
Dragon Incarnation

(TEST) RELEASE RATE INFO BELOW... Tyler has never had an easy life ever since he was in elementary school, it was even a little unfair. One day his bad luck finally breaks and he discovers AlKo online. A massive fantasy world filled with magic and mythical beasts awaits him. Numerous unfathomable threats and catastrophes stalk this world with ravenous eyes. A new powerhouse is born and the major powers can't ignore him. His great ambition, which was suppressed in the real world, runs wild and his strength expands rapidly. Absolute power... Overwhelming strength... Unshakeable influence... Vast wealth... Endless knowledge and potential... Beautiful women... His ridiculous growth speed startles the gods and devils alike as he obtains everything and anything. All who threaten or get in his way are brutally put down. All who aid him only see great benefits and a bright future. A legend is birthed... Tags: Romance//System//Action//Harem//R-18//Adventure//Fantasy//Game//Ambitious MC//Cunning & Smart MC//Comedy//Polygamy//Overpowered MC//Fantasy//Prodigy MC//Strong from Start// Non-human MC//Hidden Gem Infrequent Tags: Tragedy//Strategy//Yuri(rarely)//War//Politics//Economics//Gore(sometimes extreme)//Modern//Urban//Sci-fi//Futuristic//School//Psychological (This means they might not be frequent or will appear much later on) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ {TEST RELEASE RATE} FRIDAY: 2 chapters This is my TEST release rate to see if I can handle it. I'm still a new author so need to see what I can handle. I will try hard to abide by this release rate but I do have the stuff to do in real life so please bear with me if I’m late or I miss it. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ {COMMON QUESTIONS} NOVEL’S FUTURE: This story is quite special to me because I’ve loved reading my whole life and I thought I’d give it a try. This is my first novel and I have big (and I mean BIG) plans with a really solid storyline planned out for its future. I truly don't plan on dropping this book or leaving it alone for unreasonable periods of time because I feel like I’ve invested too much of my energy and emotions to just give up on it. FAKE WORLD CONCERN: Some people are discontent with the fact that the world that the MC focuses on is all fake and virtual, but all I can say is that you shouldn’t be worried about that!! After all, I’m a reader too..... I know how you guys tick because I’m one of you so I would have similar feelings. Just wait and see what happens. MORAL ALIGNMENT: I believe readers get a little confused on the MC’s moral alignment (at least in the beginning) and I don't blame them, he’s a complicated fellow. He usually does whatever he wants with little care for the other party unless they interest and/or benefit him and his ambitions, or his principles or bottom-line get in the way. When he makes decisions, he can respond like a ”lawful neutral”, ”neutral good”, or ”chaotic neutral”. I would say he’s morally grey… His strong views on matters such as slavery and extremely unethical organizations such as the Archaic Church stem from past experiences in real life that will be explained. I’d have to say that the MC is in between an ”anti-hero” and an ”anti-villain”. The main force that drives him is his unnaturally large ambition and yearn for power, which strengthens his end game goal… world domination. OCCASIONAL NAUGHTINESS: Concerning the (+18) scenes and chapters, I don't go heavy on them. I mainly focus on the storyline with the occasional scene or chapter as a cherry on top! They’re short and sweet and I try my hardest to not let them be lacking, but also not dwell on them. SINCERELY hope that you enjoy it!!!!! (The title image isn't mine and if the original creator wishes to have the credit or for it to be taken down, please contact me through comments.)

TitanicApex711 · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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98 Chs

Hidden Forger

As Kyren slowly but surely flew his way towards the city in the distance, he tried to come up with solutions for Dragon's Desire. He stayed above the cloud in order to avoid detection.

'Looks like the only permanent solution I can think of is a mask...' A deep and long sigh escaped his mouth.

If Kyren couldn't keep his sanity if he was near money or anything valuable then how would he make it up in the world? He'll just have to hold his nose until he can find a mask.

Once he was a mile away from the city, he landed and retracted his wings. When he came up to the front gate, he made sure to keep his hood on to avoid any passionate eyes.

<Congratulations on discovering [Avlestine Empire: Kassio City].... rewarding experience.>


You've leveled up 2 times! Currently level 3...


+4 to all attributes

+10 free attribute points


Every 5 levels, you get a talent point. Next evolution is at level 50.


'So this is overwhelming growth potential? Faster leveling speed...' he saved the free attribute points for later.

<Growth potential affects your leveling speed and power limit. There are also other things it affects like how many sub classes you can have and the speed in which you gain proficiency levels.>

Kassio City was the third largest city in the Alvestine Empire. It was positioned at a strategic point near the Keslar Forest.

If a mob of creatures were to try and invade Alvestine, they would either pass the nearby mountains or go through the fortress city itself. The lake on Kassio's west side wasn't an option because most forest creatures couldn't swim, making it the perfect choke point.

The city itself had two large walls separating the districts. Official buildings and high class citizens resided in the Noble District while the Adventurers Guild and the regular people lived in the larger Common District.

"Halt, please present your pass token."

