
Efface (MHA x Reader)

Being the child of the pro hero Eraserhead should be hard, and it is, but it's infinitely easier when he doesn't know you exist. It's not like he met a woman one day and that woman had a child. He never actually met your mom really. She had an odd quirk, which gave her the ability to take DNA through touch and change it up. She could do a number of things with it, she could become the person for a few days, or even do other things. She's weird, that's one thing you know for certain. Instead of doing something villain-like or even hero-like, she had decided to make your cursed existence after encountering the hero during a crisis. It only makes sense that your crisis of a life was born from a crisis. Unfortunately for you, that meant being born from this strong-quirked woman, with the blood of Eraserhead in your veins and a horribly overpowered quirk that honestly probably should've never existed; even if your parents had met naturally.

Mangopaw · Anime et bandes dessinées
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6 Chs

Page 4

It's the end of the day. My plain white backpack is slouched across my back as I walk with Midoriya. He's tired, you can tell from the way he's slumped over. I would be slumped over as well but I'm always slumped over. How much more slumped over can I go before my face meets the pavement?

I startle when Midoriya startles. One of our classmates is behind us. I honestly can't remember his name. I'm racking through my brain when Midoriya begins speaking with him.

"H-Hey there Iida!" Right, Iida Tenya. Tall and a bit muscular, yet built more for speed then strength. I rub my eyes and clean my glasses as the two talk in front of me. I'd join in, if it weren't for the fact that I don't want to join in.

"How's the broken finger doing?" Iida asks him. I shift my head a bit to look at Midoriya's hands. He has a little bit of wrapping around one of his fingers. Compared to the bruising earlier, it looks almost brand new.

"Oh, It's doing fine thanks to recovery girl." Midoriya responds. We go back to walking, Iida now walking with us. Midoriya's got this odd determined look on his face and Iida looks like he's thinking about something, but I can feel my own smile. I've never been around this many people my age, let alone with a small group of people talking to each other.

I don't smile much at home. My mom can be a little annoying with her tangents, and she usually gets even more riled up when she sees me smiling. It used to be fun to pretend to not smile as she told jokes and eraserhead facts when I was younger, but her brain was a lot different back then.

They begin talking a bit about Mr. Aizawa's take on the class. For a second I can't help but wonder what my life would've been like if he had been in it. Would he have been a strict parent like he is a teacher? Would my mom's brain be less off, or maybe my quirk would be easier to handle? Would he get along with my mom, or would she have to be in jail somewhere for him to be able to be my parent?

Hearing a feminine voice call out, we turn to see a girl coming our way. Her hair is short, with long pieces on either end. It's a nice shade of brown that matches her eyes and it sways as she walks. I remember her, not her name, but I've interacted with her.

"Oh, you're the infinity girl." Iida speaks up from beside me. Infinity girl? Where have I heard infinity girl?

"I'm Ochaco Uraraka. Let's see. You are Iida Tenya, your Hibiki Akio, and your name is.. Midoriya Deku, right?" She goes on. I wish I could remember names like her. Things tend to easily slip my mind, especially things that aren't around or don't last more than half an hour.

Then I remember her, she's the one I had to cancel the quirk of during out assignment today. She doesn't seem uneasy or frightened, so I can only guess that my quirk worked like it intended to and only lasted a second. I've had too many incidents where I've accidentally erased someone's quirk in public and I've had to deal with them or a loved one yelling at me to give it back.

Why can't they seem to understand that I can't?

She's a bit louder than the people I'm used to, and so is Iida but I try to not let it get to me. I don't speak up during the conversation and instead opt to watch them interact. This is what interact is like with others.

I tend to get so confused over how interaction is supposed to go, but I guess I can blame that on my uprising. Because my quirk's so hard to control, I was constantly in the care of quirkless doctors and people who didn't mind losing their quirk.

I did school this way, alone with adults who tip-toed around me, but not as much as normal teachers and students did. I'm actually surprised I got cleared to enroll for U.A, since there hasn't been much progress on my quirk control in the last couple of years.

Checking back in on the conversation, I watch as Midoriya startles again. He's kinda jumpy, jumpier than me. I falter when I realize the name change. Deku? Midoriya?

"That's what Bakugo called you? During the fitness test. " She asks. She then proceeds to do an impression of the yelling from earlier. I had witnessed it. I didn't exactly understand what was going on at the time since I had been busy worrying over how I was going to do but I later figured out it had something to do with a possible childhood rivalry. I'm still a little foggy on the details.

Midoriya seems embarrassed as he goes to correct her. "Well, my name's actually Izuku. Deku's what Kacchan calls me to make fun of me." He explains. That's not very nice. Do boys my age usually make fun of each other? I really need to figure this stuff out or things are going to be awkward one way or another.

She's quick to apologize before complimenting the make-fun nickname. I almost reel back when Midoriya's face flushes and he yelps out a, "Deku it is!" I hadn't been expecting that and it honestly startled me, way more than someone coming up behind me ever could.

He's giggling about it, I think. It's kind of hard to tell what he's doing when he's covering his face and his blush is red enough to see through his hands. I look up to Iida for help but he seems just as confused.

Eventually we shake it off and start to walk home. As we're walking, I'm looking around the little group we've made. It's nice, but from the look of the others, and the look of the other people walking home earlier, I guess it's not normal to hold hands.

When my confused look meets Midoriya's face, he shoots one back at me. Not really knowing what to do, I look from his hand to my hand, and then to Uraraka's hand. Seeming to understand what I'm confused about, he takes my hand before nudging me.

I smile at Uraraka before holding out my other hand. She seems confused before noticing the hand holding Midoriya's. She smiles back at me and takes my other hand and we walk like this. Iida's going over something about school, and I nudge Midoriya to take his hand.

When he offers it to Iida and Iida looks confused, I swing my arms up so he can see me holding Uraraka's and Midoriya's hands. He falters for a second before giving a tiny smile and complying. We all hold hands as we walk and I feel pretty happy about this.

If this is what having friends is like, I think I'll like this.