
Dragon Incarnation

(TEST) RELEASE RATE INFO BELOW... Tyler has never had an easy life ever since he was in elementary school, it was even a little unfair. One day his bad luck finally breaks and he discovers AlKo online. A massive fantasy world filled with magic and mythical beasts awaits him. Numerous unfathomable threats and catastrophes stalk this world with ravenous eyes. A new powerhouse is born and the major powers can't ignore him. His great ambition, which was suppressed in the real world, runs wild and his strength expands rapidly. Absolute power... Overwhelming strength... Unshakeable influence... Vast wealth... Endless knowledge and potential... Beautiful women... His ridiculous growth speed startles the gods and devils alike as he obtains everything and anything. All who threaten or get in his way are brutally put down. All who aid him only see great benefits and a bright future. A legend is birthed... Tags: Romance//System//Action//Harem//R-18//Adventure//Fantasy//Game//Ambitious MC//Cunning & Smart MC//Comedy//Polygamy//Overpowered MC//Fantasy//Prodigy MC//Strong from Start// Non-human MC//Hidden Gem Infrequent Tags: Tragedy//Strategy//Yuri(rarely)//War//Politics//Economics//Gore(sometimes extreme)//Modern//Urban//Sci-fi//Futuristic//School//Psychological (This means they might not be frequent or will appear much later on) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ {TEST RELEASE RATE} FRIDAY: 2 chapters This is my TEST release rate to see if I can handle it. I'm still a new author so need to see what I can handle. I will try hard to abide by this release rate but I do have the stuff to do in real life so please bear with me if I’m late or I miss it. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ {COMMON QUESTIONS} NOVEL’S FUTURE: This story is quite special to me because I’ve loved reading my whole life and I thought I’d give it a try. This is my first novel and I have big (and I mean BIG) plans with a really solid storyline planned out for its future. I truly don't plan on dropping this book or leaving it alone for unreasonable periods of time because I feel like I’ve invested too much of my energy and emotions to just give up on it. FAKE WORLD CONCERN: Some people are discontent with the fact that the world that the MC focuses on is all fake and virtual, but all I can say is that you shouldn’t be worried about that!! After all, I’m a reader too..... I know how you guys tick because I’m one of you so I would have similar feelings. Just wait and see what happens. MORAL ALIGNMENT: I believe readers get a little confused on the MC’s moral alignment (at least in the beginning) and I don't blame them, he’s a complicated fellow. He usually does whatever he wants with little care for the other party unless they interest and/or benefit him and his ambitions, or his principles or bottom-line get in the way. When he makes decisions, he can respond like a ”lawful neutral”, ”neutral good”, or ”chaotic neutral”. I would say he’s morally grey… His strong views on matters such as slavery and extremely unethical organizations such as the Archaic Church stem from past experiences in real life that will be explained. I’d have to say that the MC is in between an ”anti-hero” and an ”anti-villain”. The main force that drives him is his unnaturally large ambition and yearn for power, which strengthens his end game goal… world domination. OCCASIONAL NAUGHTINESS: Concerning the (+18) scenes and chapters, I don't go heavy on them. I mainly focus on the storyline with the occasional scene or chapter as a cherry on top! They’re short and sweet and I try my hardest to not let them be lacking, but also not dwell on them. SINCERELY hope that you enjoy it!!!!! (The title image isn't mine and if the original creator wishes to have the credit or for it to be taken down, please contact me through comments.)

TitanicApex711 · Games
Not enough ratings
98 Chs

Dragon’s Desire

On a dirt road somewhere in a dense forest, a bright white light appeared and disappeared in a flash. In the place where the light originated, a fifteen meter tall dragon stood. A dazed expression appeared on its face as it surveyed its surroundings.

Kyren (Tyler) looked down at his own body and marveled at his appearance. He had intricate metallic black scales with a dark purple underbelly. His limbs and long neck were very muscular as two large wings fluttered on his back. It felt as though he had an extra pair of arms on him.

Violent looking purple horns, claws and spikes covered his body, emitting a faint magical light. There was a small horn on the tip of his snout and chin with four large horns on the back of his head like a crown.

The inner horns were the thickest and longest while they curved out towards the the air. The outer horns were smaller but sharper as they protruded out of the ears area and curved backwards.

The long tail on his rear wagged back and forth as he excitedly assessed his new body. His dragon form looked more majestic and menacing than any movie or picture he's ever seen!

