
Efface (MHA x Reader)

Being the child of the pro hero Eraserhead should be hard, and it is, but it's infinitely easier when he doesn't know you exist. It's not like he met a woman one day and that woman had a child. He never actually met your mom really. She had an odd quirk, which gave her the ability to take DNA through touch and change it up. She could do a number of things with it, she could become the person for a few days, or even do other things. She's weird, that's one thing you know for certain. Instead of doing something villain-like or even hero-like, she had decided to make your cursed existence after encountering the hero during a crisis. It only makes sense that your crisis of a life was born from a crisis. Unfortunately for you, that meant being born from this strong-quirked woman, with the blood of Eraserhead in your veins and a horribly overpowered quirk that honestly probably should've never existed; even if your parents had met naturally.

Mangopaw · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

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((A/N: I suggest reading this story and my others on Wattpad, since that's where I mainly upload and I also tend to completely forget about this website for years))

I've been twirling my fingers around each other all day. I'm tired, I woke up way to early because of my mom, and then I got to school late because of her too. She had woken me thinking it was my graduation again, and it was too close to actual wake time for be to go back to bed.

She had also made me late by babying over me on the way out the house. At least, thats what she did for the first ten minutes. The next ten minutes were spent pestering me about my father, and if I talked to him, or if we got along. She was like a school girl in a grown adults body, and sometimes it was deeply annoying.

Another annoying thing had been that she had been pestering me all morning, giving me almost no time to actually get ready for school. I had brought everything, and I didn't forget my glasses but something still felt like it was missing. I soon learned why when it became a bit hard for me to see the board. My hair had grown out overnight and I hadn't had any time to cut it.

It was bright white, and if I didn't cut it short everyday, my hair would resemble that of my father's. Loose and long, falling around my face and sometimes annoyingly in my vision. Sometimes it felt like I swam it in, especially when I'd find it wrapped around my pencil or something else and causing me to pull my own hair.

I don't own hair clips or bands. I used to when I was younger, but my mother got into the habit of styling my hair like a girls and I eventually threw them all out. I haven't gone a day of my life with my hair up since then.

Another annoying hint to my parentage would be the way it acted when I activated my quirk. If it was short or pulled back, nothing would seem different, but when it was long the trait was very prominent. I actually have no idea what causes it either, but when I activate my quirk, my hair moves like it's in the wind. While my dad's hair floats upwards, mine sways back in the wind, and depending on how much of my quirk is being used, the wind may be a gentle breeze or a harsh tangle of angry flowing hair.

During lunch, I had gotten to sit with the small group of friends again. I sat next to Midoriya, in front of Iida. Though I liked being near them, my hair was making me annoyed and drowsy so I spent most of lunch picking at my food and attempting to brush stray white locks behind my ears only to have them jump back in front of my face.

Originally I had been enjoying my food, my soon my hair found a way to make it's way into my food, and I instead pushed the food across the plate. Sometimes when I'm really annoyed, I'll tug at my own hair. Though that doesn't seem to actually do any good anyway since it still puts me through the trouble and pain. It's not like my hair's sentient anyway.

It's time for hero basic training. Surprisingly, All Might doesn't startle me with his booming voice and loud entrance. I've gotten used to seeing him on tv and watching interacts he has with his fans. Sometimes he's a little too loud, but it's not like I can ask him to quiet down.

When the class awws and oohs at his entrance, I do as well. He's a hero, a well known symbol of peace. I may not want to be exactly like him but that doesn't mean I can't look up to him. With how much my mother seemed to hate him, I found it nice that there was something I could enjoy without her hovering over my shoulder and asking nonsensical questions.

He can be a bit over dramatic though, especially with the odd strut to the front of the room. He goes on to explain how this class is basically the backbone of our school year. This class is important. Though something tells me he's overselling it a bit with that.

When he gestures to the wall with a flourish, I drop my pen from my hands. Slits slide out the wall and weird cases with numbers on them slide out. I had given my costume idea into the school like everyone else, but I hadn't had actually expected to wear a costume. They each have numbers on them, and I watch closely as each one slides out.

"Get yourself suited up, and then meet me at training ground beta!" All Might says, dismissing the class to get their suits.

"Yes Sir!" We all answer enthusiastically. I don't think I've ever been enthusiastic about anything in my life before.


I walk out with the rest, adjusting my glasses on my face. They're bright but they help keep my eyes open and keep me wide awake. Or at least, as awake as I can manage. They can also turn off or even turn fully black so no one could see my eyes if they need to.

My suits light so I can move freely, while also being light based so that I can see in dark situations. Originally when I was younger I had wanted a scarf capture weapon, but I had grown out of that by now. My suit could also turn off completely, letting me go dark, or it could dim down to where I could see but others couldn't.

Even my pocket staff had gotten an upgrade to fit with my suit. It was a bit attention drawing in the dark of the hallway as we walked out, but in the sunlight I blended in with the others.

I also had S-staffs, though they were turned off and strapped to my back, making a cool little design.

I have no idea what kind of hero I would be, but I know that I feel like I can do anything in this costume.

Well, anything but talk to my dad about my heritage, that is. That's probably the one thing I feel like I could never do.