
Dragon ball V: Born again as a Saiyan!

What would you do if you died and then came back to life in the universe of Dragon Ball Z? Sadly, our main character ended up passing away tragically. He had often wondered what would happen when he eventually passed away when something unbelievable happened. He soon finds himself waking up in the body of a Saiyan child and of all places, on the planet Vegeta! Follow Vocada on his journey through this perilous cosmos as he battles to survive in the face of overwhelming odds, being forced to do unthinkable things to survive each day as he strives for greater power along the way with a little help form a strange system... Ps I own the cover art as I drew it myself!

Lavalord115 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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31 Chs

Chapter 14: Aftermath...

Vocada flew through the air as he headed toward a large plume of smoke coming from far in the distance. If he had to guess, which he did due to having lost his scouter, Vocada was heading in the direction of his rampage the night before.

Upon transforming into a great ape, Vocada lost all control of his senses and proceeded to destroy everything in his path, resulting in the death of hundreds of Vubrothians.

Vocada could see the large craters coming into view as he got closer and closer, making the place look like a war zone that had been hit by cluster bombs on repeat until he finally arrived at the city, coming to a halt while floating above.

"I did this..." Vocada said as he looked at the devastation he had inflicted on this world.

He could see that all of the buildings except a small few had been mostly wiped out, crushed or reduced to rubble. The city walls had been smashed down and bodies laid either crushed or burnt to a crisp due to the powerful energy blasts that Vocada had been shooting.

Vocada slowly lowered himself down to the ground, landing next to a pile of bodies that had been crushed by some of the debris, looking at them for a moment, feeling nothing for them.

"Looks like no one survived..." Vocada said, taking a look around as he scouted the place out.

The area was calm, but for the few flames that were still burned, which gave Vocada an eerie impression of the setting, looking like some sort of apocalypse.

"Damn... The destructive powers of the Saiyans are no joke. No wonder they were called a ruthless warrior race." Vocada said as he walked through the chaos he had caused.

The city had been totally demolished, making it a graveyard as much as it was a city, sending shivers up Vocada's spine from all of the dead laid about.

"Looks like there is nothing left here worth my time," Vocada said, having thought that perhaps some survivors would be around the area, drawing the other warriors here to help them.

"I guess if anyone was able to run they most likely headed toward one of the other cities." Vocada then said before he floated off the ground, moving around much quicker than he did walking.

With the city in ruins and no people around, Vocada decided to help himself to anything that was worth taking. Things such as water jugs and any scraps of food that were lying around in the houses and buildings that had fared a little better than others for example.

Vocada had also been able to find some clothing, allowing him to fashion a makeshift short-sleeved Gi from the material, after a few attempts with a needle and thread. However, shoes seemed to be out of the question due to the Vubrothians not having a need for any.

Vocada spent hours as he searched around the ruins looking for other things he could make use of, having already eaten his fill of meat and drank plenty of water. However, for some reason when he took a bite of some of the meat he had cooked with an energy blast, he had a distinctive memory of eating some of the Vubrothians, having seemed to enjoy the taste in his great ape form.

"I really ate them..." Vocada said, feeling a little sick for a moment before he brushed the memory aside, taking another bite of his food.

Soon enough Vocada had reached the area of the city that the Palace was in, seeing that half of it was still standing. 

"This is the place they dragged me to that time..." Vocada said, noticing that he was standing in the courtyard where he had first met the King and Prince.

Another flashback of him coming face to face with the King of the Vubrothians entered his mind, finding out that he had crushed him using his bare hands.

"Must have been a painful way to die," Vocada said, seeing that the tower he had been locked up in was still half standing too.

Vocada kicked the door open seeing that it was still locked from the outside. Of course, the place was void of life and Vocada walked in, finding himself in an armoury of sorts.

"Looks like a weapons volt..." Vocada said as he took a look around at the different weapons, ranging from swords, spears, bows and shields.

Vocada picked up a short sword, seeing that it was a good size for his body before he took a couple of swings with the thing.

"It's light." He said, slashing with it again, liking the balance he felt.

"Not bad..." Vocada said, remembering that future Trunks had been one to use a sword in battle.

"I guess this could come in handy." Vocada then said, also remembering that others had created swords from the use of their own energy such as Salza of the Cooler armoured squad. Goku black, and Vegeto to name a few.

