
Dragonball: Life simulator system(Hiatus)

Ankit_writing_9705 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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20 Chs

ch 4 Reunion after 3 years

Alex's clone reached Freeza force planet no 420 just in 3 months. He had turned 6 years old recently even though his tall body looked way older than that.

He soon checked in through the guards with his scouter.

Yes, he too was suprised at first that scouters also function as an identity proof for freeza force but he just got used to it later.

He was walking towards the training room when he ran into an alien kid his age looking at his tail with what appeared to him as disdain.

"Hey! You should be one of those Vegeta's underlings right. Is he still moping about his loss. Tell him not to worry as I'll go easy on him the next time. Hahaha!"

The alien kid went without waiting for a reply from Alex.

Alex wasn't much surprised that Vegeta lost as his road had been too smooth sailing up till now.

But he did wonder how kid Vegeta would take his loss. He had always trained like a madman and was quite ruthless in achieving his goals.

In the Namek saga Vegeta had abused zenkai to the extent that he too was feeling pity for the arrogant prince at his death.

It also proved that without a proper foundation there would be a limit to the strength gained by zenkai and that zenkai was actually not the proper way. No such particular method existed through which one could cheat their way to the top.

"Alex! When did you arrive? That bastard Cui bragged about defeating Vegeta , didn't he?"

Alex spun around to see Raditz who had just come out of the training room.

" I had just arrived when that guy stopped me rudelyHow did this happen? "

"Vegeta had 5000 power level initially had good chance of winning against Cui's 4800 but Cui used his species special poison trick to win over him.

It seems that Vegeta was really prone to such losses. Lose against Freeza because he too many forms, lose against android 18 because she had infinite energy, lose against Kakarot and earthlings because they ganged up on him, lose against cell cause he overestimated himself and the list can go on.

Now seemed to be a very bad time to meet

Vegeta but he really nowhere else to hide.

" Let's go meet him then."

Raditz nodded and led him to Vegeta's training chamber.

" Whom did you bring here you weakling?

Vegeta growled in anger after being disturbed in his training with Nappa.

Raditz paled and budged Alex after a moments delay.

Alex understanding his friend's intention bowed down in a swift fluid motion and reintroduced himself.

Do not mistake this gesture as a sign of submission towards Vegeta.

He only did it to avoid any suspicion from freeza who may have been monitoring their conversation.

Also he could tell that Vegeta had recognised him at first glance and had only been acting to maintain an aloof image.

Alex naturally did not expose him as he already knew that the Prince would soon lose his status and suffer a great blow.

"What's his power level, Nappa ?"

Vegeta pleased with the display of submission asked in a offhand manner.

" Wow! It's close to 4500."

Nappa read out the number displayed on his scouter in amazement as his own power had only just reached 4000.

As for why the hell it had stagnated till his death in the original. It could only be explained with the theory that he no longer had any ambition left after Planet Vegeta's destruction and so his training yield little to no result.

It was also a testament to both Vegeta and Alex's talent as they could easily reach the power level Nappa used his whole life to achieve.

Only Kakarot would break all restrictions on his limits after taking ultra divine water in the future.

Vegeta on the other hand was miffed that someone could be close to his power level in his generation.


The author was facing a bunch of fans on his way to home from the supermarket.

Fan group A: Beat up Vegeta and take Bulma away from him.

Fan group B: That's not enough kill Vegeta to prevent him from taking revenge. Also kill Yamcha before he dates Bulma

Fan group C :

Let's just beat Vegeta for now!

Beating him is the duty of every transmigrated Mc .
