
Enjoying life in douluo dalu/Soul land...

A young man name lu tien fill an online form regarding Soul land and find himself reincarnated in it. Find out how he will live his second life.. English is not my first language so there can be some errors which I will try to solve as we move on..

Aayush_Aggarwal_0084 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 5 soul palace and the Book

On the other hand, while all this was happening inside the enshrinement hall Huo Tien and Bibi dong were going back to their orphanage.

Both holding each other's hand talking and laughing.

Both were extremely happy with today's awakening ceremony, Huo Tien already knew there martial souls therefore he somewhat control himself but on the other hand Bibi dong was completely overwhelmed by today's awakening ceremony as where she was praying for even one of us born with soul power, we both have soul power and that to of the highest possible level.

In happiness Bibi dong says that now in the future we will be able to spend a lot of time together, from Bibi dong's point of view innate level10 means the can advance to title douluo and with enough training can even reach level 95 which will ultimately means the can easily live for more than 100 years or even 200 years thinking of which made Bibi dong giggle in happiness.

But how to tell Bibi dong that in the future age will not even matter to them.

Even after thinking so high of themselves Bibi dong didn't even thought that they can reach the peak of douluo continent i.e. level 96-99. As according to her those are the levels that are not accessible for common soul master like them but for the noble families of the douluo continent. But even knowing that she sometimes think could they achieve those level if they work really hard.

Even now she could remember the time when Huo Tien was explaining all the power levels of douluo continent to her.

Power Levels of Soul Land:-

Level 1-9 (Soul Disciple)

Level 10-19 (Soul Master)

Level 20-29 (Soul Grandmaster)

Level 30-39 (Soul Elder)

Level 40-49 (Soul Ancester)

Level 50-59 (Soul King)

Level 60-69 ( Soul Emperor)

Level 70-79 ( Soul Saint)

Level 80-89 ( Soul Douluo)

Level 90-99 ( Title Douluo)

Title Douluo are then sub divided into:-

Level 90-95 ( Title Douluo)

Level 96-98 ( Super Douluo)

Level 99 ( Limit Douluo)

These are all the ranks of soul master in the douluo continent. As for the ranks of soul Rings.

Spirit Rings are usually divided into categories based on their age:-

White : 10 Year Spirit Ring

Yellow : 100 Year Spirit Ring

Purple : 1,000 Year Spirit Ring

Black : 10,000 Year Spirit Ring

Red : 100,000 Year Spirit Ring

Orange : 200,000 Year Spirit Ring

Even if Huo Tien told Bibi dong about the orange 200000 years spirit rings he specifically mentioned to Bibi dong that no one in the world has it therefore she has to keep it hidden from everyone,this made even Bibi dong doubtful about how Tien has this information but she ignore it as she believes in Huo Tien and promised to nevel reveal it to anyone.

After reaching there orphanage both Bibi dong and Huo Tien pack all there belonging as they have to move to the palace tomorrow morning.

At the orphanage the orphanage mother give them a party for there results in the awakening ceremony. After enjoying the party eating a lot of food they both come to there room to sleep, before sleeping they both began to talk quietly under the moonlight.

Gazing at the moon Bibi dong mutter to Huo Tien, Tien from now on our life will be good right, I would not loose you right.

Hearing this Huo Tien patted Bibi dong's head and said I will make sure that we will both enjoy our life in this douluo continent and never has to worry about anything in the life.

Smiling Bibi dong closes her eyes after saying goodnight to Huo Tien who then smiled and close his eyes as well.

The night passes and it was now morning, waking up both Bibi dong and Huo Tien get ready to depart to the palace.

Waving goodbye to the orphanage mother, they both reach at the entre of the spirit hall.

Seeing childrens one of the guard came to them asking why the are here but after seeing Bibi dong's bracelet he remembered the apprentice that the pope has taken.

He take us directly to the throne room where Qian Xunji was conversing with two men.

After asking for his permission both Bibi dong and I were allowed a meeting with the pope.

Seeing us Qian Xunji's face lit up he ordered the to men these are the children you have to protect.

Saying so he then turn to us, he said I hope both of you are ready to start your cultivation journey, which we both nodded our head saying we are ready.

Qian Xunji then take us to our residence in spirit hall which was the saint residence Qian Xunji say that as it's empty right now and both of us has chance to be promoted to saint therefore he decided to let us both stay there,but only Qian Xunji knew the real reason was Qian Daoliu as Qian Daoliu specifically mentioned that there should be no issue regarding Huo Tien's treatment inside or outside spirit city no matter who they have to offend.

To be honest even he Qian Xunji is somewhat jealous of the treatment this boy is getting and the importance his father is giving him.

Clearing his thoughts Qian Xunji said to them you both have to prepare for the evening by reading all 3 books placed on the table and deciding the path you want to cultivate as a soul master.

Nodding both of them then bid farewell to Qian Xunji, after setting there stufs Bibi dong relaxed and leave her cultivation/ advancement direction entirely on Huo Tien.

While Bibi dong was relaxing Huo Tien go through the book making sure nothing is unknown to him, after reading it he decided that he will follow his initial planning for both himself as well as Bibi dong.

After deciding he called Bibi dong and started telling her like we originally planned you should follow the control branch but as both your spirits are deadly spiders you should be a poison type control branch soul master as it matches with your spirit the best but even so keep my words in mind that you should only cultivate your Death Spider Emperor first only then should you cultivate your other martial spirit.

And thinking about the cultivation of twin martial spirits in later parts of soul land he told Bibi dong and remember your first 3 soul skills should only be summoning Spiders as well as mind controlling them as it will increase your mental power and as you train with me regularly your physical power should also be leage about others.

Saying all that Huo Tien gave a lot of advice to Bibi dong which she accepted quickly.

Inside of her mind only one thought was there how much care tien has for her. And thinking this only make Bibi dong like Huo Tien even more.
