
Dreams And Nightmares(Deleted Version)

Kimoro Tatsyuyaki got his task for saving the world against a unknown person that call for revenge. For "Kimoro's Second life he must take risk by using powerful gems that he can use against the unknown person.Can he do his quest to save the world even it only takes him a month before the upcoming end?

Ordinary_Hooman · Fantaisie
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22 Chs

Elven Region

"From this World,we elves are just like humans but having long ears we have our own magic and can use mana.Our magic can't be used by humans because our magic was made by our older peers. Mitsunagi family was the founder of this region as our family old generation gathered all elves over the whole world and create it's own region.That's why I'm the prince of this region and two sisters are princesses.Eventhough my sisters or having a girl in Mitsunagi family blood. The boy who will married the girl will change its last name to Mitsunagi because this is how our region treated Mitsunagi Family to thank our older peers in gathering all elves. Our life is the same as human we kill monster, grow foods, mine for ores and other more jobs. We also train people to become our guards and defend our region in any harm. No human can enter this region unless it has a permission to us Mitsunagi family. If someone tried to attack this region the guards will defend the region at any cost even their life is matter because they chose it.Now that I said the definition of this region then I will tell you know why we don't trust human anymore.

Last 5 years, While I was only 16 my father Kato Matsunagi and my mom Caisha Matnusagi met a person who unbelievable save their lives into a monster. We don't know how he save my father and mother because many guards were protecting over my dad and mom. We accepted him as a visitor and his name was Ayuuma. He was so polite and helpful to my parents he was the acquaintance of my father in searching monster. He was powerful and skillful like my father and me myself was amazed about his skill but we didn't thought how he will betray us in all nice things we did to him. We didn't know that every night he always checked everything inside the region. The armaments we have and how strong our guards were. One day, Ayuuma left in the region and he said he will comeback. We have a smile in our faces because we thank him too in what he did to us but we never thought of he will be back in a tragedy to our region.

A week later, Ayuuma went back and enter our region again, he was again helpful to my parents in the morning until it reaches the night. A ton of fireballs goes and destroy a lot of our crops and the mine were destroy. The guards is unaware and didn't able to defend the region. After that, a army of men attacked our region. They used different magic and more but we didn't hesitate and fight them aswell. While our father is panicking and having my mom beside her. Ayuuma showed up and killed my father he fall down and Ayuuma wears his crown. Our mom said that we should run and we followed her rules and run. We hide in a closet and we found out the our mom also get killed and got chopped in the head. Naomi and Ayame freaked out and we thought it is also the end for us but we have been save by Arthur. He was the right hand of my father before Ayuuma go and betray this region. They fight and Arthur was full of anger. We saw their fight and my sisters were crying and I'm praying that Arthur will win. Then suddenly Ayuuma was chopped in half and stabbed in the heart by Arthur. Arthur called us to showed up and we followed him and we saw the disaster tha happened in our region. With trusting Ayuuma our region was remain destroyed many elves were dead and many elements were in the whole place. Arthur said the I will be the king but I said that I will be remain the prince until I turned 25 but I rule the region and I will say that we suffered over years until we have stand again as a region. Until that day we didn't trust humans because they will always betray us all.

Today I take risk in trusting humans again and search up one because we don't want to be destroyed by this elemental ghost. Then we found you Tatsyuyaki-san.Now you've heard our history can we trust you?" Shin seriously questioned Kimoro. "Hearing that you say that humans will always betray make me feel sick because you have met someone who's controlled by evil.Me myself will changed your look in us humans I will helped you and never betray you all and if ever I changed my mind then please kill me. I will helped you in this mission and successfully defeat all of them" Kimoro replied to Shin. "Well then, follow me and We will talk about the plan in taking out the Elemental Ghosts."