
DXD God of gods

Alex has always dreamed of isekai since he had never really liked this world , so when an opportunity arises he takes it and is reincarnated in DXD with the most op powers of tensura now we follow him on his adventurers to fuck up the protagonists and their harems. What did he wish for ... well read more to find out

KristoPherus · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Meeting Fate



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Artemis' POV.


The fates are some of the most powerful gods in Olympus maybe not in physical might but as they assign fate to mortals they are extremely dangerous , that is despite the large number of mortals who tend to ' defy ' fate especially of late when those bastard devils created their evil pieces system that makes them part of the Biblical faction and same with most sacred gear users since they are part of God's system , but even with all that the fates can still manipulate the world and that's their most powerful ability even for us gods , especially in this age when mortals can kill gods like that bastard who is making me go through all this.


The Fates stay at a peak of Mt Olympus and come out in the world from time to time especially the younger sister Clotho and the slut Lachesis, Clotho is an out going type who likes to party , alot but is also the least mischievous of the three and in this age with what the mortals have done she goes almost everyday and sometimes parties days on end , I like he she's all for feminism but then the bitch , oh sorry I meant slut Lachesis who is Aphrodite's buddy and works with her most of the time planning on their next victim , and things get much worse when they get together with the god of Lust Eros what they do is just beyond disturbing and wrong , they even started what mortals now days refer to as orgies destroying a large number of girls lives and all I can do is watch.


The last Fate sister is Atropos who is the most mature and ambitious of all of them , I may not say that I hate her as she's a perfect example of a strong woman , I do find it hard to say I like her , in all her ambitions she never cares for the lives of mortals and sees them as nothing more than insects and pawns , much like Lachesis she brings suffering all in the name of getting what she wants.


I hate most of the fates for what they do to women around the world , I really do but alas there is nothing I can do about it , not only are they powerful but also influencial and I know if they ask for my death father would happily agree after all he can just go and pop out a new daughter with all the skirts he's visiting.


The Fates have another ability that makes them even more dangerous , they can see the future , I mean it's not that advanced like can only see bits of the future and not so far ahead and it's quite easy to break for the powerful individuals in this world but it's still a top tier ability and even has the ability to track people down which is , handy.


Due to all this they always received offers from gods and supernaturals from not just Olympus but even other pantheons making getting them to do something for you alot more precious than even pheonex tears from the devils and for the sake of his pride my old man arranged one for me and Apollo to find the bastard.


We set off from my camp in a Pegasus carriage and started the journey to Fates peak , my brother feeling bored and I not wanting to start up any conversation just closed his eyes and relaxed , I remained there just thinking.


After about an hour the carriage finally touched down and Apollo woke up , I quickly moved out of the carriage to find myself at the foot of fates peak , those damn fates made anyone who wanted to meet them stop here for ' security ' reasons but I know the truth , they just love the feeling of gods walking all the way to them as it makes them feel powerful and all , so we had nothing to do but take the pegasus .


With in half an hour we were infront of the gate to the castle , it was big like really big with painting of the fate sisters in all their glory.


" we are here to meets the fates ". shouted my brother , after some time the gates slowly began to open and we walked in , it's actually quite lovely as they have very nice gardens in the compound , a few servants working here and there and the majestic palace standing in the middle.


We were greeted by a servant who was wearing a different attire than the rest , I guess she must have been waiting for us ,

" Lord Apollo , Lady Artemis , my masters have been expecting you , please come this way ". she said in a respectful tone and led us into the palace.

' atleast one off them is respectful '. I thought and smiled a bit and followed the servant into the palace.

The place is extravagant with gold almost everywhere and beautiful paintings mostly of Atropos and Lachesis also there were statues at the sides every now and then , the palace was pretty big to we had to walk for minutes and minutes till we reached a large golden door which I guess leads to the throne room and the servant that led us stepped to the side and pointed out her hand to the door , it took us a minute to finally realise what she was trying to say as we noticed a coin shaped hole at the side of the door , Apollo approached it with the fate coin an placed it in place sending a wave of light through the door and it slowly opened revealing the majestic throne room.


There were three giant gold statues with each acting like a throne and at the bottom there sat the fates , from the left under the statue of Clotho sat a teenage looking girl wearing casual looking clothes , well that's if you are a rockstar and she had tons of piercings over the ears , nose and lip. then under the middle statue of Atropos , was a beautiful woman wearing a robe with a pretty serious looking face that brought chill in my back and lastly under Lachesis' statue sat a rather beautiful , bursty woman wearing extremely showing clothes that did not even cover her full body , these are the Fates.



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