
DXD God of gods

Alex has always dreamed of isekai since he had never really liked this world , so when an opportunity arises he takes it and is reincarnated in DXD with the most op powers of tensura now we follow him on his adventurers to fuck up the protagonists and their harems. What did he wish for ... well read more to find out

KristoPherus · Anime et bandes dessinées
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37 Chs




[[ I have been holding off this cap for a long time but now it's time to finish what I started ]]

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Alex's POV.


I carried Alice in a princess carry and move up to the bedroom , I gently laid her on the mattress as we continued our make out session. when we broke it of and I looked into her eyes I knew exactly what she wanted and so the clothes on both our bodies vanished leaving my twelve inch long member to get some fresh air , I admire Alice's gorgeous body with saliva almost dripping from my open mouth , from the bright blue eyes , the tasty looking red lips to the other pink lips between her legs there was absolutely nothing for me not to like.

" you look , beautiful ". but I don't think that's even a fitting word to describe it , my comment just made the already blushing Alice red.


Going back to business I gently kissed her all over her body till I arrived at the junction of her legs and urged her to spread them further allowing my mouth to really get to know her pussy to which she moaned in pleasure after getting her wet enough , I aligned my prick with her pussy and gently started to push in then I hit the barrier and I looked into her eyes , she just stare back into mine giving me a ' go ahead ' so I gave a kiss as I broke past the barrier , once she was used to me inside of her she said.

" y-you . . can move now ".

That's all I was waiting for and I started pumping my hips , first slow and kept increasing the pace as we continued , Alice had let loose and was now moaning like we were the only people in the world , if it wasn't for the sound barrier around the mansion all those passing by would be wondering what's going on inside , thanks to both our monstrous staminas it took atleast half an hour till I felt my balls ready to release , feeling me trying to pull out Alice's legs wrapped tight on my waist and I quickly knew where she wanted it but warned her nevertheless.


" am gonna cum ". she ignored me and I began shooting loads of cum in her deepest parts as I did that her body also began to vibrate and she arched up with an intense orgasm.

I rolled off her to the side and took a few breaths as she did the same , I lifted myself to face and gave her a kiss.

" that was awesome ". I said.

" yeah ". she replied.

Not even after a couple of minutes my prick started to become hard again so I looked at Alice and said.

" are you ready for round two ". she just smiled and gave me a kiss. ' yep , this is going to be a looong night '. I thought as I embraced her again.


After hours and hours of sex we finally decided to stop and go to sleep not because we were tired but because we had tried almost everything , it's not like we need sleep anyway , as I laid beside Alice I couldn't help but to smile as this life is really treating me well , I closed my eyes and dosed off still holding Alice in a naked embrace.


In the morning I was awoken by the sound of birds singing . I looked to my side and Alice was still asleep in my arms , I gave her a light kiss on the lips and she slowly opened her eyes and looked at me.

" good morning ". I said , she then gave me a long kiss then said.

" good morning to you too ".

I put my arm around her and just enjoyed the warm feeling , we stayed like that till I felt something or someone moving under the blanket and Alice felt it to , so I slowly removed the part of the blanket where we felt it , and you won't believe my surprise when I removed it to reveal two completely nude lolis , I quickly summoned back mine and Alice's clothes then we got out of bed and shook the two lolis awake , the first one awake was Trixie who quickly said.

" good morning Papa , aunt Alice ". in a completely innocent voice unaware of the awkward situation they have put on us right now.

" hmm , g-good morning , Trixie ". I replied.

Ophis who had woken up after many struggles was looking at us with the same emotionless face.

" hey , sweetie , what are you and Ophis-chan doing in our bed , naked ". I asked with an awkward smile.

" well , last night after me and sister Ophis finished our snack I decided to come here and sleep but she also decided to join me so we came back and found you playing with aunt Alice so we waited and had a few more snacks , when we came back you where already asleep and since both you and Aunt Alice were naked we decided to do the same ". that explanation did not make things any better instead it made them worse , they had seen me ' playing ' with Alice , good thing they are not the type to ask questions.

" Papa , I also want to play what you were playing with aunt Alice it looked like lots of fan ". she said making me and Alice almost chock on our own saliva.

" hmm , sorry but I can't play it with you ". I told her she gave me the teary eyes and asked , " why ".

" sorry , sweetie but your not old enough ". I said.

" ok ". she said and her body began to grow until she was like a woman in her 20's and the looked up to me and asked , " what about now ". in a sweet yet mature voice.

( image here )

" *cough*cough* who's hungry cause am going to prepare some delicious cakes and cookies , if any of you want some follow me ". Alice quickly jumped in and saved me in a nick of time.

I whispered in her ear , " thank you ". and all of us left the bed room ofcourse we didn't forget get them dressed and ask Trixie to change back.


After the lovely breakfast the girls got distracted and didn't bring back the incident so I was safe and decided to relax a little that is when I got a message from Hades that Artemis and her brother Apollo were going to see the Fates today , ' well , I guess it's time for me and Artemis to finish what she started '.



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chapter 20 woohoo ✊✊✊✊

KristoPheruscreators' thoughts