
Dragon ball power up

I don't own anything of Dragon Ball. A story of an alternate reality with stronger villains and. similar plots. Don't have any high expectation on the story, grammer or upload time. (this is my first time)

Shadman_Raquib_2345 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 6: Preperation 2

After the sparing between Goku and the others. the fighters were getting prepared to train at their own place but were stopped by Bulma informing them about unfortunate news.

'Uh. Guys remember what I said about making that larger gravity chamber... Sigh, there is a bit of a problem so, it's going to take a month or two.' said Bulma while scratching her head and having an annoyed look.

Goku and the others did not react much hearing her. They already planned where they would train, and since there was not much else to do, they were about to go when.

'Come on Gohan, let's go meet Piccolo' said Goku causing Bulma, Tien, and Yemcha to stare silently at him, then a second later they shouted in shock.

'Wait Goku!! Why are you going to him!' shouted Bulma

'Yea!' Agreed Yamcha followed by Tien questioning why would he bother doing that.

'Ah. Guy, it's ok. Piccolo have changed. Didn't you see him helping us.' answered Goku.

'That was just because he wanted to get rid of that guy' replied Tien

'Not really... During their fight, Piccolo didn't seem to care that much about taking over Earth. He is like a kid who wants to look strong but is afraid to show his weak side' replied Roshi while crossing his arms. The rest were listening to him but Bulma was still not convinced.

'Yeah but how can you be so sure.' asked Bulma while raising an eyebrow.

As everyone was listening to the discussion between Roahi and Bulma. Goku just went to Gohan and held him in his arms. 'It's best to go now Gohan stay quiet ok' said Goku quietly to his son who looked at him in confusion, but soon nodded and placed a hand on his mouth. Goku quickly went on the nimbus while placing Gohan down and commanding to go towards Piccolo's Ki.

While the father and son went flying the rest were talking amongst themselves until Krillin noticed both missing, having a quick look around him, he spotted them in the air and quickly informed the others.

'Uh, guys they already left.' said Krillin interfering between the argument and pointing with his thumb toward their direction. This caused others to halt and look where he pointed, then another session of argument began.

Meanwhile, on the other side, Piccolo started training. Punching rapidly back and forth followed by kicks here and there. He was constantly vanishing and reappearing in different places instantly, to any normal person it would appear as if nothing was occurring but the sound of a sword cutting through the air at supersonic speeds. 

Underneath him was a small hill with grass on top and further down was a forest, where many animals were looking towards his direction. This included all types and many who would never come near each other, despite not being able to see anything, all this was due to their instinct telling them a powerful person was them.

Back to Piccolo training. Having done his warmup he was about to start going all out but stopped when he sensed two familiar Ki coming towards him. 'Why is Goku coming here, doesn't he have to do some special training in the hideout? ' Thought Piccolo, but quickly refuted that so it was too quick, but what bothered him even more was the other person's Ki. 'Why is he bringing his brat with him? I can understand if came to train with me, what is he planning... WAIT! Don't tell me he intends to leave his son with me while he goes to train. There is no way he would do that.' thought Piccolo while he saw the nimbus flying down and landing on the hill.

As the Nimbus lands on the ground Goku gets up and walks towards Piccolo while his son is behind him. He looked at Piccolo who was floating in the air a second ago, came down.

'So, why did you come? Don't tell you are sacred' said Piccolo with an evil smirk.

'Na. I came here to train with my son.' replied Goku

'Huh? Why here?' asked Piccolo

'Well after a few months of training, I will have to go so I wanna you to take care of him' said Goku

'WHAT! I am not a babysitter, go keep that brat with those weaklings of yours' said Piccolo

'Ha ha. Well, I know it will be hard, but you are the only one who can help him grow after I am gone. Others can train him but they cannot bring his full potential out.' replied Goku

'Tsk. I admit the brat has potential. Sigh. Fine I will take care of that brat.' said Piccolo then he looked towards Gohan. 'You better be ready to die if you want to train with me!' shouted Piccolo scaring Gohan and causing him to hide behind his father.

'There there, Gohan he just trying to scare you' said Goku, trying to calm his son down. Gohan however closed his eyes with tiers coming out of them and was too afraid to open his mouth.

Piccolo turned back and flowed away. Goku after calming his son, looked at Piccolo with a wide smile and then took his son to train in another direction.

And so their training begins, Gohan's first step to be strong enough to help and protect his friends and family. The other Z fighters too started their training; Tien, Yamcha, and Krillin at the hideout while Bulma and her father started working on the gravity chamber.


Five months have passed since everybody started training, and a lot of things have occurred during that time. During the first month, Goku trained Gohan the basics while he trained with Piccolo. However, this changed when Bulma called to inform them about finishing the gravity chamber. Only after a month, did the fighter meet again. This was very important for Goku as he and the rest were training in the chamber while Roshi was teaching Gohan, allowing him to focus on himself and helping others to get stronger. This continued until Gohan was strong enough to spar with them and fortunately, the gravity chamber was massive, with multiple rooms where gravity could be changed separately allowing him to spare with others at lower gravity. 

Unlike the other Piccolo was against training together in the chamber however, after a month started to train. This happened when Yamcha suddenly challenged him for a spar. It started with Piccolo underestimating his opponent and wanting to end the match but was surprised when Yamcha was not only fighting on par but was about to win if not for silly mistakes. Refusing to be left behind he joined.

As they trained, this allowed others to develop their trust in Piccolo. Yamcha and Krillin were the first to accept, although they were nervous. Tien took a lot longer, however eventually accepted even though he doesn't talk much with him. Gohan unlike Piccolo has a much better time with others, Yamcha and Krillin would sometimes talk and have fun with him. Tien and Roshi showed him unique fighting moves while Chichi would stop the training for him to rest. She came as soon as she heard about their training in Bulma's place, and now she visits often with the special vehicle Bulma made for her. 


Currently, Goku was standing in Kami's hideout, with his orange gi. In front of him were Kami and Popo with their usual appearance. 

'All right I am ready. Can wait to meet this new master! ' with a confident smile, Goku said. As he placed his hand on Kami's shoulder and gave a sign to start.

Then both vanished and appeared in King Yama's palace. King Yama had an annoyed expression as looked at them. 

'Sign. You know what you have to do right' said Yama while looking at Goku. 'Thanks to you, I have to overwork with no break. ' said Yama as he looked at Kami, who had sweat and looked nervous.

'Take him' ordered Yama to the staff. 

Goku followed the staff. They walked for a few minutes until a long, narrow, snake could be seen.

'Wow, so this is the snake way it's pretty long. Huh' said Goku as he tried to see as far as he could to the distance.

'Yea. You really are going through that. Good luck' said the staff expecting to see Goku running however, he could not be seen causing him to look left and right to find him.

On the other hand, Goku was flying at an unimaginable speed and was filled with excitement for meeting this master.