
Dreams And Nightmares(Deleted Version)

Kimoro Tatsyuyaki got his task for saving the world against a unknown person that call for revenge. For "Kimoro's Second life he must take risk by using powerful gems that he can use against the unknown person.Can he do his quest to save the world even it only takes him a month before the upcoming end?

Ordinary_Hooman · Fantasy
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22 Chs


Kimoro wakes up in the middle of the night. "Did I really sleep that long I guess I will just sleep again becuase the night is scary. Let me just eat this foods that I've got over this day" as Kimoro was waiting he remembered something in what Kaori said "Please do it! You're the key to the upcoming war" "I don't know if I can do this Kaori being able to communicate like that to the Royals was like impossible but if it's for the world then I might be able to talk over the upcoming war." Kimoro eats up and sleep for another time.

Kimoro wakes up again due to it's already morning."Yeah this is better there's light and I could sneak up easily here at the daylight.Ok! Let's Go!" Kimoro started to walk. As he was walking he was being followed by somethings. "Ok another Orcs Hut hopefully the red sky don't show up,Alright He I go! BLADE ASTONISH" Kimoro started up and slashing the Orcs and remaining the Orc King again "Alright this time it would be easy Aaaaaah!" Kimoro was about to slash it but suddenly the Orc King was killed "Wait! Who's There?!?!" A ton of random guys surrounds him "Wait! I'm not an enemy" Kimoro realized something "This guys have a long ears and most of them have long hair.Isn't this guys were Elves??" Kimoro questioned himself. "Don't do anything or we will kill you" One of them talked. "Are you guys Elves Please I want to..." Kimoro got knocked out by one of them. "Bring this guy to our region and send him to Prince Shin" one of them said.

"Hello are you wake up? Please wake up! Please wake up!" "Hey!Stop that! Sister you're forcing him to wake up". "Wait! Where am I? Oh goodness me! I remembered someone hit me too hard at the neck maybe that triggers me to sleep" Kimoro talking to himself while waking up. "Oh! he's awake Brother!Brother he's awake! a small voice he was hearing from the distance. "Now you're awake human. Don't panic we're elves here and I'm Shin Mitsunagi and this my two sisters Naomi Mitsunagi and Ayame Mitsunagi. Welcome to the Elven Region and we need you're help Kimoro Tatsyuyaki"

"Wait! How do you know my name?" Kimono questioned. Sorry but even were elves it doesn't mean we doesn't know magic.We used CHECK to you so we know you" Shin said. "I don't even know that CHECK can be used by everyone maybe I should just don't say that I didn't knew it." Kimoro talking to himself. "Anyways Tatsyuyaki-San can you help us to do something." Shin asked a favor "But Our Prince..." "I know we have problems to humans but can we go and forget it for now please!" Shin shouted "Sorry! Our prince" one of the guards of Shin.

"Sorry to stop in your face Tatsyuyaki-San now this is what I want. There's somethings we called Elemental Ghosts they are roaming over this forest and they keep attacking us over and over. We tried to attack them and we're defeating them but the longer we attack them the more there are coming. They use different elements such as fire,water and more. Now our plan was to destroy this Ghosts and we need you're help Tatsyuyaki-San as we looked up you're strength. You're stronger than me so please can you help us?" Shin pleasing Kimoro "I don't encounter them but as long they attack innocents I will help you over that." Kimono smiled towards Shin. "Thank You! So much Tatsyuyaki-San." "Umm..Sorry to interrupt you're conversation I'm Arthur and I'm one of the guards of Prince Shin can you leave for now Tatsyuyaki-San we have something to talked about with our prince". "Sure! I think you have serious to talked about.Prince Shin I want to talked about you're plan later". Kimoro walked out. "Prince Shin please remember how humans treated the Elves and they are the reason why you're mother and father was killed. We don't want to be destroyed by the humans hand and the we don't want to lose our love ones once again that's only I want to talked about our Prince. I will leave now" Arthur leaves and Kimoro enters again. Arthur goes and closes the door. "Umm...Prince Shin I know it's hard to say this but it's okay to not tell me. I'm just curious in what humans do in the Elven Region?" Naomi and Ayame go and hugged Shin. "Tatsyuyaki-San do you really want to know the story. I know it's hard for us but for you to understand how we feel. I will tell you our story" Shin said.