
Dragon ball V: Born again as a Saiyan!

What would you do if you died and then came back to life in the universe of Dragon Ball Z? Sadly, our main character ended up passing away tragically. He had often wondered what would happen when he eventually passed away when something unbelievable happened. He soon finds himself waking up in the body of a Saiyan child and of all places, on the planet Vegeta! Follow Vocada on his journey through this perilous cosmos as he battles to survive in the face of overwhelming odds, being forced to do unthinkable things to survive each day as he strives for greater power along the way with a little help form a strange system... Ps I own the cover art as I drew it myself!

Lavalord115 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 15: Time flys!

Many moons had passed since Vocada's massacre of Vubroth City. Causing the inhabitants of the planet Vubroth to live in terror of being attacked by the monster. forcing them to live in fear for 11 long years of wait.

Of course, the leaders of the Vubrothians had sent armies and many warriors in attempts to kill Vocada and put an end to his terror. However, each attempt they had made had resulted in death for the Vubrothians, with Vocada leaving only a handful of survivors each time so they could spread the terror of his power across the globe.

-The sound of a boot crushing a head against the ground-

"Do you bastards ever learn?" A much taller and well-built Vocada said as he pinned another of the Vubrothian warrior's heads to the ground, having already taken out a small army of them.

Vocada had spent 11 long years on this planet now, having grown into a powerful teenage Saiyan, filling out and growing taller.

"How many times do I have to tell you, morons, your efforts are useless!" Vocada yelled, letting a powerful blast of energy loose from his hand, destroying a large number of Vubrothian warriors before him.

"He's too strong, run for it!" Some of the others yelled out in horror, giving the signal to retreat.

Vocada watched them with a broad look on his face while they ran away, cowering in fear as they always did.

"I swear they never learn." He then said, before he crushed the Vubrothian's head he had been standing on.

Vocada had spent the last 11 years maintaining his training, feeling his body becoming stronger the more he grew. Still, having to wipe out a small army of the Vubrothians every now and again helped, giving him a good boost to his EXP gains. After all, the normal method of training took a long time to become stronger.

Vocada was now much taller, currently being 15 years old in his Saiyan body. Of course, his hair hadn't changed much, staying pretty much the same as it was before, like all full-blooded Saiyans. However, he had become much taller and his body had filled out, with his body hair starting to grow, finding that his body was undergoing many changes.

Vocada had also remained for the most part in the ruined city of Vubroth, claiming the half-destroyed palace and ruined city for his own. Thankfully the palace had also come with a fully stocked cellar providing him with plenty of water and food for a good amount of time, somehow having remained intact after his rampage through the city.

However, he always had the option of fried Vubrothian, seeing that he had been forced to fight so many of them all the time, which seemed to provide him with a never-ending food supply if he was feeling that way inclined.

Name: Vocada.

Race: Saiyan.

Age: 15 years old.

Power Level: 1822


Level: 18 [EXP 117012000]

Strength: 9:1

Speed: 9:1

Ki control: 3:2

Ability points: 12

Abilities: [Oozaru transformation] [Zenkai boost] [Intermediate Ki control]

It was safe to say that Vocada had become much stronger during the 11 years on this ball of a desert, and not just physically either. Vocada's mind had become much more resistant to hardship and suffering, turning him cold and calculated towards his own needs of survival.

Something Vocada had noticed during his training was that with each increase in level came a much higher EXP requirement for his next level up, making it harder to gain the experience points with just regular strength and endurance training.

Of course, he had ability points to play with if he needed them, and with the constant waves of Vubrothians greeting him every now and again, he was able to make good progress in his quest for power.

After Vocada had destroyed the city of Vubroth, he had decided to lay off his trail of destruction, leaving the other cities on the planet alone for the time being.

Still, he had hoped that there would be someone left on this rock that would give him a real challenge, finding that his Saiyan blood longed for battle. But so far he had been met with nothing but disappointment, feeling no need to kill the rest of the Vubrothians due to the wide gap in their power.

"Another day, another wave of Vubrothians for me to kill," Vocada said, placing his arms behind his head feeling broad.

"Man, these guys just won't quit... I mean, I know I killed a load of them and destroyed their capital city... Killed their King and Princess... But, if they haven't learnt to leave me alone by now, then maybe I should destroy another city or something, teach them a lesson about bothering me all the time." Vocada said, not knowing what to do as he walked back into the palace before sitting down on the throne.

Still, 11 years here and no sign of anyone coming to pick me up... He thought, wondering if anyone would ever show up at all while he rested his chin on his fist.

"Well, I guess I should get comfy, after all, it looks like I could be waiting a while."


"That's it, keep it up, my King!" Master Python said, watching as the Prince, who had now been crowned the new King of the Vubrothians powered up using the technique that multiplied their power.

Viper, the other surviving warrior was also training with the same skill, using it to power up to his maximum too.

Both warriors finished powering up before looking at one another, getting ready to test themselves.

"You ready?" Viper asked, looking much lager with his muscles and veins popping.

"Lets do it!" The King yelled, looking the same before he charged in for the attack.

