be even more vicious than her previous spirit.

The soul master focus on the spirit and softly mutter Soul Devouring Spider Emperor and move 3 steps back as this species are said to be extinct but there fear still present in the hearts of everyone who knew about them, after caming down he told Bibi dong to check her innate talent when Bibi dong checked it without any surprises her innate soul power was 10.

Just after everyone was thinking of questioning a figure landed from the sky upon seeing the figure everyone kneel down on there knees to show there respect.

The figure was none other than Qian Xunji who came just after hearing the news about someone awakening twin martial spirits.

Qian Xunji bent down and ask Bibi dong with a gentle smile, do you want to be my disciple.

Hearing that everyone including Bibi dong all were shoked but only Huo Tien can understand why Qian Xunji want to take Bibi dong as a disciple off course it's because of her talent but even so Huo Tien hatted Qian Xunji to the core and has already decided to kill him in the future.

But then again it's this Qian Xunji that will be his and Bibi dong's ticket to get near infinite resources needed for there growth.

Bibi dong although stunned still manage to reply with a yes. Hearing this Qian Xunji starts to laugh loudly nodding his head and saying good good, so from now on we are teacher and disciple. So, as your teacher this is a gift for you saying such he gave Bibi dong a purple bracelet with few pink gems all around it.

This is a storage type soul tool which can store upto 100 cubic metre of non-living things inside of it.

Bibi dong happily accepted the gift and said thank you teacher to Qian Xunji.

After this gift distribution Qian Xunji said to Bibi dong to come to the palace with him, to his surprise she refused and said that firstly she will wait for brother Tien to awaken his spirit and then she will come hearing this Qian Xunji was somewhat angry but taking it as a girl's naive thought he just nodded to Bibi dong.

After taking a seat at the highest plateform with Bibi dong standing beside him Qian Xunji watches as a cute boy make his way to the awakening platform.

MC's Pov

Now it was my turn I was not nervous per say as I am confident in my knowledge of this world that even if my martial soul was not the one I wrote even then I can promote it with all the treasure I know present in this world at this moment.

The soul master again showcase a kind expression on his face and instructed Huo Tien all the steps to keep in mind.

After that was done soul master threw the 6 black stones in the air surrounding Tien in a pattern and the anticipation in Huo Tien heart start to rise, the upcoming moment will decide whether he will sour as a dragon or has to be reborn as a phonix to sour high.

Closing his eyes he began to feel what his martial souls are but at the moment the sky darkened and a soul fell directly into the head of Huo Tien. This all happened without anyone's notice and Tien became a lot more relaxed as now he can be sure what martial spirits he will awaken.

But unbeknown to everyone this commotion draws the attention of one person deep inside the enshrinement hall Qian Daoliu began to observe the child who was awakening his martial soul but after not finding anything he was about to retreat his senses but at the exact time the young man raises his right arm high in the sky and from it releases a purple vortex of nothingness which may look ordinary to everyone else but made Qian Daoliu tremble in his place recalling his father saying thinking about it Qian Daoliu rush to the awakening platform.

But, it was not only Qian Daoliu who tremble even deep inside of the Star Duo Forest deep inside of even the core lake of the forest a sleeping figure open her eyes and immediately contacted her subordinate.

The voice said Di Tien it seems like golden dragon King has descended on the douluo continent.

Hearing this Di Tien understood everything but expressed his concern saying but my lord you have not fully recovered from your injuries.

Hearing it the voice nodding and said I know and that's why I will utilise all my origin power in healing which will lead to me being weakened a lot but if golden dragon King is there than such things don't matter.

Than the voice became authoritative Di Tien prepare as exactly 6 years later I will depart to the humans in order to obtain the power to contend against the human gods.

Hearing this Di Tien kneeled and said as ordered my lord.
