
Dragon Age: Inquisitor’s Path

Follow the adventures of a “short” tempered Qunari mercenary with the worst luck… And how she makes the best out of the end of the world.

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17 Chs

Chaos, Both Malevolent and Benevolent I

After a long few days of harsh travel with a group of refugees, Malika and the others finally see the faint glow from Haven.

"Finally, thought I was about to have icicles growing out my nose." Varric grumbles while chewing some ram jerky.

"Don't worry, Varric. It'll only make you cooler... Besides, you're already so chill." Malika jokes causing Solas and Cassandra to silently groan and Varric to roll his eyes.

"I'm so glad we're back to civilization where I can drown out your terrible sense of humor with copious amounts of alcohol." Varric retorts while shaking his empty wineskin.

"Oh come on, I'm not tha-" Malika begins to say before Corinth rushes over out of breath.

"Chief! Come quick! The mages and templars are about to bring down the town!" Corinth says gasping for breath as she tries to drag Malika deeper into Haven.

Following her lieutenant, Malika enters Haven to the sounds of shouting and a clamoring sound that grows louder with each step taken towards the chantry. Where a group of mages and templars are raving at one another about who killed the Divine.

"Your kind killed the most holy!" A templar shouts as he approaches a bald, aged human mage.

"Lies!" He exclaims, "Your kind let her die!"

Reaching for his blade the templar shouts, "Shut your mouth mage!"

And just as Malika arrives, Cullen intervenes and says, "Enough!"

"Knight-Captain!" The templar exclaims in response.

"That is not my title. We are not templars any longer. We are all part of the Inquisition!" Cullen corrects the mage and templar, pushing them away from one another.

"And what does that mean, exactly?" Chancellor Rodrick chimes as he approaches the commotion.

"Back already, Chancellor? Haven't you done enough?" Cullen questions Rodrick.

"I'm curious Commander, as to how your Inquisition and its 'Herald' will restore order as you've promised." The Chancellor sneers as he probes Cullen, and panders to the crowd.

"Of course you are." Cullen sighs as he mumbles under his breath, before raising his voice, "Back to your duties, all of you!" Causing the crowd to disperse.

Malika approaches Cullen and the Chancellor and asks, "Cullen, what's going on here?"

"Malika, you're back so soon? We only got the horses yesterday? Oh, and as for this ruckus, the mages and templars were already at war. Now they're blaming each other for the Divine's death."Cullen says with a sigh of exasperation, as the Chancellor interrupts.

"Which is why we require a proper authority to guide them back to order," Rodrick says while emphasizing the word proper.

"Who, you? Random clerics, who weren't important enough to be at the conclave?" Cullen reports with a smirk, causing Malika to smile to the side.

"The rebel Inquisition and its so-called 'Herald of Andraste'? I think not." Rodrick replies with indignation.

"I don't claim to be Andraste's Herald, Chancellor. Just a believer doing their best to clean the shit off that this world has found itself neck deep in." Malika says, finally speaking.

"That laudable humility won't stop the Inquisition from using the misconception when it suits them." Rodrick sneers while looking down at Malika.

Cullen steps up and exudes an aura of warrior's righteous fury, "The Inquisition claims only that we must close the Breach or perish!" raising his voice to the Chancellor as he steps between him and Malika.

"You say that now, Commander. We shall see if the sentiment remains true." Rodrick says with a huff.

"Cullen, remind me. Why are you allowing the Chancellor here?" Malika says turning away from Rodrick.

"Clearly your templar knows where to draw the line," Rodrick says with a smirk.

Cullen rolls his eyes, "He's toothless. There's no point turning him into a martyr simply because he runs at the mouth. The Chancellor's a good indicator of what to expect in Val Royeux, however."

"Thank's for the warning Cullen. I'll try and come back with some good news. In the meantime, good luck keeping the mages and templars from killing each other. My boys should be up and about by now, so you can count on them to pitch in." Malika says, turning to enter the chantry.

"Thanks, I wish you the best of luck," Cullen says as he continues to handle Rodrick outside as Malika enters the chantry.

