
Dragon Age: Inquisitor’s Path

Follow the adventures of a “short” tempered Qunari mercenary with the worst luck… And how she makes the best out of the end of the world.

Lemon_Square · Video Games
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17 Chs

Chaos, Both Malevolent and Benevolent II

After a week of ceaseless travel, the party finally makes it to the grand gates of Val Royeaux.

Cassandra solely looks out over the city, "The city still mourns."

Before passing a couple attempting to leave the city, who upon seeing the party flee back into it.

"Just a guess, Seeker, but I think they all know who we are," Varric says quietly.

"Your skills of observation never fail to impress me Varric," Cassandra says sarcastically.

"Who's that?" Corinth calls out as a figure approaches the party.

A young woman rushes towards the party almost out of breath before falling to her knees, "My Lady Herald."

Cassandra calls to the woman, "You're one of Leliana's people, aren't you? What have you found?"

The scout answers pensively, "The Chantry Mothers await you, but… So, do a great many templars."

Cassandra turns to Malika quizzically, "There are templars here?"

The scout pipes up once more, "People seem to think the templars will protect them from… From the Inquisition. They're gathering on the other side of the market. I think that's where the templars intend to meet you."

"They what?! The Inquisition has been the one in the muck saving the survivors of the explosion and guiding pilgrims safely to the temple, while they sit on their rumps wondering what to do! When I get my hands on those slimy, pontificating, no good-!" Corinth begins to rant and march her way through the city gates fuming before Varric grabs her by the collar causing her glass vials to clink against her.

"Easy there Smoky, we came here to state our case. Not send some Mother's heads rolling." Varric laughs at the energetic dwarves girl.

"Huuuffff... Fine... But take my explosives... I can't promise I won't 'accidentally' drop one if they start accusing the chief of stuff she ain't done." Corinth finally says reluctantly as she hands over her bandolier.

"It's alright Cori, we knew there would be some kind of reaction, it's just the Templars were a surprise is all," Malika says, doing her best to soothe the passionate dwarf.

Continuing along the path into the city, Varric speaks up looking towards Cassandra, "Do you think the Order's returned to the fold, maybe? To deal with us upstarts?"

Pausing to think for a moment Cassandra replies, "I know Lord Seeker Lucius. I can't imagine him coming to the Chantry's defense, not after all that's occurred."

"Well, we don't actually know why they're here... There's a chance for us to pull them to our side or at the very least make them question their reason to fight us." Malika says, weighing in on the scout's report.

"Perhaps... You there, Scout, return to Haven. Someone will need to inform them if we are… Delayed." Cassandra orders the scout who had been following behind the party up until this point.

"As you say, my lady. Good luck, my Lady Herald." She says before saluting Malika and hastily making her way out of the city and back to Haven.

Flanked on both sides by large statues, the party makes its way into the market center where a crowd gathers around an impromptu stage where three Chantry Mothers stand surrounded by templar guards.

The central Mother calls to the gathered crowd as Malika's party enters her view, "Good people of Val Royeaux, hear me! Together, we mourn our Divine. Her naive and beautiful heart was silenced by treachery! You wonder what will become of her murderer. Well, wonder no more! Behold, the so-called Herald of Andraste! Claiming to rise where our beloved fell... We say this is a false prophet! The Maker would send no dwarf in our hour of need!"

Malika snorts at her accusations before removing her helm and stamping her staff against the ground sending a faint spark of lighting into the sky to the shock and confusion of many, "You're right about one thing and one thing only, I... Am... No… Dwarf... I am a Vashoth... And a mage... And a believer in the Maker! And I have never claimed to be the Herald of Andraste! But who are you to claim to know the Maker's plans? I have been given the ability to fix this mess and Maker willing that's exactly what I plan to do! Now cease this foolishness so that we may face our true enemy! The Breach!"

Cassandra, shouts to the Mother, "It's true! The Inquisition seeks only to end this madness before it is too late!"

While Corinth calls out to the crowd, "Many of you Orleaseans may not know the Chief personally, but our reputation as an honest, albeit unconventional, branch of the Valo-Kas mercenary company should precede us! We have never chosen sides like this before, not even when the Duke's civil war kicked off! That should be proof enough of the seriousness of the Breach!"

Hevara sneers while pointing to a squad of Templars approaching the stage, "It is already too late! The templars have returned to the Chantry! They will face this "Inquisition," and the people will be safe once more!"

Before being punched by the lead Templar causing the crowd and some of the Templars to cry out in shock."

"Still yourself. She is beneath us." The lead Templar calls to the rest to assure the men of the righteousness of his act.

In shock, Malika calls out, "You're not here to deal with the Inquisition? That had been the rumor after all..."

"As if there were any reason to. Your useless flailing warrants not even a response." The templar says dismissively before turning to leave.

Cassandra calls out to the templar, "Lord Seeker Lucius, it's imperative that we speak with—"

Making Lucius glare at her with disgust, "You will not address me."

Lucius begins to walk away, as the templars gather around him.

Cassandra asks with a puzzled look, "Lord Seeker?"