There was a dense atmosphere surrounding his body that made him burst with power and adrenaline, "Is this mana?! *Siighh~* It feels like I'm in a spa... This is amazing!"

A dragon's affinity for magic is so powerful, that the air around them will radiate with an overwhelmingly dense mana they unconsciously let off. To allies, this effect feels empowering and relaxing, but to any the dragon feels is an enemy, the air around it will feel violent and suffocating.

'This body and all this mana will take a long time to get used to...'



Super AI detected... Do you wish to integrate the AI with the system?



He clicked (Yes) and a familiar voice rang in his head.

<Hello Master.>

"..... Leo!?"

<Correct... I was originally going to be your assistant in the game but Mr. McBell had me as the home assistant on the side. This was to make it easier to stay connected to the outside world.>

"I see... that does make thing more convenient."

<Would you like me to make a telepathic connection with you? This will make our conversations private and your interface navigation free of hand.>

"Sure," after he agreed, a quick headache came and went.

'Ok, open my status screen.'




Youngling Void Dragon


None - 3 slots left


1 ::: 0%


E++ (peak)

{Main Class}


{Sub Classes}





Health> 21,700 ::: 100%

Mana> 4,900 ::: 100%

Stamina> 4,900 ::: 100%

Mental Energy> 700 ::: 100%

Hunger ::: 100%

Thirst ::: 100%

Torpor ::: 0%

{Base Recovery}

5% HP every 5 seconds

10% MP every 5 seconds

10% SP every 5 seconds

5% ME every 1 minute


Strength> 70 (10)

Agility> 70 (10)

Energy> 70 (10)

Dexterity> 70 (10)

Intelligence> 70 (10)

Sense> 70 (10)

{Hidden Attributes}

Vitality> Infinite

Fortitude> 310 (10)

Luck> 30 (5)

Charisma> 521 (321)

{Elemental Affinities}

- Void ::: 500% (200)

- Null ::: 500% (200)

- Fire ::: 250% (100)

- Water ::: 250% (100)

- Earth ::: 250% (100)

- Wind ::: 250% (100)

- Life ::: 250% (100)

- Death ::: 250% (100)

- Soul/Mind ::: 250% (100)

- Light ::: 250% (100)

- Dark ::: 250% (100)


Physical> overwhelming

Mental/Soul> great

Magic> overwhelming

Internal> Extreme


Glimpse of Lady Luck//Magical Entrepreneur//Child of Lust//Gene Transformation//Draconic Physique[youngling]// High-Grade Life Form (1 point)


Dragon's Breath[void]//Dragon Roar[void]//Dragon Slash[void]//Dimensional Storage


Flight//Mana Manipulation


Draconic Prestige//Jewels of the Void//Dense Mana Atmosphere




0 years

{Growth Potential}



"A little too overpowered at level 1?"


'So the reason I unconsciously feel so small is because I'm a youngling? But why do my attributes look broken?'

<That is the work of [Draconic Physique] and some other stuff... usually people aren't allowed to reincarnate as dragons... ever. So most of your abilities are "overwhelming.">


<A super wish's rarity will make you winning a 1 out of 8.6 billion lottery look like child play. The only way I see someone reincarnating as a dragon, much less a void dragon, is that the people who got the top ten in the lottery somehow doing the exact same thing you did.>

'Hmm, what about the curses? Do I have to discover them?'


As Kyren continued to bombard Leo with questions, he felt a presence in a far away tree. He could feel eyes boring into him and it made him feel uncomfortable.

He stared back at the pair of eyes with an interested look.

<You have discovered the proficiency, [Alert].>

'My first encounter...'

<I would tread with caution... if it's a human, or any other race for that matter, then there is a high possibility it will attack you.>

Kyren grimaced at his reminder but regained his calm. His head raced as he tried to think of a plan to avoid conflict.

Meanwhile in a far away tree, a mature and beautiful lady with a scar down her left eye and cheek studied every detail about her unexpected encounter. Her scarlet red hair only reached her shoulder as her fierce orange eyes stared daggers at Kyren. She wore detailed wine red and black full body armor as a gold and black two handed war axe hung on her back. Her figure was busty and muscular which made her look tough and dangerous, but sexy at the same time.