Still, Vocada found a sheath for the sword and tied the thing to his back, placing it over his shoulder so it was secured.

"I might not have a need for the thing, but it's still pretty cool," Vocada said before he decided to head up the stairs back toward the cell he had been kept in.

The prison was empty, with all of the cell doors unlocked and open, including the one Vocada had called home for some time, however, the roof of the tower had been smashed off, giving it a much brighter look.

He was glad to be rid of this place, even if it did allow him to recover and grow a little stronger thanks to his training and time spent here.

Suddenly another vision of the Princess that had saved him that time flashed into his mind, seeing that she had tried to calm him during his rampage, only to have been eaten whole by him.

Vocada didn't think about it too much, knowing that no good would come if he started to care about these people.

"To them, I am just a monster..."

Suddenly the box that had housed his belongings when he escaped came into view, seeing that his boots and gauntlets, along with his broken armour were all still in the box.

"Wow, they didn't even bother to throw these away?" Vocada said as he picked the things up.

Vocada put on his boot and his armoured gauntlets, seeing that they still easily fit him, granting his feet and forearms some added protection.

However, his armour had been heavily damaged and was not worth wearing.

"The clothing I have will do for now," Vocada said before he floated into the air, flying out of the broken roof back over toward the palace where he landed on the royal balcony, or what was left of it.

Vocada looked over the ruined city, taking in the view of everything he could see.

"I guess this will serve as my new place for the time being." He then said, calming the palace for his own, knowing it would make a good base for him.


The survivors of the attack on Vubroth city had made their way through the desert, being forced to survive the scorching temperatures of the day and freezing of the night.

The Prince had been the one to lead them through the desert, taking charge of his people as was his responsibility. The other warrior was also by his side, serving as his aid and helping while they travelled through the mountains of sand.

"Over there! I see, I see the Prince!" Another Vubrothian warrior said, looking through an eyeglass.

The large group of soldiers rushed across the sand toward the Prince and other survivors, soon arriving to greet them, shouting from the distance.

"My lord!" The head guard shouted, getting the Prince's attention.

"So, help finally arrived." The Prince said, watching as they got closer.

"My Prince, what are you doing out here?" The guard asked, seeing all of the others following him with a convoy going a few hundred meters back.

"The city has fallen..." The Prince said, causing everyone to have a shocked look on their face.

"Fallen... That cannot be."

"The Monster destroyed everything. This is all that is left." The Prince said.

"No... When we got word of an attack, we were dispatched at once to provide reinforcements. If only we had known sooner." The Guard said, angry that they had not been able to help.

"It would not have made a difference, if anything it was better that you did not get there in time." The other warrior who was standing next to the Prince said.

"L-Lord Viper." The guard said, recognizing him as one of the great warrior snakes under Master Python.

Viper nodded his head toward the guards, greeting them too.

"What about the King, did his majesty survive?" The guard then asked.

"No... My father and my Sister have both been killed." The Prince said, doing his best to hold his rage in.

"This cannot be... The entire city has been wiped out. What kind of a monster are we dealing with here!" One of the other guards yelled, letting his emotion get the better of him.

"We are dealing with an incredibly powerful and dangerous monster, that's what!" A voice suddenly said, getting everyone's attention, seeing as an old and small Vubrothian walked toward them with the aid of a large stick, wading through the sand.

"M-M-Master Python!" Those who knew him yelled.

"Master, you are alive! I was sure that you had been killed by that monster." Viper yelled, rushing over to aid his master.

"Yes... And I would have been too, if not for the shed skin technique." Master Python said, surprising both the Prince and Viper.

"You were forced to use that technique?" Viper said, taking in his master's tired and withered appearance.

"But that ability takes years off of one's life..." He then said, knowing the cost of such an ability.

"I take it all of that smoke is coming from the city?" Python asked, already being able to sense that Vocada was there, having become even more powerful than when he had faced him.

"Yes... He killed everyone." The Prince said, happy to see his master was alive but still sad at what had happened.

"How are we supposed to defeat an enemy like this, even you, Master could not win against him!" The Prince then cried out, dropping down to the ground as he struck it with his fists.

"It is true that I lost against him... And from the look of it, my fighting days are over." Python said, causing the others to almost lose all hope.

"But, for now, let us retreat and lick our wounds while we can. After that, I believe it is time for your real training to begin." Python said, looking at both Viper and the Prince.