
Dragon ball power up

I don't own anything of Dragon Ball. A story of an alternate reality with stronger villains and. similar plots. Don't have any high expectation on the story, grammer or upload time. (this is my first time)

Shadman_Raquib_2345 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs

Chapter 5: Preparation

In front of her house, Chichi watched her husband and son flying off on the nimbus, with a complex emotion.

'Goku please keep Gohan safe' thought Chichi, as she returned to the house, closing it.

Meanwhile, Goku and Gohan are talking on the nimbus about what they will do when they reach there.

'Listen Gohan, we are going to meet more new people. Ok, so don't forget to say hello.' said Goku while gently rubbing his son's hair.

'Huh' replied Gohan cheerfully but suddenly remembered about a person when he was kidnapped. 'Daddy, did you and King Piccolo fight that man' said Gohan softly, as if not wanting to remember what happened.

'Uh. Yea up. That was him. Haha, it was not for him I would be gone' said Goku

'But he looked a little scary' replied Gohan thinking about Piccolo's unusual appearance. A Man with green skin, two antennas on the forehead with a menacing look.

'There, there. Piccolo have changed. He can be rough sometimes but he is a real softy on the inside ' said Goku while into Gohan's eyes as if to convey something more.

Gohan was looking at his father's eyes didn't understand much but knew his dad had more to say. He was about to ask about others want he was suddenly interrupted by his father.

'Look Gohan. This is where you will meet everyone. And also where Kami and Popo live.' said Goku while Gohan was looking at the place and everyone on it.

'Huh' replied Gohan in astonishment.

'Hay, Goku here!!' shouted Krillin while weaving his right hand in the air. Not a second later Yamcha and Bulma joined in while the other were quietly looking at the nimbus descending on the ground.

Goku stood up with Gohan on his hands and offered a greeting to his friends with his son. The greeting lasted a few seconds before Kami interrupted.

'Can you all do this later, we have things to talk about' said Kami

'Y-Yea, you see Goku. The plan was to have to go to this master in the afterlife to train for those guys but there is a problem.' said Krillin while scratching his head.

'Huh, what's wrong?' asked Goku

'There is a stupid trial you need to do to meet this master. If you don't reach fast enough you die' said Bulma instead of Krillin

'That should not be a problem but...' said Goku as he looked towards his son who was talking with Yamcha and the others. Goku was a bit hesitant, unsure what to do with his son, while he was doing the trial.

'Forget about that. I am going to build this gravity chamber in a few weeks, it will be much better than meeting some old fart' said Bulma in annoyance then continued. 'Your son can stay with Chichi while you train in the chamber. It's -' as she was about to finish, Tien interrupted.

'Hey, Goku how do you think we would that saiyan' asked Tien seriously

'What?!' shouted Bulma angrily.

'As for now none of you stand a chance, even together' replied Goku 

Tien was quiet for a few seconds, Gohan and the others far away were listening to the conversation. Just as Tien was about to speak Goku spoke first.

'How about a little sparring match? You all against me' spoke Goku causing everyone to look at him in a shocked expression.

'Wh-' Tien was about to speak but was interrupted for the second time.

'That sounds good. You can show just how strong that monster you and Piccolo fought. Now to mention how strong you have gotten after the fight' said Kami, causing the ones not present at that time to be curious and excited.

After a few minutes, the z fighters were all on solid ground with Goku on one side while Tien, Yamcha, and Krillin were on the other side ready to fight. Meanwhile, Bulma, Gohan, Chiaotzu, Puar, and Roshi were spectating from the side. The match was decided to take place on rock-solid ground, as Kami said he had thought he had to prepare when Yamcha requested to do it in the hideout.