'He noticed me!?! Dragon's senses truly are scary.' She took out a special quill and started writing right next to her. Faint white markings appeared in a note form in mid air:

- looks like a Youngling, but its size is larger and the pressure it emits is stronger than usual

- Metallic black scales

- Purple underbelly, claws, horns, and spikes

- Could be a Lightning Dragon, but I've never seen this color and physique

- Looks like it's in between the Beast and Monster rank

Creatures are sorted into ranks, depending on their power and severity. Beasts could destroy villages and towns while monsters could wipeout entire cities and fortresses.

Before she could write anymore, Kyren raised his front claw and made a "come here" motion with his index finger.

The lady was astonished and she nearly fell off of the branch she was on, 'Does he want to talk with me!?!' Dragons would be feral until they reached adulthood, but even then they wouldn't interact with low-grade beings such as humans.

She added one more note before cautiously coming out into the open.

- Unnatural demeanor

When Kyren saw the mature and tough looking beauty walk out of the dense forest, he was surprised by her domineering aura.



<She is at the B~grade and leagues stronger than you... once she's 20 meters away, your chances of escaping will drop to 7%.>

Kyren's guard immediately rose as soon as she was 30 meters away and she noticed this. She didn't want to scare him away so she stopped.

"I am Krista, I represent the Alvestine Empire and the Adventurer Guild when I ask why you appeared in human territory?"

"...." he racked his brain as he tried to think of an answer, "Do not worry human, I am just passing by."

"Then when will you be leaving?"

"In around 10 day after a good rest."

<I sense very faint killing intent from her.>

'Shit... use it now!'

[Jewels of the Void: Floating in the Void]

Kyren's eyes glowed purple as he stared at her. Krista was reaching for her weapon but she faltered. The mental attack caught her completely off guard as per Kyren's plan.

In that split second window, he used his 4 muscular legs and launched into the forest at staggering speeds.

'Leo, hurry up and wipe my presence!'

When he entered the forest, he made erratic movements to make sure he wasn't followed. When he was a good distance away, he used [Gene Transformation: Gene Fluctuation (human)] to further hide his dragon form. This also made it easier to move around because he was still getting used to his dragon form. Since Gene Transformation didn't affect his attributes, he didn't get slowed down.


After a while of hiding in some shrubs, Kyren used [Gene Transformation: Focused Transformation (dragon wings)] to (attempt to) fly above the trees. The wing felt odd and awkward at first, but relatively easy to get used to. As he tried to steady himself above the tree tops, he surveyed his surroundings.

His sharp senses noticed tiny buildings far off in the distance.

'I've been meaning to ask why I wasn't spawned in a safe area?' While he was running earlier, he noticed various dangerous looking creatures roaming the forest floor.

<It would be problematic if a dragon appeared out of thin air in the center of a city.>

'I guess that makes sense. I did just get attacked for no reason.'

<You might want to equip the clothes in your inventory before you arrive....>

He looked down and noticed a well toned naked body. Gene Transformation would always transfer him into a natural state. There were spells that would auto-equip clothing when he wished, but he didn't know any.


Dimensional storage was a null type spell that every player was given at the start of the game. Inside was some money, a cloak, and beginners cloths. They didn't get any weapons because they were supposed to use their money to buy their own.


Dimensional Storage


Null (void enhanced)


Tier I


Utility Spell


2 mana per use


A basic spell that lets you store a couple of small items. Storage size and distance increased due to void ability.





Tattered Cloak (grey)












- Can hide appearance when hood is up (70% coverage).


Something you could pick up off the side of the road. The material is rough and uncomfortable.




"Are these even considered rags? Even rags have better quality!"



Alvestine Light leather Armor


Leather armor (set equipment)








Chest> (20/20)

Leg> (20/20)

Boots> (20/20)

{Set Effects}

1 pieces: +2 defense

2 pieces: +5 defense

3 pieces: +10 defense


The Alvestine common class usually wear this. Presentable to a certain degree but definitely not in front of even the poorest of nobility.




"Useful.... to defend against a pat on the back."


When Kyren finished putting on the armor and the cloak, he took the bag of money out to count it, but a weird but pleasurable aroma entered his nose. A number of 50 silver entered his mind and something inside of him started to claw its way out.



You have discovered the innate curse:

Dragon's Desire (curse of greed)

Racial Curse


Dragon's can smell the 'value' of something with just their nose alone. This comes with some major drawbacks though, as it would incur a type and selfishness or lust for whatever has value wether it be money or equipment. If something is discovered to be extremely valuable, then you will most likely lose all sense of reason.


Perhaps you can try cutting off your sense of smell?




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