
Dragon Age: Inquisitor’s Path

Follow the adventures of a “short” tempered Qunari mercenary with the worst luck… And how she makes the best out of the end of the world.

Lemon_Square · Video Games
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17 Chs

Hazardous Homecoming V

The noon light begins to peer through the thick curtains in a small room, hitting the one exposed hole in a mound of blankets, causing it to shift and tumble to the floor.

"Ow... How much did I drink last night? Where am I?" Malika says, untangling herself from the blankets and rubbing her head. "Oh right, I'm back home." She said while sniffing the air, "And it smells like something delicious is cooking." Licking her lips, she heads into the main room, which serves as a kitchen, dining room, and living room.

"Morning dumpling. How'd you sleep?" Kanol says while scarfing down some eggs and bacon, with some freshly baked bread on the side.

"Like a drunken log, why'd you let me sleep in so late?" Malika asks.

"We obviously missed your bear-like snoring." Ariaas laughs while bringing out a plate full of eggs and bacon, as well as some druffalo butter and goat milk with a dash of honey.

"Thanks, mom, where's Yasena?" Malika asks while beginning to fill her empty stomach.

"She's out listening to that dwarf and elf telling tales of their adventures. I'm guessing she's bored of your father's stories already." Ariaas says with a smirk.

"They're our stories Kadan, they're never boring," Kanol says with a slight pout.

"Well, after hearing the same ones over and over again, she's bound to be interested in the tales of wanders like Varric and Solas. Hell, it's one of Varric's jobs to tell stories, and while Solas is... Rather peculiar, his way of viewing the fade and the world is definitely awe-inspiring." Malika says while drinking her honeyed goat milk.

"Wonderful, seeing as how highly you speak of them... When are we getting grandchildren?" Ariaas says while smiling and buttering her bread.

Both Malika and Kanol spit out their drinks and cough heavily before shouting, "Kadan! Mom!" They shouted in unison.

"It's not like that at all! We only met a few weeks ago and we've been dealing with demons, the chantry, rebel mages and templars, and a whole bunch of other problems. Now's not the time to be playing matchmaker!" Malika shouts as she tries to hastily recollect herself.

"Damn straight! I'm not letting any man near my dumpling until he can best me in combat!" Kanol shouts.

"Calm down you two, it was simply a joke. And our dumpling can be with whomever she wants Kanol. Regardless of if they best your old ass in a fight." Ariaas says while throwing a piece of bread at him.

"It was not a funny one," Malika says while finishing up her breakfast and preparing to head out.

"Agreed," Kanol murmurs while nibbling on the bread.

"Oh lighten up you two!" Ariaas lightly chides before saying, "Malika... We really missed you... And I know that what you're doing now is important... But... We are your parents and we will put your safety and happiness above all of Thedas if we have to... If it gets to be too much, or you need our help. Don't you hesitate to ask!" Finishing with a kiss on Malika's forehead and a tight hug.

And before Malika could wiggle free Kanol wraps them both in a big bear hug, nearly lifting them off the ground, before sniffling and saying, "I'm so proud of you dumpling! And I'm going to miss you so much!" He wipes away his tears and a serious look spreads across his face... "And dumpling... I know eventually, I'm going to want grandkids... But, I also want to kill any man that comes near you... Good luck!" He gives Malika a thumb up while releasing the two. Causing Malika to roll her eyes, while collecting her things and putting on her helmet. And for Ariaas to slap Kanol on the shoulder.

"I love you too Mom, I'll be sure to write more, send back what I can, and visit if I'm in the area. Bye!" Malika says with a wave to her parents, leaving the home.

Kanol sinks to the floor and sobs into his hand. "Why doesn't our dumpling love me?!" He continues to sob.

"Because you keep threatening to kill any man she brings home," Ariaas says while tapping him on the head.

"But... You do too?" Kanol says while looking up to his beloved.

"Obviously, if he can't stop us, then how can we expect him to protect our dumpling from things more dangerous than us. I just don't tell our baby girl about it." Ariaas says with a smirk as she wraps her arms around Kanol and pulls him to her bosom.

After exiting the small farmhouse, Malika heads towards Varric, Solas, and Yasena, who appear to be talking at a table and enjoying breakfast.

"An that's how me and the Hero of Fereldan saved Kirkwall," Varric says appearing to conclude his story with a sip of mead.

"Wow! You're so cool Uncle Varric! And I didn't know a crossbow could do that!" Yasena says with her eyes full of wonder and adoration... Until she notices Malika, and that look is replaced with one of stubborn indignation.

"It appears the young miss is still angry with you. Lady Adaar." Solas says while sipping on his drink.

"Really Yasena? Are you not going to forgive me? Pretty please?" Malika says pulling Yasena in for a hug, but the young girl dives away before Malika's arms can wrap around her.

Sticking her tongue out, Yasena runs back to the house before turning around and saying, "Bye Uncle Varric! Bye, Uncle Solas! Hope to see you again soon! Don't forget to write! Unlike a certain big sister!" And with that, she disappears.

"So Mal, are all Adaar women this stubborn?" Varric says with a smirk as he begins to pack up his things for the journey back to Haven.

"I don't know Varric, are all the Tethras men as roguish and danger inclined as you?" Malika says while rolling her eyes and packing up.

After the group finishes packing up and saying their fair wells, they begin their long journey back to Haven. Where tensions are rising and trouble begins to brew beneath the surface.