The guard at the front gate stuck out his hand in an expecting manner.

"I'm very sorry sir, but I lost most of my belongings when I was running from a creature in the forest."

<You have discovered the proficiency, [Deception].>

"That's fine, but a pass between different cities cost 5 silvers. You will also have to go through a lie detector test to confirm that you have no bad intentions."

After paying the 5 silver and going through questioning successfully, he was given a 3 inch rectangular stone with a symbol on it. Kyren then asked for directions to a good equipment shop and the Adventurers Guild.

Andrew told him to sign up with the Adventurers Guild as soon as he got to a city so that he could get a decent income. He also needed to stop by the equipment store to find a mask for his problem.

The equipment store he was pointed towards was small and in a hard to find location. The guard said that the location was unappealing but he assured him that it was a quality establishment.

The inside was vastly different compared to the outside, kinda like a geode. When Kyren entered, he immediately plugged his nose and headed for the front counter, doing his best to ignore the fancy weapons and armors.

"Hello there pretty boy, welcome to Hidden Metals! What can I do for you today?" The shopkeepers sharp senses saw through Kyren's hooded disguise and saw his handsome face.

The shopkeeper was burly and tanned man with thick eyebrows and a shiny bald head. He wore what seemed to be forgers cloths with some tools on his belt.

What Kyren didn't know was that he was an A~grade being and if he was ever to fight this man, even if he was a dragon with insane regeneration, he would surely forfeit his life within an instant. Not that it ever crossed his mind.

"Do you have any masks for my mouth? I have an extremely sensitive sense of smell that needs to be blocked and I lost my previous mask."

"Nothing like that out here but I'm sure there's something like that in the back."

The man went to the back door and came back about 5 minutes later with a couple items in his arm.

Kyren carefully appraised each mask until he found an interesting one.


Quick Silver Rune Mask (silver)






Unique Rare


Agility> +20

Fortitude> +2

Intelligence> +10

Sense> +10



{Active Ability}

<Amplified Voice> Project your voice with much greater volume ::: Consumes 10 mana and 10 stamina per second.


- Completely blocks sense of smell and taste

- Can hide your facial features (30% coverages)

{Description }

Created by the a Hidden Apex Forger, Darien, as an experiment with ruins. It uses wind type runes to produce oxygen for the wearer, to prevent suffocation. Quick silver is an elven produced metal that is meant to enhance the agility and thinking speed of the wearer.


50 Agility

20 Intelligence


50 silvers


"You won't be getting slapped any time soon."


<You have discovered the proficiency, [Appraisal].>

"Apex Forger?"

The burly man let out a hearty laugh, "Kid, you've got a good eye! Even though that was one of my experiments, it turned out very well," he reached out and offered the mask to him, "You can have this old piece of junk if you can bring back some good forging materials with that good eye of yours.... I might even give you the equipment I make with it."

"Really?! Thank you very much!"

"Don't mention it!"


You've made a [Social Connection] with the human npc, [Darien]...


Apex Forger of Hidden Metals


If you bring Darien quality and/or rare forging materials, he might gift or discount the item he creates to you. If you bring his relationship status to respected, you may be able to ask to be his disciple.


Friendly ::: 17%


'Fantastic!' He politely grabbed the mask and immediately put it on. 'Finally I can breath...'

"Sir Forger?"

"Just call me Darien."

"I'm also in the market for a better cloak. My appearance can be a little too eye catching..."

"Hahaha... there should be something decent over in that section."

Kyren followed his suggestion and browsed. Now that he could get a good look at all of the items, he marveled at their quality and craftsmanship. He found a mysterious full body cloak with metallic silver rims and a pitch black body. He almost didn't notice it even though it was right in front of him on the shelf.


Full Body Rune Mesco Cloak (black)






Unique Epic


Agility> +10

Sense> +25



{Passive Aura Ability}

<Mesco Aura> Unless someone has a high sense or was made aware of your presence, they will not notice you easily.


- Completely blocks appearance when hood is on (100% coverage)

- Can mask even the greatest of presences or auras

- Can hide weapons and equipment

- +600 defense

{Description }

Created by the a Hidden Apex Forger, Darien, as an experiment with different berries and fabrics. Uses Mesco Berry dye in the main cloth. Mesco berries aren't rare but their extremely hard to find due to their innate presence-erasing aura.


60 Agility

30 Sense


30 silvers


"Is that why it smells like berries?"


Kyren excitedly grabbed the cloak and set it on the counter.

"That will be 27 silvers, another good catch."

'10% discount? Thats great!'

After he purchased and equipped the cloak, he bid Darien farewell and headed towards the Adventurers Guild.


In the Adventures Guild's emergency meeting room, the atmosphere was tense and palpable.

A group of people sat around a fancy oval shaped table in an elegant room. Some were present while others were projections by crystal balls.

Krista walks into the room with a grievous expression, "Thank you all for coming on such short notice. I am Krista, a B~grade berserker of the Randall family and I have something very problematic to report..."

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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