
Dreams And Nightmares(Deleted Version)

Kimoro Tatsyuyaki got his task for saving the world against a unknown person that call for revenge. For "Kimoro's Second life he must take risk by using powerful gems that he can use against the unknown person.Can he do his quest to save the world even it only takes him a month before the upcoming end?

Ordinary_Hooman · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Gather and Plan

"Let me start up this meeting we have today." Shin said. "Wait! Why is there a human inside our region. Our majesty you know the risk in having humans inside our region" Myne said. People inside the the meeting starting to thinking in what Myne said. "Ok! Then if your not trusting me.Please KILL ME! " Kimoro nod down towards Myne. She got pissed and she just kept her anger. "Let's stop arguing for now. This problen about the elemental ghosts is our main priority than thinking if we will trust humans again like Kimoro. I have checked his stats and I found out that he is stronger than me and his skills were different than the other humans" Shin said. "Argh! If you will lay a attack towards our prince we will not hesitate to kill you" Myne pissed off said.

"Now, let's start in planning our attack and since Kimoro don't know all of us here inside this room please introduce yourselves." Shin greatfully said. "Let me start myself. I'm Myne Lotus and they call me here as the Prodigy. I can't invent things that humans don't even have and reproduce it to my peers. "I'm Arthur Lotus and I'm the father of Myne. The oldest among all elves in this region. I'm always the right hand of the king and the leader of the soldiers here. "I'm Ling Rafflesia the wizard leader of this region here are my top students Zack,Neon and Charl. "Now that we already introduced ourselves and now let's start to plan this out. The plan will be starting to you Kimoro" Shin chooses Kimoro and everyone was shocked inside the room. "Why him our prince. I can handle this myself aswell?" Arthur asked the prince. "Kimoro was an adventurer that has been in this forest for days so I think it's better for him to start off the plan. He will just start the plan so everyone can argue about his plan." the prince said. Shin looked towards Kimoro and then he start to say in his mind. "Elven Region has round region that is almost like thw human regions. We also have walls to protect the citizens inside. This elemental ghosts that you guys said is just the start. This ghosts may just roaming outside the region and checking it's weaknesses or more. Since they were getting many and many once we started to attack. I think there base is just near here in the region and one more guess is that they might only being controlled by someone. Here's my plan, it may not be tomorrow but we will become the baits." the others have been shocked in Kimoro's plan. "So you're saying we will fight this enemies for something isn't?" Myne asked. "Exactly" Kimoro answered. "Me and the other soldiers will be the bait in order the ghosts to be distracted in us and we would have a cam that will roam towards the battlefield and find it's base and then get inside over it and find their secrets that will be the reason to attacked them in another day.

"Since Now We have the plan then who will be in charge in each role? Arthur said. "For the soldiers we will have Arthur and the other soldiers and for spying I need Myne help because I want to see if we can use something to spy the enemies and if we don't have anything we will change the plan quickly. I want to talk to Myne now and while we're out please plan out different cases." Kimoro said. "We accept you're plan but make sure that you will not do anything to my daughter or else you will get killed by own fists." Arthur strictly said to Kimoro. "Errr.. I promise I will not do anything" Kimoro said. Kimoro and Myne went out and enters the region's lab."Should we start?" Kimoro asked. "Hey! What are you talking about I'm not ready yet and my father will kill you" Myne said. "What are you talking about? I'm talking about equipments." Kimoro confused said. "Next time please clear what are you talking about" Myne angrily said. "Sorry sorry I promise next time." Kimoro apologized. "Then based on you're plan we need a equipment that can spy the enemies without them noticing right?" Myne said. "Yes we need one"Kimoro answered.

"I have this I call remote control, I made it like a bird and I use it as prank in the others. When it comes to spying I have my this invention called camera it controls by electric circuits and can record everything that in it's path. I connect my magic inside to see what it's recording." Myne said. "I think this will be enough but this is also my plan that we will use this equipment at the right time so I need something can make signals." Kimoro said. "Then We will have this I call fireworks." This are made of gunpowder than can fly up and explode in the sky I think you can use this but it needed fire to activate."Myne said. "Don't worry I have a skill that can activate fire, alright let's go back at the hall." Kimoro said. "Yes We should." Myne shy said. "From just this conversation You're such a cutie Myne" Kimoro said and Myne blushes. "Don't call me like that you jerk!."

"Oh you comeback but what happened to you Tatsyuyaki-San?" Shin said. Kimoro got a mark of a hand in his face. "Nothing to worry to him." Myne pouts over Kimoro. "Anyways we have the perfect equipments that we can use to continue the plan but any suggestions?" Kimoro said. "As we have planned before you comeback. We wizards will get in the top of the walls in the region and support Arthur comrades. We also planned to surround the whole area and evacuate all the people." Ling said.

"So summarize the plan. Tommorow we will be a bait and defend the region to the elemental ghosts and spy on them to search up their bases. What can you say Our prince?" Kimoro asked. "I will stay with Myne here and I agree to the plan. Tomorrow's is a serious day. Starting now EVACUATE ALL THE PEOPLE!" Shin said. As the night comes Kimoro stayed in a room near the Prince. "Kaori Is this right that I'm helping because for me it's ok. I know now why I called the key because I'm not only to request help to the royals but also connect humans and elves again. I will promised to them that I will defend this region no matter what and I want them to trust humans like me again.