Lucius stares down Cassandra with eyes like daggers as he begins to list off her many transgressions before turning his triad to the crowd, "Creating a heretical movement, raising up a puppet as Andraste's prophet. You should be ashamed. You should all be ashamed! The templars failed no one when they left the Chantry to purge the mages! You are the ones who failed! You who'd leash our righteous swords with doubt and fear! If you came to appeal to the Chantry, you are too late. The only destiny here that demands respect is mine."

Malika takes a stand to block Lucius' path, "And if you're wrong? What if the Maker has a purpose for me? For the Inquisition?" Turning to the wavering templars, "What is needed is an alliance to seal the Breach! Templars! Reject this roque Lord Seeker and join as Knight-Captain Cullen has!"

Lucius scoffs at Malika's argument, "A staunch and loyal member of the Order. So loyal, he abandoned them for a false Herald... I came to see what frightens old women so, and to laugh at the pitiful excuse it truly is... You have nothing. No influence, no power, and certainly no holy purpose. Come we've already wasted enough time on nothing of note."

But a middle-ranked templar hesitates before voicing his concerns, "But Lord Seeker… What if she really was sent by the Maker? What if-"

A Templar Officer is quick to silence his insubordination, "You are called to a higher purpose! Do not question!"

Lucius calls to the wavering templars, " I will make the Templar Order a power that stands alone against the void! We deserve recognition! Independence! You have shown me nothing, and the Inquisition… less than nothing... Templars! Val Royeaux is unworthy of our protection! We march!"

As Lucius begins to leave, the Templar who had wavered earlier... Stops... "No, this doesn't feel right... We should be maintaining order and stability not-"

Before being struck down by Lucius's blade, "Steel your hearts against the heretic's corruption! Now march!"

Causing the rest of the questioning templars to fall in step as all of them leave Val Royeaux undefended. And the young templar lays dying on the ground, as Malika rushes forward to heal him.

"Don't worry, you'll be okay! What's your name?" Malika calls to the templar as she lays her hands on his substantial chest wound before casting a healing spell.

Coughing up blood, the templar painfully gasps before responding once the spell begins to take effect, "Barris, my name is Barris Devouex. Lady Herald."

The crowd drawn from the earlier demonstration remains to witness Malika's healing of the templar.

"Rest easy, Sir Devouex, when you awaken there will be much work to be done," Malika says soothingly.

"Thank you, Lady Herald," Barris says as his eyes droop closed and he lightly snores.

Malika then turns towards her party members, "Solas, keep Devouex from passing on, it'd be a shame to lose such a brave man. Cassandra, the city is currently left undefended, call the Inquisition forces, Val Royeaux is in need of a garrison. Cori, ask around for those willing to assist the Inquisition in Val Royeaux. Varric, mind sticking with me for a moment I'd like to check on the Mother."

"Of course, Lady Adaar I shall do my best," Solas replies as he takes over healing Barris, moving him out of the center of the plaza into a distance cafe to monitor his condition.

"As you command Herald." Cassandra salutes Malika before heading out of the city to gather the nearby Inquisition forces.

"No problem Chief, I'll be sure to wrangle up a hand or two." Corinth nods as she begins to move between the crowd and various vendors to check their dispositions.

"You got it Mal. I'll follow your lead," Varric says falling behind Malika as she turns to the collapsed Mother on the makeshift stage.

The other Chantry Mothers are now kneeling beside the one who had received the blow, she calls out to Malika, "This victory must please you greatly, Qunari."

Malika grimaces as she kneels down to heal the elderly woman, "As I've said, I'm Vashoth, not Qunari. And only a little, I can't help smiling when the high and mighty realize they're no different from the masses they stand above. But I came here to talk, not destroy the Chantry."

Pausing as the soothing effects of the healing magic takes effect, before returning to her old argument, "Do not delude yourself. Now we have been shown up by our own templars, in front of everyone. And my fellow clerics have scattered to the wind, along with their convictions. Just tell me one thing: are you the Maker's chosen, as so many claim?" A look of loss permeates her eyes as she looks toward Malika.

Sighing, Malika helps the Chantry Mother up, "Like I said before, I don't claim to know the maker's plan. I suppose I might be, but what matters is that I'm here and I'm doing my best to do what I think is right... Isn't that enough? Now take it easy as you head home, Mother. Maker watch over you." Before turning away to leave.

The Mother sighs sadly under her breath, "Maker help us. What if we have erred?"

Varric finally chimes up once they get out of earshot of the crowd, "That was... Unexpected? That's a lot of heavy shit, you okay Mal?"

Exhaling slowly, her pale skin seems to become even more white as she staggers slightly, though Varric is quick enough to balance her without anyone noticing, "I'm fine, I'm okay, just exhausted from healing that templar, his wound was way more worse than it looked."

"Speaking of, why'd you go out of your way to help him?" Varric asks quizzically while handing Malika some bread to get her strength back.

Malika chuckles, "Isn't it obvious? You said it yourself earlier it-" before both are shocked to hear the whistling of an arrow that embeds itself at their feet where a note is attached.