
DXD God of gods

Alex has always dreamed of isekai since he had never really liked this world , so when an opportunity arises he takes it and is reincarnated in DXD with the most op powers of tensura now we follow him on his adventurers to fuck up the protagonists and their harems. What did he wish for ... well read more to find out

KristoPherus · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
37 Chs



[[ yeah chapter 19 officially the longest novel I have ever written , thanks for the support ]]


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After creating the new skills I went into the dimension or Haven as Merlin started calling it to check on Ophis-chan and Trixie and I was quite surprised by what I found , in short Ophis managed to recreate the dimensional gap inside Haven , even though it's just a small part of it and unsurprisingly a mountain of sweets like literally a mountain I think it might be taller than Everest and at the bottom their were two little girls busy eating one cookie after another , if these guys were normal I would be preparing a funeral by now and something I always wondered , if Ophis takes the form of a little girl , does the size of her stomach remain the same or , cause no matter what she eats you can't see any change.


I walked or floated towards them and they gave me a quick look but Ophis returned to her sweets only Trixie came my way.

" papa , see what me and sister Ophis made ". Trixie jumped into my arms and pointed around showing off their work.

" it certainly is beautiful , you are both very talented ". I gave her a pat on the head and then pointed at the mountain of sweets and cookies , and asked her.

" what about that ". she cheerfully answer , " well I and sister got a ' bit ' hungry and decided to have a ' little ' snack ". I just looked her and nodded thinking , ' yeah , a little '.

I put her down and she flew back to the mountain to help Ophis , I watched for a few minutes till I got bored as the mountain turns into a hill so I left and went to Camelot where Artoria was reading something , I slowly crept into her room and concealed my presence then stood beside her , I read through the novel she was reading and then got bored so I decided to scare her . . . not a good choice.


I stopped concealing my presence and shouted , " BOO ". probably the worst idea ever as I quickly had to block the sword she aimed at my neck and then a kick to my ' family '. but it wasn't over as it only gave her room to send a punch to my face and I didn't dodge , it slammed into my side cheek but I didn't even flinch.


" get out ". Artoria yelled. " who comes into a girls room with out permission , if you want why don't you just go to the other pervert's place ".


" wait , is this how you welcome a guest , I just wanted to surprise you ". I tried telling her but she forcefully teleported me out.


I sighed , I just can't get women then continued my trip next up Merlin , let me just hope she's around.


I arrived at a surprisingly normal looking house , it was jus a plain even the compound but with all my abilities I could easily tell there traps almost everywhere so I made myself weightless and intangible then hid my magical signature and went forward. passing through the traps was easy but then opening the door but then again am intangible so I just passed through only to be disappointed as she had counter and I found myself back where I started. seeing that breaking in is impossible I decided to just to stop being sneaky and used Azathoth space-time control and like that I was in , saying it was a mess would be an understatement like seriously it was even worse than my room back in my past life , you might not know what am talking about but just imagine being to lazy to do anything but you can create all the anime in the world and after finishing with it , on the ground and so does everything else but I guess she doesn't live here anyway so it doesn't bother her , I looked around and there were even bundles of money buy I highly doubt she created it using Yahweh , maybe one of these days I will follow her to see what she does out there.


I left Merlin's cave and went to scàthach's territory the creepy land of shadows which she had already filled to the brim with all sorts of weapons but mainly spears , the dark lands where quiet and if I had to guess I would say she's in the dungeon , I guess either the boss is to tough or she's just having the time of her life.


Now to Gilgamesh , I am not really sure if I should pay her a visit. it's not that I hate her but quite the opposite she just terrifies me sometimes and I don't even know how she detects me even when I conceal my presence completely , I arrived to find her place also quiet , unlike the rest she went all out with a marvel Asgard like castle made of gold , and almost everything else and most embarrassing of it all a statue , of me to be precise and I was naked , though she got almost everything correct but the dick was a few centimeters smaller.


As I admired my statue a pair of arms wrapped themselves around me and held tight.

" got ya ". A female voice came from behind and I didn't even need to look in order to know who it was.

" Gil , would you mind removing you hands ". I said making it clear how I ' didn't ' like having a beautiful lady hold me like this. ' I have to seal the deal with Alice tonight ', I thought.

" not even darling , how cruel , am not letting go until you promise to give me a kiss ". she said.

After thinking about it for a minute I said , " fine ". making her almost jump I joy , she released me and I turned to face her , *sigh* ' let's get this over with '. I brought my head closer and she closed her eyes , seeing my chance I changed the trajectory of my lips from her lips to the check , after the peck I teleported away saying , " I full filled the promise , hehehe ". when I arrived far enough I heard her yell , " that was not it , come back here you Mongrel ".


I chuckle internally and went back to Ophis and Trixie's location and not so surprisingly another mountain had shown up , so I just left them to their business and exited Haven.


Alice was still relaxing , ever since she began using clones her work has been finishing quicker giving her more time to relax or be with me , I lay down on the couch she was seating on and rested my head on her lap then closed my eyes just enjoying the feeling I was currently having , after a few minutes I got up and just said.

" I love you ". to which she just smiled and gave me a kiss then said.

" I love you too ". I also just pulled her in for a long passionate kiss and embraced her , ' what a good life this is '.



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man writing is tiresome but conz to me cause this has become the longest novel I have ever written and am not stopping any time soon.

KristoPheruscreators' thoughts