
Dragonball: Life simulator system(Hiatus)

Ankit_writing_9705 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Ch 5 Battling Nappa

Vegeta didn't believe that anyone could keep up with him so he ordered Nappa to go probe him.

"Nappa and Alex, go have a spar. That scouter must have malfunctioned. We will have to register a complaint to human resources and have it replaced."

Alex had split his 20,000 battle power into 4 clones through the multiform technique

resulting in each clone having 5000 battle power.

He had further controlled his ki to 4500. His initial 1500 had increased by 500 in the 1 and 1/2 year trip. After that he wanted to attribute it to a zenkai boost and the natural gain of 500 on his return journey.

It wouldn't cause much doubt because he had already read about a dozen records of zenkai Boost of 3-4 times in the palace archives.

In fact he already knew that Goku in the canon had a zenkai boost of 10 times and that too twice.

One was on the way to Namek and w the other zenkai when he laid in the healing chamber.

The popular theory was that freeza caused his zenkai boost to such a degree but Alex begged to differ.

He too accepted that zenkai might change with the presence of a strong enemy but Goku's zenkai was too abnormal and he attributed it to the ultra divine water.

He had the idea that the ultra divine water gave Goku both the heart virus and unlocked all the potential that a saiyan could have.

Actually he could have lowered his battle power more than that but he didn't want Vegeta and the others to think that there was a huge gap between his zenkai and that of the others.

He also wanted to spar Vegeta on an equal footing.

I mean what kind of masochist would be willing to be thrashed around by such an arrogant and mean person.

Alex looked at Raditz from the corner of his eyes and mentally cursed.

While Alex was busy in his colourful imagination Nappa stepped forward to attack.

He raised his arms to block the sudden attack launched by Nappa. He took a few steps back and Nappa continued with a barrage of attacks.

Alex began his counterattack by targeting Nappa's vital points when he attacked.

Nappa barely dodged the attack by giving up the initiative to attack and took a few steps back.

Alex used a quick ki blast and Nappa responded by doing the same which created a smokescreen.

Alex used instant transmission the moment no one could see him to reach him and knocked him out with Master roshi's thundershock suprise.

By the time smokescreen vanished Alex was standing behind Nappa as the latter lay at his feet.

It wasn't that he couldn't have defeated him in a long drawn out battle but he didn't want to use such tactics with Nappa.

"It appears that I can finally change my sparring partner. Raditz take him to the infirmary lest he dies."

Vegeta on the other hand didn't care much of the result. He had always seen Nappa as nothing more than a punching bag and had secretly wanted a new punching bag and now he got one.

Raditz quickly pulled up Nappa and hurried to the infirmary leaving the two saiyans alone in the room.

After Raditz left Vegeta began to enquire Alex about his training

"I just had a life death battle with the strongest natives of that planet ganging up on me and after some basic medical treatment from the pod my battle power soared from 2000 to 4000. As for the 500 increase it must be due to growing phase of us saiyan."

Vegeta nodded as he too knew about the zenkai boost. When a saiyan came out alive from a near death situation his power level would skyrocket.

It was just that he didn't want to use such means. After all according to what he knew he had great talent and could easily reach the top.

Both of them were of the same page on this matter and really felt that no one except an extreme masochist would keep recklessly getting zenkai.

Only if they may meet a bottleneck in their training and have an extremely strong foe to fight would the saiyans of Planet Vegeta choose to go through such means.

After chatting with each other about their knowledge of zenkai both of them dispersed for the day.

Alex was waiting for news from his clones while Vegeta went back to rest in his quarters before he started another round of training.

Meanwhile on Planet Vegeta

Alex teleported in front of Bardock when the latter was considering where to send his newborn son Kakarot shocking him but almost immediately his saiyan instincts took control and he punched the rude stranger in house with all his strength.

Alex took the punch and rolled back a few times but came out unscathed even though it pained on the inside he tried to deny it on the outside.

He should have fused with a clone before coming here. At least it wouldn't have hurt as much.

Bardock on the other hand was suprised that the rude stranger that took his attack was only a young boy about his eldest son Raditz age.

" I am your eldest son, Raditz's friend.My name is Alex. You should have heard about me from him. I need your help freeza is going to destroy the planet once he gets here."

Bardock believed him but didn't tell him that he and his son weren't on talking terms. He was relieved that his prediction about the future was finally accepted by someone but he still pretended to not know anything to gauge the boy's knowledge.

"Do you know what it means to go against Freeza? How did you even get to know about his intention in the first place?"

" That isn't important is it? All I want is to send off the innocent saiyan infants off the planet to avoid this senseless carnage.