
Dog Of War Summoning System

Thousands of Planes Connected, An Eternal Battlefield to be explored. How will Samuel, with the ability to summon countless warriors face this new challenge and develop his family to the strongest existence on the Eternal Battlefield?

DescriptionPanda · Fantaisie
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Chapter 35

So naturally there is a massive drop in production of various products. Of course Samuel also knows that there is an extremely small chance of a Race War happening anytime soon, but this was all a preparation.

One could spark at any moment and Samuel wanted to be prepared. And resources are incredibly cheap for a warrior so why not?

In fact Samuel knew that the larger organisations also collect resources, and on a much larger scale than him. The SeaLife Organisation actually lasted long enough to fight in the last Race war so they know the trend of resources throughout.

But they do it in a much more compact way. They store all the materials in their hidden treasuries. How do they do that you ask ? Space Backpacks and other Space Equipment.

Naturally as a multiMillenia lasting Organisation the Sealife Organisation will store tons of resources in these bags and hide them away.

They even harvest resources from the Endless battlefield. Many of the trees there are older and stronger, even spiritual, allowing the wood to be multiple times stronger than normal.

Powerful Organisations will send farming groups of Warriors who are bad at combat to harvest these woods and even metals to build equipment and defensive buildings.

It might seem pointless for weak warriors who only live hundreds of years, but for the strong warriors who have experienced Racial wars, it is extremely necessary.

If you don't have a strong homebase on Bluestar you aren't qualified to participate in the true struggles on the Eternal Battlefield.

Enough credits were kept however to maintain regular food consumption and the regular allowances to the wives and husbands of the Dogs of War.

A2s company can make a hundred thousand Credits a year with this continuous development, but the real profit comes from occasionally selling Spiritual Crystals.

Finally another year had passed since the previous Youth Tournament. And Samuels organisation had shown Qualitative and Quantitative improvement!

A3 successfully broke through to the Middle of Rank 1, Samuel summoned another ten Dogs of War, and the number of Second Generation Dogs of War skyrocketed to 100!

Out of the 70 newborns only 6 actually had any talents. Two of which were A4 and A5's children.

[Dog of War: B30

Second Generation Dog of War

Spiritual Root: 1 Inch

Rank: N/A

LifeSpan: 0/100


Talent: Bloodline Supremacy, Charming Youth (Attracts the goodwill of children and Adults), Charming

Summary:Born from a charming young lady and a talented young man. Potential is limited due to the 1 Inch Spiritual root but she is destined to be adored from a young age]

[Dog of War: B36 (Female)

Second Generation Dog of War

Spiritual Root: 1 Inch

Rank: N/A

LifeSpan: 0/100

Aura: Bookworm Aura

Talent: Bloodline Supremacy, Studious

Summary: Born from the union of two warriors. Potential is limited due to the 1 Inch Spiritual root but her aura allows for a bright future.]

Although B30s talents seem quite unimportant for combat they will enable B30 to make friends and even find child brides when he is young.

As for B36, she will definitely follow after her mother becoming a talented academic. Especially with the developed Bookworm aura. Although her mother had yet to develop this aura, maybe it was the relationship between two warriors resulting in B36 having the Bookworm Aura.

Basically it can increase the holder's comprehension and even bring about Practice Epiphanies while they are reading! It's a very useful Aura. But it is quite common in Mortal librarians and academics.

The other 4 newborns generally had basic Auras like the Aura of Care or had the Domineering Aura inherited from their parents. But some of the 4 also had their parents' talents handed down.

One's mother was a talented mortal athlete resulting in a new talent 'Sprinter' being handed down which slightly improves the running speed of the holder.

While another inherited a 'Lier' talent allowing them to keep their composure while lying. And it was only then that Samuel learnt that this woman was actually a Scam artist intending to take some money and run.

But now under the influence of the Partners Loyalty Trait she had become another one of Samuels Dogs.

And it was exactly because of things like this that Samuel was thankful for the talent. Even though she wouldn't have gotten away with it, it would've sucked to have to kill her because of it.

Now she can be a good mother to Samuels Second Generation of Dogs of War.

After close to a year having passed B1 was finally showing the benefits of being fed herbs. Her body was countless times stronger than her peers, Samuel even specifically brought in a few mortal babies to compare their strength.

He estimated that before she even broke through to a Rank 1 Warrior she was three times stronger than a Mortal from an ordinary family.

Although this is only on par with some of the basic heirs for Rank D organisations, this is enough for Samuel right now. He has plenty of other heroes who can potentially outdo this in the future.

But he still had high hopes for B1, she will definitely be a cornerstone of the Organisation when she grows up. And her future children will definitely be glorious.

Of course right now Samuel had turned his attention back towards this year's Youth Tournament.

Because A32 had successfully broken through to reach the Middle Rank 1!