The first to rush towards Goku was Tien. He threw a right punch to the face followed by a kick toward the knee which Goku blocked with both of his right hand and left leg but, quickly from behind Yamcha attacked with a kick toward his head. Goku quickly sidestepped to the right, then appeared in front of Tien elbowing him on the gut then quickly going to punch Yamcha. Just then Krillin appeared above Goku and was about to stomp on him, but Goku moved out of the way. Tien who was hit on the gut went on one knee for a second but quickly got up and disappeared only to reappear in front of Goku with a punch. Goku caught the punch but could not counterattack as Yamcha was beside Tien and started attacking with a fury of punches and kicks. Goku was deflecting and countering everything Tien and Yamcha gave him when suddenly Krillin appeared in the middle facing Goku and used Solarflare. Tien and Yamcha had their eyes covered so each went on one side with Yamcha using his fist to attack Goku's face while Tien aimed the knee. However as they were about to land, Goku ducked down and punched Yamcha's gut while quickly getting a hold of Tien's leg and throwing him at Krillin. Krillin went in a position to hold Tien but Goku appeared in front of him and punched him in the gut then spun and hit on his face with Goku's elbow causing him to fly towards the side. Then Goku was about to kick Tien but TIen quickly spun and had his together and fired his tri-beam which Goku quickly moved to the side and went past him. Tien quickly looked back but was punched in his face from the front sending him flying back. Yamcha quickly went behind Tien before Tien was about to be punched, then rushed to attack Goku, but his attack was caught. Then Yamcha was thrown up and was sent flying before receiving a powerful punch from Goku which he tried to Block with his other hand. 

Goku stood in the same place where he was in the beginning, while Tien, Yamcha, and Krillin got up. Not a second later all three rushed toward Goku with punches and kicks. They were Disappearing and reappearing in different places, and following them a second later were sonic booms around.

Meanwhile, Gohan was trying to figure out what was going on. Besides him was, Roshi sweating and Bulma talking on her phone. Gohan then looked towards Bulma but saw her talking so he asked Roshi.

'Uh, Master Roshi What is going on' questioned Gohan as ever since the fight began, his dad and the others were no longer visible but only sound could be heard.

'Huh, Oh. Ah Aham. You see little Gohan your father is moving so fast that you cannot see what is going on' replied Roshi to Gohan, who looked at him while blinking a few times.

'So how can I see them?' asked Gohan forgetting all about the fight and focusing only on what Roshi was speaking

'Ha ha. For now, let's wait and see what happens' replied Roshi thinking how similar yet different Gohan was from his father.

Back on the field, Goku stood smiling while being surrounded by others. Thinking it was enough warming up he decided to tell them.

'Ok, That's enough warming up now it's serious!' shouted Goku

Tien quickly changed his stands followed by Krillin while Yamcha directly charged towards Goku. Goku seeing this, decided to dash forward and just when he and Yamcha were about to collide, he vanished and reappeared in front of Krillin and kicked him. Yamcha not being able to see Goku quickly stopped and looked back reading to attack but only saw Tien and Krillin before losing consciousness. Goku after kicking Krillin went back toward Yamcha then sidestepped toward his blank spot and stroked his neck. Then looked at Tien.

Tien could only see Goku vanishing and reappearing back and forth. Realizing how strong Goku became he felt goosebumps all over his body. 'Just how strong did he get! We were completely serious since the beginning but to him, it was hardly a warmup. Ha ha Goku you were playing around and now decided to show us the difference. Tic, Just how strong are those saiyans' thought Tien as he prepared to use this technique.

'TRI-BEAM!!!' shouted Tien 

'HAAAAA!!' shouted Goku as he punched the blast causing it to explode, however, a shockwave was sent towards Tien sending him flying and knocking him out.

Goku looked at his fist and was in deep thought then heard his son yelling.

'Dad!!' said Gohan as he ran to his father then being held by him. 

'Wow Gohan, you excited' said Goku as his son excitedly shook his saying yes.

Meanwhile, Roahi looked at the father-son and then at the rest. 'This few months is going to be crazy especially for you young Gohan' he thought as he started walking towards them.