Making her way further into the chantry, Malika meets with Mother Giselle who is busy organizing aid with other chantry sisters.

"Greeting, Herald of Andraste. How fares your quest to seal the Breach?" Mother Giselle asks as she dismisses the chantry sister.

"Terrible, people are so infuriating! How can they focus on such trivial things when there is a breach in the fade that's continuously spewing out demons and Maker knows what?!" Malika sighs in exasperation as she takes a seat on an overturned barrel.

"It is easy for us to imagine that mundane matters fall aside in tumultuous times. The Chant of Light does not speak of feeding troops or arranging meetings, or any such mundane concerns. But every organizational hurdle you contend with, Andraste herself once faced. These trivialities are steps on your path to victory, even if history never remembers them." Mother Giselle says to Malika.

"Mother, why do you keep talking as if I'm the equal of Andraste? Do you know how... Terrifying that is?" Malika says while rubbing her eyes.

"I can only imagine. But we are all given to our purpose under the Maker. A sword does not ask to be forged. And frankly, if such a comparison gives you pause. I do not see that as a bad thing. In any case, I pray this Inquisition proves to be less brutal than its predecessor." Mother Giselle concludes.

"What do you mean by that, Mother?" Malika questions.

Mother Giselle takes a breath before continuing, "The original Inquisition was formed after the First Blight, well before the chantry as we know it. The Inquisitors were hunters, zealots who tracked and killed cultists and dangerous mages. As Andraste rose to power, the Inquisition came into her service. Instead of hunting those who would do harm, the Inquisitors spread the Chant of Light by force."

Taking a moment to think, Malika then asks, "No wonder everyone is spooked, what nutter thought that was a good idea?"

"Divine Justinia herself, I understand it was not a popular decision." Pausing, Mother Giselle continues, "In any case, once the Chant of Light had spread far and wide, there was less need for zealots. The Inquisitors became the Seekers of Truth, and eventually the Templars." Concludes Mother Giselle.

"Great, I'm part of a religious zealot organization." Malika bemoans.

"Not necessarily, this group is a new being with the chance to grow beyond its namesake's origins." Mother Giselle corrects.

"I guess you're right I've got to attend another mundane meeting Mother. May the Maker watch over you." Malika says, hopping from her makeshift stool.

"And with you." Mother Giselle calls back as the other leaders make their way to the war room as it has taken to be called.

Once everyone has gathered around the table, Josephine speaks out, "Having the Herald address the clerics is not a terrible idea."

Causing Cullen to sneer with derision, "You can't be serious."

"Mother Giselle isn't wrong: at the moment, the Chantry's only strength is that they are united in opinion." She rebukes Cullen.

"And we should ignore the danger to the herald?!" Leliana exclaims incredulously.

"Perhaps we should ask her opinion on the matter?" Josephine concedes nodding to Malika.

Malika pauses to think for a moment before responding, "This is one of the stupidest plans I've ever heard... Luckily, my company specialized in pulling off stupid plans and I look forward to adding this to my resume."

Cullen chuckles, "Glad to see pesky details like this haven't dampened your fighting spirit."

Malika smirks, "Damn straight Blondie." Causing Cullen to rub his eyes in exasperation.

"There is still the matter of who will go with you I recomm-" Josephine begins to say before being cut off by Cassandra.

"I will go with the Lady Herald. Mother Giselle said she could provide us names? Use them." Cassandra orders, giving no room for negotiation.

"But why? This is nothing but a-" Leliana begins to object before being interrupted.

"What choice do we have, Leliana? Right now we can't approach anyone for help with the Breach. Use what influence we have to call the clerics together. Once they are ready, we will see this through." Cassandra says as she turns to leave.

Corinth who had been silently standing behind Malika this enter time finally chimes in, "Well, the majority of the squad is still down for the count but I got your back chief."

Malika smiles, "Glad to hear it, I guess I'll wrangle Solas and Varric, and prepare to head out. See you all when we return... Hopefully with some good news."

Leliana smiles ever so slightly, "Please do, it is in ever so short supply here."

The crows are sent and the party gathers their supplies before heading to Val Royeaux.