Both of them clashed with a barrage of attacks against one another, clashing over and over again until they locked their hands against one another's, fighting with all of their power to overcome the other with strength.

The battle lasted for some time, showing that both of them were roughly the same in strength, resulting in the battle ending in a draw.

"You have both come a long way in the last 11 years... To have achieved what you have using the technique that was handed down to me from my master. I never thought I would see the day that it was perfected to such an extent." Python said, having watched as they boosted their power by three times its normal level.

"Thank you Master. If not for your guidance, this would never have been possible." Viper said.

"I can only hope that all of our training will finally allow us to destroy that monster once and for all." The King said, clenching his fist as he remembered that day.

"Lord Cobra!" One of the guards said, addressing the new King, running over to him and the others.

"Yes?" The King asked, already knowing what it would be about.

"I'm afraid that reports have come back from the front lines. The monster has wiped out another army that was sent to kill him."

"Of course he has. Did those fools really believe they could defeat him when Master Python could not!" Viper said, growing angry that more Vubrothians had died for nothing.

"I have told the council time and time again, no matter how many men they throw at him, it will never be enough." The King said, gritting his teeth followed by an angry hissing sound.

"Yes... And the fact he has not attacked in the last 11 years." Viper said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Still, now that our training is complete, together we should be able to take him down once and for all." The King said, getting a nod from Viper who was equally ready to take the fight to Vocada once and for all.

"Achoo!" Vocada yelled out, sneezing all of a sudden, almost causing him to fall out of his handstand position.

Vocada had devoted himself to training every day, not taking a single day off for the last 11 years, helping to keep his body strong and his mind from going insane with boredom.

After training, Vocada would make preparations to cook and prepare his food, having been able to experiment over the years and come up with a few tasty meals with the things he had been able to find in the palace kitchens.

Once he had eaten, Vocada would usually take some time to relax and sleep, either passing the time by sleeping or trying to keep himself busy by doing other things, such as exploring the planet and finding interesting things to do.

During his time training, Vocada had been able to learn a few new moves, taking inspiration from the show, he had been able to put some of the techniques he had seen used into practice, giving him a few new moves that he could add to his arsenal.

Vocada had also been careful not to stare at the full moon, not wanting to go on another rampage and end up destroying the rest of the Vubrothians. After all, without them to challenge him on the regular, he truly would lose his mind out of boredom.

The only problem that posed him was that he wouldn't be able to train his mind to retain control over that form, something he had guessed he needed to spend more time in to gain the ability.

Another month had gone by with Vocada seeing and hearing nothing from the Vubrothians, making it longer than usual. Vocada found himself meditating as he worked on his mental focus of using his Ki, having been doing his best to try and learn to sense energy after losing his scouter, finding it a very tricky skill to learn, not having much luck at the moment with it.

"Argh man, why can't I seem to figure this out," Vocada said to himself as he dropped too the ground, having been floating with his legs crossed.

"There has to be something I am missing..." Vocada said, not sure what he was doing wrong.

He was dripping in sweat now, having been maintaining his position and meditation for two hours straight without so much as flinching.


Vocada's stomach suddenly growled, signalling that he was hungry after putting in all that work.

"Looks like it's time to eat," Vocada said to himself before he stood to his feet and brushed some of the sweat from his brow, making his way toward the palace kitchen to get himself some food, catching a whiff of himself while he walked.

"Man, I stink! I need a bath too..."


"B-But my King, why must you fight?" A member of the Vubrothian higher council said, getting a nod of agreement from the others.

The King had summoned the other members of the council from across the globe, wanting to meet and inform them of his plan to take Vocada down once and for all.

"Myself and Viper are the only other warriors who can even hold a candle to this monster's power right now. If we do not strike soon, there is no telling how strong our enemy could become." The King said, addressing all of the others in the room.

Everyone knew that he and Viper were now the strongest warriors their kind had ever seen, even surpassing master Python in strength.

"We do not like it, but you are the last hope of our people. May the Gods be with you, King Cobra." The council members said, all agreeing that it was time to put a stop to Vocada once and for all.

"Yes, I have no doubt that you will succeed where I failed." Master Python said, trusting in the strength of his students.

"Thank you, master, we will not let you down," Viper said, bowing his head to him.

"Shall we get going then?" King Cobra asked, getting a nod from Viper as the two of them turned around and walked out of the council chambers.

The whole city was waiting for them outside, all knowing that the decision for them to fight Vocada had been made, placing all of their hope and faith in their greatest warriors.

"You can do it, your majesty!"

"Only you can save our people now!"

"All hail King Cobra!" The crowd cheered.

Both Cobra and Viper floated into the air, using their Ki to allow them to fly.

"We will return victorious, and put a stop to this monster once and for all!" Cobra shouted, getting another mighty cheer from the Vubrothians, screaming his name.

With that both of them blasted off into the sky, heading towards Vocada being able to sense his energy, leaving the Vubrothians and their city behind.

"Good luck, my students," Python said while he watched them blast away, leaning on his walking stick as he said it.

"This will be your ultimate test... The fate of our people rests on your shoulders."